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By Christopher Montgomery



Science will not be complete, until it is willing to embrace all of the evidence. The hand cannot say to the arm "I don't need you!" because it depends on the rest of the body for optimum performance. In the same way science cannot say to nature "I don't need you!" because all of the processes that make this world what it is will not function without all of its attributes. All of the answers to their questions are here, awaiting their discovery. It is what they can't see that mystifies them, and spurs them on in search of answers. But there are barriers, both natural and man-made. Barriers that prevent atomic matter from un-raveling, which would be the undoing of us all. By divorcing itself to our spiritual side, the scientist has removed half of the pie from the evidence table.

I present the following paper after carefully researching the Holy Bible and numerous other texts related to the spiritual aspect of the UFO phenomenon. The opinions expressed here are not the only ones to the material, which we will examine.

The facts are in. Alien Contactees report that unpleasant encounters with unwanted entities drop dramatically when Jesus Christ's name is mentioned. The Bible says that "All the devils know Him, and tremble." Are they describing what we today call aliens? When the name of Yashua is invoked, the alien problem is brought under control and the person being victimized reports a period of peace. The evidence strongly suggests that this is so. In numerous instances, the Holy Bible states that the occupants of what we call UFOs today, are angels; meaning that they would be elect and/or and fallen angels. Perhaps the reason why can be found in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

"jesus has been protecting me OR there are intervals between harassment i havent yet discerned;as well as could be expected;god bless" *
In Hebrews, chapter two, the Apostle Paul describes angels. There is an order to the angelic realm, all being subjected to Christ. Let's look at (verse 5) "He did not put the coming world upon his angels." The Bible actually describes the leader of these heavenly hosts in verse 8: "You put all things under His feet." "For if the word spoken of by angels was confirmed, and every transgression and disobedience received a just repayment, how could we neglect so great a salvation." The Apostle Paul argues that if WHAT CHRIST SAID WAS TRUE, how can we then disregard what Christ said about our salvation? The apostle continues with "God bearing witness with them, by both miracles and wonders, and by various works of power, even by distribution of the Holy Spirit by HIS will." I believe that contact continues to this day. God continues to touch lives and cause them to witness miracles, for a greater glory.
"chris,i admire you,too,for your courage to question anything that most people dont. The attacks are against my astral-soul,when i sleep,not physical ones..."

" identity is fuzzy;my identity is wrapped in the tampering by these entities;my name is blatant; my quest,through your help,hopefully is to end thwart interfere soul -astral body abductions, when i am helplessly asleep;they have led me to believe that i was one of them doing the same things to others,at another time;i have no clue anymore about my identity;"
Relief from attacks by demons is often as simple as an old fashioned excorcism. The spirit is excorcized by a man of the cloth, who evokes the power of Christ against the fallen angel. This same technique is currently being used with alien contactees, with remarkable results. Could these phenomenon be somehow related. Are they one in the same?

This same technique also works on what many believe to be alien encounters. The irony here, is that they seem to be one and the same. Let me introduce you to the idea that those things in the UFOs are not "aliens," per se, but rather God's heavenly host, carrying out the will of the Father. The Father has entrusted this "power" to Jesus. That seems to be what the Bible says. Don't take my word for it, see for yourself.

Many ministers believe that aliens are not actrually from another planet, but are demons disguising themselves as aliens in flying saucers. What a nefarious plot, I can think of nothing more sinister. That they are devils, and nothing good could come from a UFO. But what if I told you of an even more diabolical plot than that one. That would be that the fallen angels should try to convince us that they are from other planets, using UFO sightings to underscore their sincerity! This while knowing that the UFO is the only thing seperating us from Satan's insatiable wrath. The Bible says that the fallen angel, Satan; "...walketh about, as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." Many people know that verse. But few are they that remember the rest of this famous passage. It says "...whom resist, steadfast in the faith!" We could take that one step further and say that UFOs are in fact angels, and further that this is just another example of the mysteries of the UFO and the HOLY BIBLE paradigm.

