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CHUPACABRAS! The Expedition

UFORCE Launches Chupacabra Investigation.

CHUPACABRA: The Expedition

UFORCE ON ASSIGNMENT? I asked my editor if she would be interested in publishing my chupacabra story for the magazine. I always shoot for the stars and get the moon, but alas, such is the way with editors. at a busy magazine. Vicki Ecker has been named as UFO MAGAZINE'S "Editor in Chief." Way to go, Ms Ecker. Kudos to the Editor in Chief, Vicki Ecker. Let's all give her a big hand, she deserves the promotion, and has earned the title well.
CHUPACABRAS: The Expedition! by C. Montgomery THE UFO RESOURCE CENTER is currently researching the alleged connection between UFOs and the alien-like creature known as El Chupacabra. As you probably know, sightings of this creature have been made in South America and more recently on the island of Puerto Rico. We have been receiving reports that El Chupacabra has been spotted in Texas and Florida recently. More than 2000 animal mutilations have been confirmed in Puerto Rico by authorities there. We will be bringing you more news and information on this mysterious creature EL CHUPACABRA as we receive them. We have received a recent e-mail from renowned Chupacabra researcher, Mr Robert Buck...Portions of that message follows..."Beyond Boundaries with Joyce Murphy and myself are taking a production crew from Gryphon Productions out of B.C.Canada on an expedition 'In search of the chupacabra' to Puerto Rico....Gryphon Productions is doing a documentary on the chupacabra to be aired sometime early next year and asked us to be their guides and take part in the research...!" UFORCE investigators have been invited to assist in their investigation. Whatever this thing is, it is working its way northward. The Federal authorities are trying very hard to keep a tight lid on it, by quickly removing any and all evidence. This would explain why villagers are linking the chupacabra attacks to the US Government. I do not personally believe that they are responsible for the creature's appearance in Puerto Rico and Brazil, but rather trying to control what is known about El Chupacabra. UFORCE IS CURRENTLY SEEKING FUNDING to assist in sending a team of skilled investigators to Puerto Rico to investigate the connection between the UFO and EL CHUPACABRA. The International Director of UFORCE and a forensics specialist have volunteered to assist this team in their investigation. The cost of the 9 day trip is $1,000 plus airfare. We are sending two representatives from UFORCE at this time. WILL YOU HELP? Anyone who sends us a donation of $100.00 or more, shall be included on our LIST OF CONTRIBUTING SPONSORS for this leg of the UFO investigation. This list shall be published in on our Internet home page, and in my next book and other publications by UFORCE. The more you contribute, the higher your name shall be on this list! Please rush your donations immediately! Please make your checks payable to:

Christopher Montgomery, Intl Director
PO BOX 5597

TAKE PART IN THE EXPEDITION...For a donation of $2500 or more, we will include you in our team of UFORCE investigators. So join us in our quest for the legendary CHUPACABRA. Don't miss this exciting expedition as we go to sunny Puerto Rico! Room is limited, book now for your tickets to this sunny paradise.(Some restrictions apply, contact web master).




_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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