From one world to another…
(Characters taken from A Goofy Movie – NOT A Extremely Goofy Movie)

Note – Most of the characters backgrounds were created by me

Adam Harris (First boy in ‘After Today’, laughed as max fell down bleachers.) - Fig1
Rita Jones (Adams girlfriend) - Fig1
Max Goof  - Fig1

Goofy Goof
Pete Pete
PJ Pete
Bobby Zimmurski
Chad Dennis (Beach Boy)
Lisa Maxwell (Girl with credit cards)
Principal Mazur





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It started as any other day of the week. Michelle moaned about Buffy being on sky 1 so I thought it would be fair if we could watch what we wanted on the TV’s upstairs and downstairs.
 A few minutes into A Goofy Movie, a strange sensation passed through me. I felt a cold shiver pass through me. I reached under my bed and being paranoid, grabbed my air pistol and loaded it with about 12 shots. I kept a hand on it, as the feeling grew stronger. The feeling intensified and I felt light-headed, I got up to go to the bathroom, thinking I was going to throw up. As I reached the door, something yanked me downwards. I saw what appeared to be some kind of black hole in the floor. I just about grabbed my pistol when I was sucked through.

A emerged in a bright world, I suddenly recognised where I was. “No! Impossible!”
 I was in A Goofy Movie!
I glanced down, my entire body was, well, cartoon. I gasped in amazement and horror. I reached around and still found my gun lodged under my waistband. I made sure the safety was on and walked off. I kept going through what had happened in my head. It defied every scientific law in my mind. Einstein had talked about every decision having infinite possibilities, had I just crossed into another dimension?
 In a doze I wandered around and spotted some commotion on the road. Someone had slipped on some marb7les and landed up in someone’s lap. The boyfriend wasn’t having any of this and said something about ‘looking at losers like him’ and threw him to the ground. “Oh my fucking god!” It clicked! I was watching the film from the inside! I knew that I shouldn’t get involved in anything. I knew that altering the time stream could change the history of things to come. I strolled in the opposite direction. A few minutes later a saw Max again, this time jumping off a bus. I watched from a distance before being tapped on the shoulder. I turned to see a man in a suit. Mazur.
 “Why aren’t you going in the gate son?”
 “Umm…I don’t come here.”
 “What, I recognise you, of course you come here!”
I stood and thought very carefully. This didn’t make any sense; I didn’t exist till a few minutes ago.
 “Sir, who am I?”
 “Daniel, are you feeling alright?”
I realised that I was still me but I actually existed here before, what. This was causing me to freak out to the extreme.
 “Yeah, I’m fine, groovy actually.”
 “Groovy? Get to class!”
I turned and headed through the gate, I still had no idea what was going on. Suddenly as I approached the lockers by brain felt strange. A thousand different memories collided in one; I remembered things from here. Faces and places flashed through me faster than light. As if on autopilot I approached a locker and unlocked it. I threw my gun in; making sure no one was looking. I shut the door, relocked it and sat on a bench. I tried to focus and in a few minutes I was in control again. My new memories told me that Science was next. Well, at least that was a blessing.
 I entered the room and sat down at my seat. Adam, the boy who had called Max a loser sat next to me on the left while someone I recognised as umm… Chad. Sat next to me on the right.
 “Morning, how are we today?” I said, making conversation.
 “Don’t ask, its one hell of a shitty day!” Replied Chad
 “At least someone’s happy today” Remarked Adam.
 “Glad to hear it.” I continued.
Adam grinned and Chad gave me a dead arm. “Ow, that hurt!” Chad let out a sigh and whispered ‘It was meant to’ in my ear. I thought that id test these things out and flicked the lift control on his chair. He almost fell off it. “Nice to see some of us have still got a sense of humour.” He replied and discreetly pointed to Lisa in the corner, who waved at him. I decided to hazard a remark. “I take it she’s still after you.” Chad rolled his eyes. “Will it ever end, every where I go, there she is! Psycho bitch stalker or what!”
 I glanced over my shoulder to see Lisa still waving like a complete idiot at Chad.
“Class, quiet please”
I faced towards the door as the teacher strolled in…

