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Chemtrail Update: Letters From Victims

From UFORCE affiliate UFOSSI

To: "(Special News Release)" (
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 20:59:50 -0500
Subject: (Fwd) UFOSSI News!  "Chem-Trail Victim Letters"

------- Forwarded message follows -------

To:             	"(Mailing List 1)" <(> 
Date sent:      	Fri, 2 Jun 2000 20:58:22 -0500
Subject:        	UFOSSI News!  "Chem-Trail Victim Letters"
Priority:       	urgent

                        ****UFOSSI NEWS!****
                    "CHEM-TRAIL VICTIM LETTERS!"

           I have been getting in some mail from several 
       disgruntled people that feel strongly that I have been 
       bombing the UFOSSI mail list, with alleged reports on 
       "Chem-Trails".  And they further made it clear to me, 
       that I was causing horrible fear and emotional trauma, 
           based on some very weak posts on the "alleged" 
                      "chem-trail" situation.

       One person wrote in, and went as far as to state, that 
        my coverage on the "alleged" chem-trail controversy, 
       is more dangerous then those misled parts or factions 
        in the government and the military that are involved 
                      with various cover-ups.

       Let me announce this!  I am not the enemy!  I am not a 
       government or military disinformationalist.  I am not 
       making up stories to get people to the point of panic 
                        and needless worry.

    It is not my style of journalism, neither is it the style of 
       any of our staff here at UFOSSI.  I think many people 
      know me well enough, that when I cover an issue, I will 
     quickly let people know, if the issue is questionable, as 
     well as confirmed.  And, if there is any hint of an issue 
             being a hoax, lie, or some other unfounded 
      sensationalistic story or report, I have always sent out 
    up-dates to that effect, and stated it was not credible.  I 
          have never placed my or my organization ahead of 
                       honesty and accuracy!

          And most of all, God forbid, I would never cause 
        unfounded concern over an issue, unless I have found 
         out that it is accurate and truthful, and based on 
          multiple confirmations, and personal evaluation, 
        research, investigation, and at times, performing a 
        background check on those or the person reporting a 
         very hot issue.  I just don't throw out any hot or 
         controversial issue's up on the list, before going 
           through the litmus test I have used for years.

                UFOSSI has a very good track record.

        The chem-trail controversy is more then that.  From 
         what I have personally seen and found.  I may have 
      stated this before.  I have seen a actual chem-trail or 
         contrail in the sky over a town north of here.  I 
       witnessed the contrail descend from an estimated 5,000 
       feet or more above the earth, and viewed it come down 
      within 200 feet from above the ground.  I saw it with my 
        own two eyes!  And if I had to, and was asked to, I 
              would legally swear to what I witnessed.

        I have had 3 people contact me in the past few weeks 
          who claim they believe they are ill with various 
      malady's as a direct result of chem-trails being sprayed 
       in the skys over their home area, that they personally 
       viewed.  One of them, has sent me well over 50 photo's 
         of what he saw.   They are very extraordinary, and 
          many of them can easily be seen as chem-trails.

       These 3 people that contacted me, two of them, I know 
       well.  The two I know well, I have personally checked 
      out.  I have also spoken with them on the phone several 
        times.  I have also had calls from other people that 
          know them personally.  One of the 3 people, has 
       supplied UFOSSI with inportant information to do with 
        UFO activity.  Their information has proven out 100% 
       accurate over the past almost a year and a half.  The 
       other person, has supplied me with the many photo's I 
      just mentioned, plus, a year or so ago, has supplied me 
        with personal information on himself, which included 
          business cards, photo's of himself, and where he 

       The 3rd person, I have never met, or ever wrote to, or 
      ever seen a letter before from her.   But I feel to say, 
        that so far, from what she has told me, does follow 
          closely with the various illness complaints, and 
       description of the chem-trails.  But I have not done a 
        background check on her as of yet.  And please don't 
          let that worry anyone, about my stating, I do a 
        background check.  The only time I do that, is only 
         when a serious issue has come up, and I need to go 
         through my litmus test, to also verify the person 
                         making the claim.

