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New Witness Handles Roswell Wreckage at Air Force Base

Date: 8 Aug 2000 23:24:03 -0000
From: MajesticDocuments ( 
Subject: New Witness Handles Roswell Wreckage
MajesticDocuments - (


       New Witness Handles Roswell Wreckage at Air Force Base 

REDWOOD CITY, California, August 9, 2000 - It was the indignation of
government lies about Roswell that caused June Crain to call detective
sergeant James Clarkson in 1997 to share her firsthand account of working
at Wright Patterson AFB. 

The highlights are breathtaking - handling unusual metal parts of the
flying saucer, taking dictation from Werner Von Braun, mentions of three
UFO crashes and a Top Secret Q clearance. Once she and many others were
asked to sign a "TOO HOT" memo as a result of a careless Master Sergeant
announcing he had just flown in from New Mexico with alien bodies and
wreckage. Her story continues to validate the contents of the Majestic
documents in both powerful overt and subtle ways.

Besides her no-nonsense attitude with the Air Force claims that crash test
dummies accounted for the aliens at Roswell, six years after the fact,
June talks about her experience with the parachute group and the military
culture of Wright Patterson AFB from 1942 to 1952. June was the only known
surviving member of the parachute group of Wright Field. She passed away
on August 23, 1998, yet she left plenty of evidence behind. 

Available at is the complete
transcript and official documents of June Crain.

To facilitate the education of the research community and public the
Witness section is broken into four parts.  First, are those individuals
that had direct firsthand knowledge or experience with live or dead
aliens, a crashed saucer(s), or associated wreckage. The second group of
witnesses are those with direct experience that validates and supports the
contents and authenticity of the Majestic-12 documents. The third group,
are secondhand witnesses. The fourth group, are unverified potential
witnesses that claim knowledge of the Majestic or related programs. 

Everyone, please be on the lookout for Majestic Personnel, those are
individuals dead or alive, that are or would have had the position, power
or skills to know the truth about the Secret US extraterrestrial programs.
Humanity needs these witnesses and their evidence. 


D R  B O B  &  R Y A N  W O O D
Majestic Document Investigators




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