Thirty minutes later we were still covering extremely basic psyics. My counterpart here must have been incredibly stupid. As the teacher asked the same question for the tenth time I lost it. I stood up. “Speed is equal to distance over time, the formulae forms a triangle.” The teacher looked stunned. “Alright, lets test you. How is that moving?” She motioned to a fan on the ceiling. I thought I should show off. “The electric motor inside the fan converts electrical energy into kinetic energy. This means that the kinetic energy causes the blades to spin. This in turn causes different variances in air pressure which causes the draft.” I sat down again, and Chad said “Way to go bud!” Adam just sat there feeling stupid.
 The teacher herself looked a bit dumbstruck. “Where did you learn all this?” I smiled and tapped my nose. My nose! What the fuck did I look like!
 I turned around as the teacher wrote the board. I mouthed to Lisa ‘give me your mirror.’ She passed it down the room. I looked in it. Well it was an improvement anyway; I had tanned skin with cropped brown hair. My nose wasn’t as long as some but was still quite big. I was quite attractive so not a complete loss on my part. One thing left to check I reached down to my crotch. “Oh thank god for that!” I whispered to myself. At least I was still male. Adam gave me a strange look and said “You shouldn’t talk to yourself, it’s a sign of madness.” I replied “Maybe I am mad” He smiled and said something like ‘wouldn’t surprise me’ under his breath. I asked the boy behind me to pass the mirror back to Lisa.

Break followed after Science and I headed out with Adam while Chad tried to hide from Lisa. As we walked to the canteen we spotted Bobby wheeling a set AV equipment into the main hall. Adam didn’t see this, but I knew full well what was coming. I grabbed a small roll and paid. I sat on one of the benches outside. “I’m gonna go play some ball, seeya in the hall.” Shouted Adam over the noise. I Nodded and waved him off. I saw Max walk past on his own. I stood up and motioned him over. He looked slightly worried. “I’m cool, I just want to ask you something.” I was glad that I was English in this world as well, made life a lot easier when it came to speaking. “I know what you’re going to do in assembly.” Max looked shocked “You know about that?” “Yep, and I just want to say ‘break a leg’. Good luck in other words, I’m sure it’ll be great.” Max smiled “Thanks” I winked at him and bit into my roll. He headed off. Lisa walked up to me after. “Hey Dan, seen Chad?” I looked at her blankly and shook my head. “Great, he’s playing hard to get.” As she walked off I smiled to myself, so far so good.

Then came assembly. It started off well enough; Stacy gave a moving lecture about the end of term. Then Mazur came on the stage and an extreme quiet settled over the school. I smiled to myself. A few minutes later a screen rose from behind him and a trapdoor pushed him under the stage. I saw Adam and his girlfriend looked shocked. I knew this was going to happen but it was still fun to watch. The inevitable happened and Max goofed it up. Mazur unmasked him and someone shouted out ‘hey! It’s the goof boy!’
 I shook my head. It wasn’t fair. I had to interfere with the course of things. I waited until it was all over and left. Chad gestured for me to follow him and I mouthed ‘one minute’ back to him. He shrugged and walked off. I headed for Mazur’s office.

I knocked on the door and heard a vague ‘come in’ on the other side. I saw Max sitting with his head down on one of the benches. I opened and shut the door and stood in front of the desk, glancing around and wincing at the paddles. “Kinky…” I whispered to myself. Mazur motioned to the chair in front of him. I sat down and before he had chance to speak I started. “Sir, please don’t phone Max’s parents.” Mazur glanced at me “go on”
 I desperately tried to find an excuse that would work. “Sir, he’s going through a difficult time right now. I think (and don’t say anything) that he is confused about his sexuality.” Damn, I thought. Now I have done it. “I see, well I suppose it is the last day of term so everyone is in high spirits. I must admit I am very angry. But when you go through that stage it is difficult.” I stood up and smiled. “Thanks for listening sir.” Mazur smiled. “Tell Max he’s free to go, but if he tries anything like that again…” “I get the idea.”

Max looked surprised as I told him he was free to go. I didn’t give him chance to answer and I walked back up the corridor. I met Chad in the toilets. “You pussy, hiding in the toilets from Lisa.” I laughed.
 “I’m glad its funny for you! How would you feel being hunted by the fucking card queen!”
 “Now now, no need for name calling. She only wants to be your ikkle Luvs bunny.”
 Chad gave me a really black look and splashed his face.
 “Where is Adam?” I asked.
Chad shrugged at me. “I think he said he was going to play football, as usual.”
 “Blimey, he loves his sport don’t he”
 “Well, he’s your brother, you figure him out.”
 I feel extremely weird; I don’t know how it could be true. I’m an only child! That means I’m… Daniel Harris?
 I walked round to the cloakroom, something told me to open my locker. I found my gym kit and slung it over my shoulder. I walked off to the gym complex. I jogged inside, being slightly late. The teacher, called Mr Mason (great, once again, a crossover from the real world) looked at me as I arrived. “Where’s your brother Dan?” “Don’t know sir.”
 Mason shrugged and I got changed, I dreaded this. I knew I was really crap at sport, well at least I was in the other realm. I walked out to the pitch with all the other guys. We were going to play baseball. Fucking excellent, I’m crap at cricket and that uses a massive bloody bat! I had no chance at this game.
 “Right Dan, you’re up first as usual.”
Shit! Shit! Shit! I headed out to the base and somehow something inside me took over. I smashed the ball and it flew right over the school boundary. I didn’t stop to watch as I ran. I scored a home run. Groovy! Well at least I am good at sport as well.
 By the end of the game I was slightly out of breath, but Max and PJ were completely smashed. I jogged back looking forward to a nice hot shower.