Whatever these UFO occupants really are, when the name "Yashua" is evoked, things happen. Richard Thompson would attest to this method, using any and all means possible to repel alien attacks.
"my quest,through your help,hopefully is to end thwart interfere soul -astral body abductions"

As a rule, a person cannot be considered an apostle, unless he was personally called by Jesus Christ. This is a ministry that requires a calling from above, a direct, confrontational calling personalized for that individual. Take for example Saul of Tarsus. Paul was pressed into commission by a higher power, a power with different objectives than his own.

Paul was a soldier with a zeal for the Mosaic law. He was in a campaign to stamp out Christianity. It was spreading like wildfire, and he would have liked nothing better than to destroy Christianity. This matter of Christ being the Massiah must be laid to rest.

God would change all of that. Christ called Paul on a lonely road to Damascus. While on another mission to silence Christianty, Paul was confronted by a brilliant white light, which literally knocked him off of his horse. Its radiance damaged his eyes and blinded him. Here was Paul; prostrate before God. Can you imagine the fear that Paul must have felt as he lie helpless and blind before The Light. A voice cried out of the midst of this unidentified object and said: "Saul...Saul....why do you persecute ME? Don't you know that you are only kicking yourself in the goads?"

The fields are ripe, towards harvest, but the laborers are few. The Apostle Paul realized the importance of writing a letter to the "Hebrews." It was this epistle to the Jews, which helped them to realize that the Bible was not and is not complete without Yashua, The Christ.

It was this harvest theosaphy that has so consitently come into the UFO encounter folklore. Interpretations of the "rapture" theme has found its way into UFO mythology. The Bible also says "and You (Christ) shall fold them up like a covering, and they shall all be changed." (A reference to the rapture, a Christ centered theme -Heb 1:12).

Then there are those stories coming from top-secret labs like AR-51. Area 51 is the place where it is alleged the military is keeping UFOs and their alien crew under wraps. People talk, and Bob Lazar was no exception. After he left their research facility over a dispute, he came forward and he has made some comments about what was going on there. He spoke with numerous contacts in the entertainment industry. Once he left their facilities, Bob Lazar made numerous appearances on television and radio. Articles were written about him. Bob Lazar talked. He broke his oath of silence, and spoke with author Timothy Goode, who documented and published this information.

What initially interested me, was that he had made some comments about a manual that he was allowed to examine, before his permanent employment. This manual chronicled the interaction between us and the Extraterrestrial Bilological Entities (EBE). There were apparently numerous references to the EBE philosophy. This material gave references to our origins. These documents decribed the EBEs as beings that are not interested in our physical world, but our spiritual body only. They called us "containers." The question would have to be...containers of what?

I know some people have filled their containers with garbage. You can take that any way you'd like. I would have to insist that it was referring to the container as our bodies, which contain our essence, our astral being.

my training,religiously was as a jew; only the letter of the LAW; ever the spirit of the law;after finding that i could avert imminent abduction by strong prayer invoking catholic saints, i read the koran; all four books researchingJINNS; invisible entities;real,nontheless and evolved to prayer that encompassed both muslim,jewish and christian precepts to thwart the sudden sneak attack; for sleep i am a fervent coward,using magnets,raw garlic, a constantly playing tv, ceiling and floor fans; they penetrate all defences and needing guidance and practical advice and wisdom i contacted you; rsvp asap;paul

Paul had found a better way, one where your life may be in turmoil, but your soul is at peace. Being a Jew, Paul knew the importance of reaching the Jews with some common sense answers to their most fundamental questions.

Hebrews is one good example of how the Holy Scripture addresses these issues. When Christ became flesh, he was flesh and therefore below the angels. But after His triumphant ascension into glory, He resumed his rightful place beside Jehovah. God's created, His angels, became subjected to Him as he rose in rank after his resurrection. This is why Jesus Christ has power of the "aliens;"

Perhaps we are all "aliens" in one sense of the word or another, true. But it would be rediculous for me to sit here and tell you that I believe that they are only visitors from another planet. They may be from another planet, they may have evolved spritually like us and became angels after passing from life unto death. Christ said that we would be "like the angels" after we died. Perhaps that would be true on other planets as well.

