The E-News Service of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada
August 1, 2000
MORE CROP CIRCLES FROM 1999Preliminary Report
- August 1, 2000I was able to confirm this evening a report of additional crop circlesfrom 1999, which had previously gone unreported, with thanks toGraham Conway of UFO*BC for his assistance.A random series of circles was found in a hay field near Alameda,Saskatchewan in early August, 1999 (farmer didn't recall exact datefirst discovered). This "formation", the 21st reported for that y
ear,consisted of approximately 25 rings in the 80 acre hay field rangingfrom about 10' to 30' diametre. The rings were not flattened in theusual sense, but instead were areas of "lusher, greener crop".Some were complete rings and some were partial, with some ringsoverlapping. The description is similar to the reports from Willmar,Saskatchewan and Ashern, Manitoba in June (2000). As with thosecases, these were not "crop circles" in the traditional sense, an
d mayhave been a case of fungus, disease or similar natural cause. Thefarmer indicated he will go back to check the area, which is aboutone and half miles from the farmhouse. Photos were taken by thefarmer at the time, copies of which will be available soon.
Paul Anderson
DirectorCircles Phenomenon Research Canada
CPR-Canada News is the e-news service of Circles PhenomenonResearch Canada, an affiliate of Circles Phenomenon ResearchInternational, a leading crop circle investigative organization,providing periodic e-mail updates with the latest news and reportson the crop circle phenomenon in Canada and around the world,as well as information on CPR-Canada-related news and events.CPR-Canada News is edited by Paul Anderson and published byCPR-Canada, and is available free by subscription.
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