After gym I strode down the corridor. The bell rang, lunch already? I headed to the canteen. I grabbed a rather vile looking school lunch (nothing new on that front then) and sat down next to Adam. “Yo bro, what’s up?” I asked. “Nothing, I heard about your home run, good one dude!”
 I smiled at him. He took another mouthful of his food and said something incoherent. “What?” I asked.
“Can I borrow the jeep tonight?”
 Oh great, I can drive as well.
 “You haven’t got a license. Have you?”
 “Well no…”
 “No then, I don’t want to get fined.”
Adam leaned over to me ‘please bro, I need some wheels to take Rita out, you know how romantic a car is.’ He elbowed me in the side and winked. I couldn’t help but smile. I leaned back over.
 “Ill drive you.”
Adam lost his smile “Fine then. You drive, but if we want a bit of, y’know, no getting in the way.”
 “Fine! I hope you have protection?”
 “You sound like mom!”
I laughed and tucked into my meal.

Finally, the end of the day came! Everyone burst through the front door. Adam walked up to Max and said something and smacked him in the arm. We got to the jeep (well, it was more of an off roader) and I unlocked it. It was a red convertible type, very nice. The license plate read SEX4U. I noticed the pile of cigarette butts in the ashtray. Thank god I can still smoke! I found a pack in my jacket pocket and lit one up. I offered one to Adam who gave me a bad look “I hate watching you kill yourself.” I looked at him, the concern was genuine. I turned away and put the key in the ignition. I somehow knew how to drive. I started the motor and navigated the traffic for about two blocks. Then I pulled into a driveway of a smallish house. Adam got out and unlocked the door while I parked in the driveway.
 I locked the jeep and went the house. It was a bit messy but nice enough. Photo’s lined the walls and a couple had someone torn out of them. Must mean that our parents are split up, I thought. I walked into the living room while still trying to get my key chain back in my pocket. “Adam…” I shouted up the stairs. “Yeah?”
“Where’s Mom?”
“She lives in England, we fend for ourselves…remember? She sends us money as long as we got to school?”
I nodded to myself and walked into the kitchen. Wasn’t much in the fridge? I walked upstairs to my room. It would turn out I had to share it with Adam. It was a mess! I noticed however that my half was relatively neat. Adam took off his shoes and grabbed the electric guitar from a corner off the room. He strummed a few chords while I tried to step through the debris. I almost tripped over a renegade pair of socks before making it to my desk. I switched on the PC and shoved in some earphones as Adam went into full swing with the amp. I glanced at the desktop. A rather graphic picture of a naked person appeared. Was it Adam’s or mine? Well looking at myself in the mirror I wouldn’t put it past myself. I prod around the hard disk looking for clues about myself. Apart from a few school reports there wasn’t much there. “Adam, who’s this naked person on the computer?”
“Its yours.”
 “Oh yeah, so it is. My memory is fucked up.”
Adam put down his guitar and rapped my head “Yep, hollow alright”
 I get up and slap him round the back of his head. He looks at me and rubs his head. “Yours is bigger and hollow. Wow!”
“Why did you hit me?”
“I didn’t hit you, it was a Michelle slap.”
“Who’s Michelle?”
“Um, someone I knew ages ago.”
Adam sighed and picked up his guitar, he continued to play his guitar. I left for the toilet. When I got back, Adam was playing a game on the computer. I jump on my bunk (the bottom one) and lay down. “Adam?”
 “What time is your ‘date’?”
 “Have you got any cash?”
 “About twenty dollars”
I reach into my wallet and pull out another twenty.
 “Here ya go!”
Adam’s face lights up; he hugs me and sticks that money with the rest of it. I hug him back and headed for the kitchen. “Adam, I’m gonna pick up some groceries. Want to come?”
 “Wait for me! Ill just put me trainers on.”
I go outside and open the jeep. I take off my jacket and throw it on the back seat. Adam comes strolling out. I put the key in the ignition.
 After an adventure in a traffic jam we finally made it to the grocery store. There were products I never knew existed before. I just shoved as much food as possible in the trolley, hoping for best of luck. The total bill came to about eight dollars so at least it was cheap and affordable. As I threw the food in the back Adam squinted off into the distance. “What’s wrong?”
 “I thought I saw Max slap Roxanne!”
I looked off into the distance and sure enough I saw them both in a heated argument. Roxanne slapped Max round the face, he tried to slap her back but Adam ran towards them before I could stop him. He grabbed Max and threw him to the floor. Max punched Adam in the face. I couldn’t help myself, I ran over to join in. I grabbed Max and pushed him away, I then turned to Adam and gave him a look. “Are you okay?” I asked Roxanne. She nodded. “Need a lift?” I replied. “No, I need to be alone. Thanks”