We all may inherit if we are the created ones, the "sons" and daughters of God. From the earliest recorded history, our earliest descendants had recognized the importance of this union between God and man. When it says "God made man," it was also referring to women. In thosee days, it was understood that when it says "man" it referes to both sexes, unless the word was gender specific.

We can become joint heirs of the "heavenly kingdom," when we become "as the angels." This is all scriptural. We may become like the angels if we aknowledge God's plan and recognize his absolute omnipresence. Like true sons, knowing the inheritance will be given to the heir most suited for the dowrey. As this life is in transition, which passes from mortal life to immortal; then this flesh must also pass from earthly "containers" to astral, (spirit) bodies. The UFO evidence would suggest that this is what they are and this is what they do. They can pass from this room into the next. They can appear and disappear. They are not subject to the same barriers that we are, but seem to be able to manipulate and control reality by bending our perception of it.
they are entities small dark and large eyed;these pear shaped headed spindly large eyed telepathic creatures are synthetic job-beings; the aliens on board who submit me to TESTING are larger white like your refrigerator and flat like a gumby character;

The following research came to us by way of George Filer (Filer's Files #23--2000*). It involves another researcher John Thompson's discovery that prayer to Jesus Christ is an affective way to thwart unwanted alien abductions. We present this research as we had received it from UFO Net. (references below).
GEORGIA ABDUCTIONS AND INNERTERRESTRIALS (INTS) Researcher John Thompson who has done hundreds of UFO investigations writes, "There is a definite God connection." As someone asked me, "How do you know that 'they' don't come from an extraterrestrial dimension instead of a demonic one?" I told him, "I don't." But the truth is it does not really matter as nearly all alien reports fit with what religious writings have warned of for centuries. The aliens behind abductions are evil and the calling for help from God--if one believes in God--stops alien activity in the household or certainly brings it to a crawl. Now if they are extraterrestrial (ET) dimensional creatures from another Universe, so what? We still cannot physically touch them and they cannot touch us. Key abduction researchers with the aid of hypnosis, have said many abductees are breeding with aliens, hybrids, and even other humans. Many abductees have reported having "perverted dreams, " It has to be concluded that these disturbing nightmares are the jelly that the best known researchers have made ET brick of. If there is sexual breeding between aliens and humans, and raping of humans by alleged hybrids--as some researchers claims--let us see proof. Such proof should constitute newly contacted unknown diseases and higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases in areas of high UFO sightings. If there is actual linkage between physical ET space craft and abductions that involve breeding games then the other linkage should also be there. Actually what they and others have done with their hypnosis sessions is a perversion to what is really going on. They have added great fog to the whole abduction issue. They have pulled out bits and pieces from abductees and constructed a partially completed puzzle that they would like to lay on a table. The problem is the "bits and pieces" are only mental images and without independent witnesses and true physical proof there is no "table" to lay them on. Despite doing two investigations myself from what I considered reliable witnesses who saw an alien associated with a physical airborne craft, in each instance the other witness accompanying them denied seeing the aliens. Indeed, in one case the other witness denied seeing any UFO or aliens at all! As these are the only two cases I've investigated that allegedly involved two witnesses seeing aliens near or inside perceived spacecraft, I have to conclude my initial witnesses were mistaken. It is only when we get into the realm of the true paranormal, and leaving UFOs out, that we get repeatable and multiple reports of what I call innerterrestrials (INT) sightings; the "shadows' and "haints" that have remarkable similarities to "greys." UFOs may be related to areas of high INT sightings and they may not. I have been told by a former pastor well-versed in the bible that the bible talks of "manifestations." Perhaps, more remarkable UFOs are only "manifestations." Since man can project holograms it is certainly conceivable that an unknown alien intelligence is manifesting craftier illusions. By-and-large, I'm concluded that after you factor out black--budget UFOs, weather UFOs, piezoelectric UFOs--actually IFOs that most scientists or witnesses are not privy to or fully understand--heavenly bodies, common aircraft and bad witnesses, all we're left with is "lights in the sky" and "manifestations." My point is, it has to be seriously entertained that there may be no true physical UFOs in our skies. Should there be no physical UFOs -- although I remain open on this issue--then what remains are only INTs. The INTs, in turn, have help abductees and hypnotherapists feed their own extraterrestrial UFO expectations. Objectively, the facts don't support the UFO extraterrestrial hypothesis. This would explain why not a single person in the public domain has found one physical piece of evidence to support ET visitations. And in the private domain, we can speculate that government research and storage facilities contain not only recovered UFOs as many like to believe, but captured living dinosaurs! Obviously, saying something exists because the government won't let the public see it doesn't make it so. With millions now having seen UFOs over the last 50 years at least one tiny piece of a "nuts and bolts" UFO should have been found by some lucky or determined individual in the general public. A few grams would be sufficient; yet, nothing. This total lack of physical proof also explains why many governments around the world have investigated UFOs, then abruptly halted their investigations. Objectivity has often killed many a splendid thought. The preponderance of evidence shows we are dealing with a nonphysical, dimensional intelligence that defies our concept of reality. We may wish it different but reality says otherwise. Thanks to John C. Thompson Copyright 2000, All rights reserved**

