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UFORC Investigator Montgomery

We received this UFO report from a person, who has a good job, which requires a high degree of credibility. This person holds a position of high standing in the community and doesn't indicated any emotional or physical disorders. We have checked out their story, and everything appears to be legitimate. The first thing that we asked, was permission to publish their story, and owing to their high-profile lifestyle, we offered complete anonymity. They were hesitant at first, but after we told them that the elements of this particular story is valuable to UFO researchers everywhere, they softened a bit.

They did not want this story published, because they were afraid that it would jeopardize their credibility and job status. After repeated assurances from UFORC staff, we have convinced them that we will strive to protect their identity. We know who they are, and I assure you, they have every reason to fear a full public disclosure; wherefore, this has case has been granted full anonymity status. We continue to investigate the details of this case, and it is much more involved than we can tell you here in this post.


I (had) a UFO encounter about 20 years ago on I-30 (I think that's the number)...the main interstate between Savanna Illinois and Dubuque Iowa. It was in the summer, 1979 or 1980, I don't quite remember the year.

Anyway, my husband and I were driving, as (they) worked at the *snip* that used to be there (I think they closed it now). It was a Sunday night, and as we were driving back to Savanna from Dubuque, there were hardly any cars on the road, just one or two passing every 10 minutes maybe...and I remember getting a lot of static on the radio first and playing around with it, and then the car engine started dying and the instrument panel lights came on, flashing back and forth, we thought we were running out of gas but we had just got gas before we left Dubuque. Then we thought the battery was dying, or something else, so rather than stall in the middle of I-30 we pulled over just to the side. There were cow pastures on both sides of us, and a sort of dirt lane that turned off from the main road running aside a cow pasture.

Anyway, we sat there for a moment trying to start the car and it was flooding by that time, all static on the radio. Then I remembered feeling really weird, like being hit by a bunch of little needles all over, a prickly sensation, itchy-like, and I thought mosquitoes were biting me, and I start slapping at my arms, and my husband David felt it too, and he started rubbing, slapping at his face like something was biting him, and then we heard this weird low, vibrating hum outside that seemed to be getting louder. There were no cars out and I remember saying to him, "what the hell is that noise?" and as I said it this big ray of violet kind of light shot down into the field next to us and I jumped/screamed at the same time because it scared me. (My friend) thought it was a helicopter at first and we both looked up and there was this big, "shale" shaped black object, flat appearing, just kind of hovering over the field shooting down this violet light here and there like it was looking for something. I looked up at it and you could barely see it, it blended in with the night sky. The only time I could really see its outline was when it shot one of these beams down. It was about 100-200 ft above us, maybe the same distance away from the car.

The car was totally dead at this point and (my friend) and I were freaking out, he wanted us to get out and get under the car. He told me to get down, and he opened the driver's side door and we slid out the door and tried to hide behind the door, but when we touched it we got a big shock on the metal. We were hoping a car would come by and see us, but no one did! So in- between these light bursts from it, we ran across the road to another cow pasture and we jumped inside the fence. We laid down on the grass and just watched it. It didn't seem to see us, but it was HUGE. From where we were we could see the outline of it better, and I would say it was the size of half a football field. It had some perimeter lights around the bottom, violet and a green yellow color. It seemed like it had an irregular shape, and it reminded me of a piece of coal shale, flat with jagged irregular edges. It was gliding really slowly, but there was this big hum to it.

We watched it for awhile, I don't know how long, it didn't seem like a long time, and then it all of a sudden started humming louder and there was like a crackling noise, like an electrical charge kind of snapping and popping, and then these lights on the bottom started twinkling and it just elevated really fast straight up, and it became really quiet and just sort of floated off into the sky. We just laid there for a while scared to get up, and then in the distance we could hear sirens, so we ran back to the car and by then we could start it up. So as we sat there we saw this state police car zoom by us with its lights flashing, and it took off down this little dirt road we had parked near, and they were really clipping, like they were chasing someone, so I don't know if someone reported the UFO or if there was something else going on further down that road, or if it had stopped down there too, but there was a lot of commotion. Strange huh? I never forgot that night...maybe they were trying to do some cattle mutilations. But, see, back then, I never knew what cattle mutilations were, but as I look back on it, that could have been what was happening. Very strange. I was really scared!


UFORC   2000   CORE
_____________________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION____________________


Christopher Montgomery & White Knight Productions;