I made sure Max went the opposite way before grabbing Adam and pulling him back to the car. “You shouldn’t have got involved. I know he hit her but it’s there business.”
 Adam’s nose began to bleed. I grabbed a tissue from the jeep and handed to him. “Looks like he hit you pretty good!”
 Adam gave a tight grin and sat in the passenger seat. I drove back home.
I tried to stuff as much food in the fridge as possible, unfortunately I went a bit overboard with the food. The door had to take a beating before it would shut. I yawned; it had been one hell of a long day. I walk back into the lounge, take of my shoes and just lie on the settee.
 As I flicked through channels I spotted Buffy on Sky 1. As I watched I thought I saw…No!
 Michelle was standing there talking to Buffy, it didn’t look like her but the way she spoke and moved. It was she all right. Well, at least she was having a good time as well. Then I heard Giles say something, it would appear that Michelle had decided to tell them about where she came from. Not a chance of me doing that.
 I turned it off and thought for a second. I looked at the clock. It was 16.57
I closed my eyes to get some rest, and before I knew it I was asleep. I didn’t sleep well, strange images and feelings danced in my head. Adam waked me up. “Come on Dan, look at the time!” I blinked; the light hurt my eyes. I glanced at the clock. 20.01 Shit!
 I grabbed my shoes, ran upstairs and searched for my keys. I found them shoved under the amplifier. I thought it was about time he tidied this place up. I sighed, and glanced sadly at the mess. I have always been a tidy person, this was ridiculous.
 I did my laces up and came back downstairs. Adam was wearing a nice shirt and beige jeans. “Nice clothes!”
 Adam smiled at me. “Of course they are, there yours!”
 “Oh, fine. Could have asked.”
Adam headed outside and I opened the jeep. I turned to him. “Where are we going?”
 “First we pick her up, then just drop us off at the movies.”
 “Right, when shall I pick you up.”
Adam opened the glove compartment and pulled out a mobile phone. “Ill borrow this and phone you, okay?”
I sat in the driver seat and shut the door, I waited for Adam to lock up the house and get in the car then we set off.
 Something told me that I had forgot something. I turned to Adam. “What am I meant to be doing tonight?”
 “Well, you and the rest have got a concert”
Arrrghh, now I play an instrument.
 “Where, what time, I can’t remember!”
 “Don’t worry, it’s at ten at the ‘Lion Bar’”
 “Well, how am I gonna pick you up?”
“It finishes at twelve and the film doesn’t finish till eleven. We can find stuff to do”
 “That doesn’t mean each other you know.”
Adam grinned and went red. I’m so good at embarrassing people.
I suddenly have a new set of images. I remember where this bar is and realise that I can play the piano and bass guitar.
 “What we playing?”
 “Dunno, some sort of Bond night.”
Well, at least that was ok. I remember seeing a bass guitar in the back of the jeep, I thought it was Adams.
 “Ok, turn left here” Said Adam, interrupting my thoughts. I did as he said and we ended up near a biggish house at the end of the road. I left the engine on while Adam knocked at the door. A kind looking lady opened the door and said something to Adam. He then motioned for me to come over. I turned off the engine and stepped out into the cold night air. “Are you the young man dropping them off?” I nodded.
 “Well, that’s ok then. I heard that you’re picking them up.”
 “That’s right, my concert finishes at twelve, I play in a band” (So it would seem)
 “I see, well that’s good. What time are you bringing them back.”
 “Is about half-twelve ok?”
 “Fine, Fine. Just bring them back in one piece”
I smiled and said goodbye. Rita and Adam jumped in the back; I drove down to the cinema and dropped them both off. Then I headed for the bar. It was a really nice place as well, with gold curtains. It was more like an expensive restaurant then a bar. I walked in and walked to the bar. “Excuse me, where is the rest of Pegasus?”
 Pegasus, where did that come from?
 “Certainly sir, there in the dressing room.” Replied the bartender.
I grabbed a Vodka and coke before heading to the dressing room. Vodka and Coke? I’m only 17! Oh well, make the most of it.
 I strode into the dressing room and someone behind me said. “About time, better late then never.”
I muttered sorry and grabbed a cocktail suit with my name tagged on. I got changed and walked back outside to grab my guitar. One of the bands followed me out. “Can you go through the program again mate?”
“Sure, it’s just standard. Start with the theme and then move down to GoldenEye. Ok?”
 “Yeah, fine.”
I grabbed the relevant sheet music and walked back in. Behind the stage curtain I set up my stand shoved my music on it and fingered my guitar. The rest of the group stood around and the curtain rose…