"The Epistle to the Hebrews," was written by Saul of Tarsus. In this text, he is now called the "Apostle Paul." This was due to his particular calling from Christ. In this epistle, or "letter," to the Hebrews, Paul describes angels and the order of angelic beings. He clearly mentions that Christ is a part of this phenomenon, which gives Him the ordination of the devine. It becomes Biblically clear, why these so called "aliens" respond when Jesus name is spoken.
The Bible states that angels are here to assist those who are seeking their salvation. Salvation is a term used to indicate being saved an eternal death, or separation from God. But the rewards for those inheriting the Kingdom of heaven are great.

And according to scripture, this shall not come to pass, until Christ returns "in the clouds." This is speaking of a real, physical appearance, riding with His angels, to gather the dead first, and then the living in Christ. "And we shall meet Him in the clouds and always be with Him forever." (which means eternity). It is at that precise moment that we are to become partakers of the kingdom.



* An e-mail received from Paul Schroeder Subj: Re: private communiques vs the bread and circuses of mass email chat Date: 7/8/00 5:12:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Cecropia999 To: Kx32i483 See footnote below~

**FILER'S FILES:Message: 1 Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 02:28:13 +0200 From: Frits Westra " Subject: Fwd = Filer's Files #23 Fireballs and Flying Saucers Forwarded by: Originally from: Original Subject: Filer's Files #23 Fireballs and Flying Saucers Original Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 18:29:15 EDT ========================= = Forwarded message begins =============== ======= Filer's Files #23 -- 2000, MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern June 12, 2000, , (609) 654-0020 Web Site at: - Chuck Warren Webmaster.

Subj: Re: Hello, Paul Date: 7/13/00 10:19:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: Cecropia999 To: Kx32i483
999 is the number of relative evil;666,reversed,overturned,negated by gods love-i hope.I do wish youd cleared your entry on mass emailing with me ,first ,given my general reluctance i expressed to you,fearing the lunatic fringe element who has wrested control of the airwaves,ostensibly under your watch,and turned discovery and honest debate into paranoid threatening that forced me to drop all of it like a hornets nest;i do not want that experience,again,thank you for your good intentions.The road to hell is paved with good intentions,chris;paul
My reply was swift and to the point, as I had not posted this anywhere, yet...
Subj: Re: Hello, Paul Date: 7/13/00 4:45:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Kx32i483 To: Cecropia999

Dear Paul;

I had not posted that...yet. I wanted your imput on it first and formost; my intent was not harm but for the greatest good. I do not understand what you mean by your statement "fearing the lunatic fringe element who has wrested control of the airwaves,ostensibly under your watch..." Can you be more specific? Exactly who are you referring to? If you are referring to (*snip*), he has been dropped from the group. Period. I would have to agree that he is paranoid, with delusional tendancies and overt acts of psychotic behavior. He has literally destroyed that egroup and although it remains intact as the first of its kind ever, the catalyst was you, forlorn and absent.

I have not betrayed you, Paul. And if you read what I have written, you will see that it has not singled you out for attack. I believe it is our hope to help those with demonic alien attacks, which I know can be accomplished by the name of Jesus Christ. RSVP me on this one.


(See also file PS#071300 for complete transcription of this transmittal)


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