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(P3N) SPECIAL REPORT: Civilan Group Confirms Water on Mars...Now!


Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 21:12:15 EDT
Subject: P3N SPECIAL REPORT: Civilian Group Confirms Water on Mars...Now!

PARANORML NEWs NETWORK (P3N) SPECIAL REPORT: Civilan Group Confirms Water on 

Enterprise investigators confirm the existence of present day water on Mars

By Micharel Bara (

Placitas, NM, 07/19/2000 -- New research by investigators for the Enterprise 
Mission (, a private, not-for-profit space science 
research organization, has revealed strong evidence of present day liquid 
water on Mars in recent Mars Global surveyor images. Coming on the heels of 
the June 22nd, 2000 NASA press conference in which Malin Space Science 
Systems investigators Michael Malin and Kenneth Edgett asserted the 
possibility that Mars may have had liquid water in the geologically recent 
past, this new photographic evidence confirms that liquid water is almost 
certainly existent on Mars today.

This new finding, announced by Enterprise Mission principal investigator 
Richard C. Hoagland on the July 18th/19th edition of the nationwide radio 
program "Coast to Coast AM with Mike Siegel," ( goes 
far beyond what was presented by Malin and Edgett at their June 22nd press 

"It's pretty unambiguous," Hoagland said in an interview. "We can see the 
crack in the crater wall where the liquid started to flow from, and follow a 
clear flow path down the slope of the crater mound. The flow patch is dark 
and wet, indicating it may have been only hours old when MGS photographed it."

The image, SP2-33806, 
( is distinguished 
from the photographs presented by Malin and Edgett in their paper by a number 
of factors. During the June 22nd press briefing, Malin and Edgett showed 
images of eroded channels, mostly along crater walls, that suggested that 
water flows might have carved the features. Using various dating techniques, 
they placed the possible geologic age of these water flow features at as 
recent as 1 million years ago. They presented no evidence of current water 
flows, although they held out the possibility that water could be present on 
Mars today. 

The image released by Hoagland on the Enterprise Mission web site showed no 
such erosion channels or grooves. Since liquid water on Mars would evaporate 
in the thin Martian atmosphere in a matter of hours at the most, this is a 
strong indication that the flow was very fresh when photographed by MGS only 
a little more than two years ago. "Whatever flowed there did not have the 
time or the energy to cut a groove in the crater wall," Hoagland said. "So it 
must have been very fresh." "And, if there was water there two years ago, 
there is water there now," he added.

The Enterprise Mission discovery, found by Hoagland and analyzed by Hoagland 
and Enterprise Mission associate investigator Michael Bara, also supports the 
water spring model that Malin and Edgett had put forth in their June press 
briefing. Malin and Edgett had proposed that semi-permeable water pockets in 
crater walls were the source of the flows. However, by their own reckoning, 
such burst pockets should have been preferentially found at mid latitudes 
(between 10° North and South -- the equatorial region) and along the sun 
exposed walls of these cliff and crater features. Instead, all of the water 
bursts cited by Malin and Edgett were found in the far Northern and Southern 
latitudes (above 30°), on the poleward (away from the sun) slopes of the 
crater walls, where it should have been too cold to be in a liquid state. 
They were unable to provide any examples of any mid latitude equatorial 
facing seepages. The image found by Hoagland, however, is at a mid latitude 
(9.70° N) and on a sunward facing slope.

"We're happy to help confirm what the guys at MSSS couldn't," Hoagland said. 
"This seems to fit where they expected to find the water very neatly. But 
there are still big problems for their model, as far as the water in the cold 
regions on the poleward facing slopes." Hoagland added that Enterprise 
Mission researchers had some new ideas about how those features may have been 
created, and would be presenting that data in the near future.

Hoagland held out the possibility that the observed flow could be something 
other than liquid water. "It's very dark. It could even be oil or some other 
liquid substance." Although oil is generally thought to require the presence 
of biological materials to breakdown and form, Hoagland cited the ideas of 
Cornell University astronomer Dr. Tommy Gold, who has proposed an "abiogenic" 
(non-biological) origin for oil on Earth and other "terrestrial" planets. 
"Still, it's most likely water. We know there were once vast quantities of 
water on Mars, and that is the most likely source of this flow," said 

If liquid water is currently present on Mars, it substantially changes the 
scenarios for Mars exploration. With a source of liquid water, a proposed 
manned Mars mission could conceivably "live off the land" for month or years. 
It would also mean that microbial life would likely still be present on Mars. 

The next step for the Enterprise Mission researchers is to submit their 
findings to scientific journals for review. Other images examined by Hoagland 
have shown what appear to be similar flows of fresh, liquid water. Those 
additional images will be included in the papers submitted for publication. 
In addition, Hoagland expects to add additional authors to the paper 
eventually submitted to the journals. "More scientists are coming on board on 
this," Hoagland said.

RICHARD C. HOAGLAND  - The Enterprise Mission
FAX - (505) 771-0820  PHONE - (505) 771-0761 
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UFORCE thanks Peter Gersten of CAUS for sending us this P3N SPECIAL REPORT: "Civilian Group Confirms Water on Mars...Now!"


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