Two hours later I was exhausted. We all piled back in the dressing and got changed into our normal clothes. I said goodbye to the rest of the group then left to pick Adam and Rita up. I waited for Adam to phone me. By twelve forty-five I was getting worried. As if by magic the car phone rang. I picked it up. “Hello, Adam?” Yep, it was Adam all right. It would seem that they were running a bit late; sure enough I saw them walking up the road hand in hand. I smirked and opened the door for them. It would appear that they were happy enough. I saw the smile on Adams face and I knew for a fact what had happened.
 I didn’t say a word all the way home. I dropped of Rita and Adam gave her a long (tongues as well) goodnight kiss, which is sick considering what she has had in her mouth. Well, that was just speculation. However…
 Adam walked back to the car. After he had shut the door I drove back. We both walked in the house. I sat in the car while he went in and I lit a fag. I sat quietly and thought. Today had been a long day.
 I put it out and locked the car. I strode in, bolted the door and made sure everything was all right downstairs before heading upstairs. Adam was halfway through getting undressed as I walked in. “How was the concert?” He asked
Adam looked at me; it clicked in his mind. He knew I knew.
 “Dan I couldn’t help it!”
 “No, I don’t expect you could. Once again you think down here, not up here.”
Adam sat down. He looked sad.
 “I knew you’d over react”
 “Over react? You don’t know the meaning of over react!”
 “Why are you so angry?” Adam looked at me with those big brown eyes.
I sat next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know, you’re growing up so fast. I wish sometimes that you would just. Slow down”
 Oh god, I sound like his mom. Our mom.
 I turned away. I felt a great sadness pass through me, I realised that I was his brother. The Daniel Eastham inside me was being destroyed. I wish I could have said it was a bad thing but I had everything I could ever want here. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. It was silly to get so emotional but he was my brother. I felt Adam lean on my shoulder. I thought he was just being brotherly until I heard him snore. I woke him up and helped him get into bed. “Night Adam, ”
 “Night bro.”
I smiled at him, and put out the light and got undressed. I jumped into bed and heard Adam snoring already. I lay awake thinking about what had happened in the last twenty-four hours. Suddenly I heard a voice in my head, ‘Dan, Dan are you there?’
 ‘What? I’m trying to sleep!’
‘Giles thinks he’s found a way home! Well sort of, we can go back to a world where cartoons and real people co-exist.’
‘I’m not going back.’
‘I have a brother, loads of friends. And people who care about me. I’m also good at sport, attractive and popular. I don’t care’
‘Dan, what about everyone you knew?’
‘What people, I’m starting a new life here.’
‘Yeah, but you’re not you!’
‘Michelle, I share a house with my brother, I have 1 parent in England and complete freedom! I don’t care who you think I am; I’m Daniel Harris! Now talk to me later I need some sleep.’
I closed my eyes and blocked the voice out. I could still hear Adam snoring, at least I didn’t disturb him.

