At The MoviesThis site is designed to bring you the latest news on upcoming movies and info. in the box office. It began construction in early April of 2000, by Joel, a student in Michigan. I hope you like the site and feel free to add comments to the guestbook. I hope you enjoy!Sunday, March 23, 2025 |
Two thumbs up. Five stars. One of the most brilliantly developed and conseptual peices of art since A NEW HOPE. Not only did Yoda kick ass, but so did the rest of the cast. An incredible film but an incredible story as well. Can't wait for the next one.
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Can it get any better than Spielburg Teaming up with Cruise to bring you the newest sci-fi action to hit hollywood. It is The Matrix and Johny Mnemonic rolled around with Demolision Man, except with a better cast. |
Writer/Director M. Night Shyamalan follows up THE SIXTH SENSE and UNBREAKABLE with this mystery SIGNS. Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix team up to bring the latest mystery. A atle of the mysterious crop designs will be revealed August 2. I just hope "he won't come".
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