PARANORML NEWs NETWORK SPECIAL REPORT: June 28, 2000 World Wide Watch 2000 July 1st, 2000 This is an opportunity for all those interested in the phenomenon to participate in developing information for researchers around the globe in their pursuit of the truth regarding Ufology. It is a chance to cross boundaries between countries, attitudes and beliefs and simply join in a fact finding mission that will aid all involved. Join Destination: Space on July 1st for World Wide Watch 2000. Participants from all over the world will join this year's endeavors to watch the skies for UFOs. Skymaps, a sightings survey searchable database and additional information are available to make the very most of your watch expedition. With a unique database powered by, World Wide Watch 2000 has already recieved committments from over 250 teams worldwide that will be searching the skies. Turning up the heat this year, a contest is being sponsored by UFO Magazine for the team and/or organization that provides the most valid data submissions including non- sighting reports. The prize is a free one year subscription to UFO Magazine. Visit Destination: Space and find out what sort of equipment to bring with you on your watch. Find out which organizations you can contact to locate other nearby groups to join with. Then visit the #briefing room chat and share your experience. For entry to this live chat event, you can either go through our website which includes a java chat client that will work with AOL, Macintosh and Web-TV as well as PCs or you can use any IRC chat client and visit our chat room on the server in the #briefing room. Join us July 1st starting at 8pm, Sydney, Australian time. The event will end at midnight, Hawaii Time! © Copyright 2000 ParaNorml News Network. P3N is a registered service mark of the ParaNorml News Network. All Rights Reserved. +------------------------------------------------------------ + To LEAVE this list send a message to: + In the BODY of your message type in: UNSUBSCRIBE CAUS-L +------------------------------------------------------------ + Citizens Against UFO Secrecy HTTP:// + 8624 E. San Bruno Drive EMail: + Scottsdale AZ 85258 Phone/Fax: (480)609-9120 +------------------------------------------------------------ _____________________________ REFERENCES:
The UFO RESOURCE CENTER thanks Jeff Behnke of the Paranormal News Network (P3N) and Peter Gersten Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) for sending us this timely notice concerning the WORLD WIDE WATCH 2000.
Delivered-To: From: Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 20:38:06 EDT Subject: P3N SPECIAL REPORT: WORLD WIDE WATCH 2000