I woke up at about eleven in the morning. Adam was still asleep so I headed downstairs to get some breakfast. I tidied up the kitchen and did the washing up. After that I dusted the front room and the kitchen. I heard footsteps come from upstairs and I turned to see Adam walking downstairs in just boxer shorts. “Breakfast?” I asked.
I cooked a typical English breakfast. Sausage, bacon, fried eggs and beans. He seemed to appreciate it. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. As I walked to the door I stopped to appreciate the dark rings under my eyes. I opened to see Chad looking rather cheerful. “Come in, please” I said. Chad walked in and sat at the table opposite Adam. “That looks nice.” He said, glancing at the breakfast.  I sighed and got another plate out and dished him a portion. There was just about enough left for me. I sat down with them and started slicing my sausage. “So Chad, what brings you to our house?” Asked Adam. “I was wondering if you wanted to hit the beach.” Adam looked at me.
 “Yeah, sure. First though, we are going to clean up the messy shithole of a room.”
Adam grunted and finished his breakfast. After breakfast we went on the quest for the clean bedroom. It took a good hour or so, and with Chad’s constant remarks it wasn’t any easier. I took and washed the dirty clothes and left them to dry. Adam vacuumed up the room. When it was done the result was huge; it looked twice as big!
 We left shortly after we had finished. Chad drove ahead with Adam in his sports car. I pushed back the roof of my jeep and followed them. After driving for about an hour I was beginning to think we were lost. I grabbed the car phone and phoned Chad. He picked it up. “Yo Chad, where the hell are we going? Oh I see, ok.” I hung up. It turned out we were virtually there, I thought I could smell the tang of ozone. We soon came off the freeway and followed the roads round. I put on my sunglasses as the glare from the sea increased. I noticed the radio in my jeep. I wondered how powerful it was. I switched it on; the sound was extremely loud. It must have been about 200 megawatts! Cool!
 I sat back and listened to club music. I waited until Chad had locked his car and jumped into mine with Adam. “You know Chad, you should get an off roader like mine.”
Chad smiled “Well at least mines faster.” Well I couldn’t lie there; he’s car was faster. I drove down to the sea front, admiring the sea (of Bikinis) and taking in the atmosphere. I grabbed a beach towel from the back and quickly grabbed a spot near the sea front. I took off my shirt, shoes and socks and rubbed some sun lotion in. Chad borrowed the jeep as he had just realised he had forgot his surfboard. Adam involved himself in a game of volleyball.
This was the life!
 As I lay there relaxing, Michelle popped back into my head. ‘What now?’
 ‘Where are you?’
 ‘On a beach, surrounded by water and sex on legs.’
 ‘Please come back!’
 ‘No, look if you can find a way into this world. Then please come and visit.’
 ‘I could try, but I think I may be a bit tied up.’
 ‘Well, I have sort off messed up Willow, Xander and Buffy’s lives.’
 ‘Oh great!’
 ‘Iv got to go, seeya.’
I watched as Chad drove the jeep back just behind me. I gave him the thumbs up and he headed for the sea. I got up and flicked on the stereo. Most of the people around didn’t seem too bothered. I shoved in a CD and pressed play. I recognised one of the songs! I dug around looking for the case. Venga Boys? Woah! It would seem that even singers could cross over. I turned on ‘Were going to Ibiza’
 I found an icebox in the back seat filled with beer. Looks like Adam had prepared for me. I grabbed a can and threw one over to Adam. Chad came over, seeing me throw it. He grabbed one from the boot. “Hey look over there” I pointed over to three people sitting on their own. Yep, it was Roxanne, Stacey and Max. Chad and I headed over to say hi. “Hi! What a co-incidence!” Said Stacey. Roxanne nodded her head and smiled. Chad chatted to Roxanne while Max strode up to me. “Umm… Dan, sorry about hitting your brother.” “Don’t tell me, apologise to him. But don’t go now, he still has a sore nose. So what happened yesterday anyway?” “We just had a massive row, were ok now.” He pointed to the bandage on his arm. I whispered ‘Never hit a lady, they know where it hurts more.’ In his ear. He smiled and lay back down. “Anyone want a beer? Iv got loads.” I asked, Stacey practically ran to the icebox. Roxanne shouted for her to bring and Max one. I walked back to grab my beach towel. On the way Stacey banged into me, I practically jumped out of my skin as the cold cans rolled down my chest. “Oh sorry! I didn’t mean to, I guess I just…” “Stacy, its ok. Stop babbling” I laughed. Stacy smiled at me. I put my arm around her and she didn’t struggle. We headed off to the sea after passing the beers round, I felt the waves lap at my feet and I dived headfirst into the water. Stacy followed me in. We laughed and joked as we splashed each other. Chad almost hit me as a large wave knocked him off his surfboard. After I had helped him get up, Stacey suggested she try it.