    I totally believe, that this chem-trail situation is a very 
      serious issue and is very real!  Along with the several 
      analysis reports I have read in regards to the contents 
         of a chem-trail, and with contacting several other 
           organizations that have massed a great deal of 
       information on the issue, as well as reading a letter 
       from a congressmen trying to get information about the 
         chem-trails from the government, plus, one of the 
        people on the UFOSSI list, has written me many times 
         with confirming information on chem-trails, and of 
       course, seeing a chem-trail myself, I have put it all 
      together, and I firmly believe there is a very real and 
                  serious situation going on now!

     So what is it?  Why is it being done?  Who is doing it?   
          Well, with those three questions,  I have to say 
      personally, there is speculation, and nothing absolutely 
          solid.  There is a lot of information about the 
       government and military being involved in this.  But I 
        have not anything substantial (documents) that state 
    100% it is either the military or government.   Although, I 
         feel strongly that they are somehow involved, and 
                  know very well what is going on!

      Now there is a lot of speculation going on all over the 
      Internet, as to why the chem-trails are being sprayed on 
         the American public.  One of the "allegations", or 
       thoughts is, that the government of military for some 
        reason, is trying to thin out the population through 
        genocide!  I know nothing that proves that out to be 
       true!  I have not seen any documentation or any proof  
    that supports that .  So that, as far as I am concerned, is 
       just pure speculation and guessing!  I for one, don't 
       believe that!  And for many good reasons!  I won't go 
     into that in this post.  But my reasons for not believing 
        that the military or government (I hope they aren't) 
        would do such a thing, is based on a lot of obvious 

      All we really do know at this time.  And I mean "All" we 
            really know, is that there is some very good 
        documentation to support analysis of the contents of 
         the chem-trails, that has  come from people in the 
      medical field.  And that the analysis all have things in 
          common, pertaining to the contents and what the 
       various malady's can or do cause in humans.   And the 
        other thing we know for sure, is that there are chem-
       trails, and many often and even daily see them in the 
      sky's.  And they are not vapor trails.  Remember, vapor 
      trails are ice particle's that form at 10,000 and above 
        feet.  And they dissipate once they lower under that 
      altitude, and vanish.  Vapor trails do not settle on the 
         earth!  So these are the two things we really know 
                         about chem-trails.

        Beyond that, then we get into speculation and guess 
    work area.  But I think it is clear to see, that there is a 
        cover-up going on in regards to the chem-trails.  No 
       one from the government or military is coming forward 
      to tell the public a thing about this.  We do know there 
      are many people in the U.S. that are desperately trying 
      to get answers, but they are refused.  I recently heard 
         that there are law suits against the government in 
      regards to public wanting answers about the situation.  
         I don't have any confirming documents or proof to 
                         substantiate that.

        I am not trying to purposely cause fear for anyone.  
       Although, I am sure that the posts on the chem-trails 
         undoubtedly may be causing some people to worry a 
    great deal.  I can't help that.   I am reporting the news.  
      And I am trying to report about an issue that I, as well 
        as many others believe to be very true, and an issue 
                that has a lot of credibility to it.

      I have included two letters from one of the people that 
        have contacted me, in regards to their complaints of 
       illness after being sprayed with a chem-trail.  These 
           particular letters, I chose, due to the bizar 
         circumstances surrounding this person, and that he 
        claims to have been harassed, or targeted for seeing 
       something he should not have seen.  As far as I know, 
      and from my "litmus" test and evaluation, this source is 
        accurate, and has been one of UFOSSI's best and most 
      accurate sources for information for well over a year.  
     Please read the two letters below.  Needless to say, I am 
        especially worried and concerned about this person.

                             Billy Dee
                           READ ON BELOW!

To read the letters that Mr. Dee has attached to the UFOSSI newsletter, click HERE




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