 “Oh no Stacey, it takes a lot of practice!” Said Chad
 “Come on Chad! Dan, tell him.”
I shook my head and smiled. “If she wants to…” Stacey gave me one of her lovely smiles and snatched the board from Chad. I watched as she laid on the surfboard and rode the next big wave. We watched with awe as she surfed like a professional.
 She laughed and as soon as she lost concentration she fell off. I helped her up as she spat out salt water. She saw the funny side however, and it took all my smooth talking to persuade her to take a break and have a beer. We sat with the rest of the gang. I noticed Max slurring a bit, he couldn’t handle the alcohol. I laughed to myself as he acted like a fool. Roxanne just ignored him and lay back down. Stacey and I joined in the Volleyball game Adam was playing. We beat the others by only a few points. Stacey and me fall on top of each other as she tries to hit the ball. She looks at me and then kisses me. I embrace her and the kiss gets stronger. I detach.
 “Stacey, will you be my partner?” She smiles at me.
 “Of course I will!”
We stand up and Roxanne turns to Adam. “Looks like your brothers attached!”
 Adam walked up to me and pats me on the back. “Good Lad, I always thought you were gay!”
 I whispered ‘so did I’ under my breath.
 Stacey grabs my hand and drags me to the ice cream van. I get a 99 for both us, I licked my ice cream and handed Stacey’s to her. Max is so pissed he cant stand up and I cant help but smile at myself. That’s one way to get a 14-year-old drunk on the first day of the summer holiday.  I decide that someone should take him home and that someone would be me I grab my things Stacey notices what I am doing and gives me the puppy-dog eyes look so I give her the keys to my jeep and yell to Chad.  “Take Adam home for me as well as Roxanne, I’m going to take Stacey and Max home.”  “Ok see you later and dont do anything thing I wouldn’t do.”  “See you at home.”  I walk other to Max who has decide it time to go into singsong but he is way off key. After a stunningly crap rendition of ‘I Will Survive’ I cant help but laugh at him.  Max put him arm on my shoulder for support but he still can’t help but stagger towards the jeep. I just about get him into the jeep, I notice Stacey has opened my door and I jump in.  We are half way home when Max decides that Stacey needed more colour in her clothes, he vomits all over her “Max you bastard!  Stacey you can get your clothes clean round my house. I have some clothes you can borrow.”
  Stacey nods at me and pushed Max to the other side of the jeep. I grimace at the smell. We hurriedly drive back to my house, trying to prevent Max to throw up again. I help him out of the car and he coughs. I jump back to avoid the next bout of puke. Max hit his chest and seemed to be fine. We all walked inside. Adam wasn’t back yet. I grab an Alka-Seltzer for Max and show Stacey upstairs. I hand her a nice pair of jeans and a spare shirt and head back downstairs. I look at Max who is sound asleep on the couch. I shake my head and look through the phone book. I dial Max’s house.
 “Yellow?” Said the voice on the other end.
 “Mr Goof?”
 “Yep, that’s me”
 “Hi, its Daniel Harris here. Your son went to the beach with Roxanne today.”
 “Oh gawrsh! Is he ok?”
“Apart from getting completely pissed, throwing up over Stacey and my car. He’s fine”
 “Oh, I’ll come and pick him up”
 “Later on, he has gone to sleep, I think its best to let him sleep it off.”
 “Ok. I pick him up when?”
I glance at the clock. It read 13.04
 “Is 9 ok?”
 “Sure. Thanks for making sure he’s ok.”
 “No problem.”
I hang up the phone and head upstairs to see Stacey. I knock and the door and hear ‘come in’ on the other side.
 I walk in to see Stacey naked on the bed. “Stacey What?” I see a small plastic packet in her hand.
 “Oh, I see.”
I kick the door shut…

An hour later I kiss her goodbye and wave as she walks down the road. God! That was great!
 I spot Adam walking up the road. I leave the door open and grab the cleaners from the hall. I proceed to clean the inside of the car. Adam strode up behind me. “Eww, he puked!”
 I turn to him and give him a black look.
 “Sorry, I’ll go inside” He said waving his hands in the air.
He turned and walked inside. Max was still asleep and Adam didn’t disturb him.
 I turned back to the car and curse as I discover the amount of puke lodged in between the seats. I gag in disgust.
 After I had finally got the car back to normal and made it smell nice I walked inside. I headed upstairs.
 Adam was standing at the bedroom door looking rather annoyed. I look at his hand; he has the used condom in it. “Gross out! Put that back in the bin!” He doesn’t move. I head towards him.
 “You took advantage.” He spat through gritted teeth.
 “What?” I replied, looking confused.
 “She had to take her clothes off the get changed and you took advantage.”
 “Well that’s bullshit!”
I felt Adam relax. “I’m sorry Dan, it’s just that Rita has just dumped me. She said I was crap in bed, I guess I’m just jealous.” I hug him; he stands there looking upset. He cry’s on my shoulder. I know that Rita is a bitch but why dump Adam. It wasn’t as if he was ugly or completely stupid. I think I should let them get on with it.
 I embrace him tighter and I feel him really start to cry hard. Rita meant a lot to him; he always made sure she had whatever she wanted, even though he was quite poor.
 I feel angry, Adam was torn up inside because of her. I look off into the distance as Adam shakes with sadness. I knew Rita was bad, right from the start. Manipulative little slut, I think she needs a good slap. I help Adam sit down on the bed. We lay together for a while. He switches on the telly and snuggles up to me. I flick through the channels one at a time, stopping at Buffy. I see Michelle again, this time talking goo to Angel. I smile; at least she was getting it as well. I turn off the TV.
 At nine I hear stirrings downstairs. Max had just waked up. I also hear a knock on the door and open it to see Goofy standing there. Max heads out with him and Goofy thanks me again for taking care of him. I assure him its ok and shut the door. I watch telly till about eleven, some stupid film was on. After that I make myself a screwdriver and sit downstairs reading schoolwork and sipping my drink. It would seem that this assignment shouldn’t take to long and I make a start. After about the fifth page I give it a rest. I look at the VCR clock, which read 00.57.
 I grunt at the time and head back to the room. Adam was undressed and in my bunk.
 “Why are you down there?”
 “Take a look”
I look up at his bunk and see Stacey’s puke covered clothes up there. I roll my eyes and take them off and put them in the washing machine. Adam’s bunk still smelled of puke so I left it to settle. At least the smell risen. There wasn’t a trace of it on the lower bunk; it would appear that it was localised. I get undressed and jump in next to Adam; it was nice to be a bit warmer. He kept kicking me with his foot until I turned.
 “What?” I ask, half asleep.
 “I need a piss”
 “Oh for fu… Fine!”
I get out and let him go past. When he jumped back in he kicked me again. “What now!”
 “Was Stacey good then?”
I breathe in sharply and kick him in the leg. “Ow, why don’t you cut your toenails?”
 “I have…”
We both get out and search the bed; we found one of Rita’s fake nails.
 “She used to wear them all the time, I bought her those…”
 Adam started to whimper again. I let him get back into bed and he wrapped his arms around me. “At least you’ll never leave me” he says and leans his chin on my arm.
 I smile at him
“Of course I wont”
 Now, going back to Earth seemed even more remote. I looked at Adam snoring next to me, leaning on me. I smile to myself and feel a lump in my throat. ‘I love my brother, more than anything in the entire universe.’ I thought. I lean my head on his chest and fall asleep.
 My dreams were disturbed. I had visions of terrible things happening on Earth. I heard explosions, and felt intense burning. As the dreams worsened, I saw people I knew dying in horrific ways. All through this I saw the spectral image of a mushroom cloud.
 I woke up with a start in a cold sweat; Adam leant up and put his arm on my shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
 The shock was too much, I burst into tears and collapse in his arms, and I am reduced to weeping like a child. Adam laid me back down. “Its ok, it was just a dream.” Said Adam trying to reassure me. I nod and snuggle as close to him as possible. God, it was freezing! At least he was quite warm.
 I couldn’t sleep; the nightmare was still taking its toll. I realise that Michelle may have had the same sort of dream as me. If so, what could it mean to us?
 I wait until Adam had gone back to sleep before getting up again and getting dressed. I head downstairs and sit there, pouring myself another Screwdriver. I turn on the lamp and carry on with my school report. I got to page 12 before realising I was getting drunk. I glance over to see several empty whiskey glasses and an empty bottle. I stand up feeling light headed. I put the glasses in the kitchen and lie down on the couch. I waited for half an hour for the feeling to pass then I pick up a book and start to read. The clock read 03.36.
 I sigh and put the book down. It has been a traumatic few days. I walk back upstairs and glance at Adam still asleep. I didn’t have the heart to disturb him. I put on my coat and go for a walk.
 The cold night air woke me up a bit, not much though. I think about Stacey and Michelle. I light up a fag and walk around the block. It was deadly silent; I glance up at the stars. I hear a car go past in the distance. I walk back to my house, open the door and sit down again. It’s only 04.12.
 I head upstairs and get undressed again. I try to get in bed with Adam in a way that didn’t disturb him. I hear him moan and get closer to me. I remember when me and Adam and I used to share a bed as children, I fought back a tear, it was so peaceful.

I woke up the next morning to find that Adam had already got up to answer the door. I heard my name being called from downstairs. I fall down the stairs near the bottom and spot Michelle. “Hi”
     “Hi Dan how life?”
      “Oh sorry come in YOU BROUGHT EVERYONE for me?”
      “You must be joking they came because I am now a slayerettes so where I go they go as well”
I let her in.   I look at Anya who is just staring at Adam who is at the door in his boxers.
     “I decided that I am going to stay in Sunnydale with the gang.”
     "That great I knew you come up with the right idea."
     "Dan do you think that we exist in these worlds?"
     "Of course, we are here! You are so dumb."
     "I mean does Michelle Terri Mcguinness exist in this world or in my world or are we these people in this world."
     "How did you become so smart, its impossible for you to get that smart even in this world."
     "I hate the idea that you dont think I could be intelligent or that I am more fashionable then I was before I went into this world."
 Michelle tells the gang to wait outside for her. She needed to talk to me for a minute.  I look worried, as I knew she would stop my fun some how but I was wrong. Life was great for me and also for her.
    "I will come to visit you but I think that the whole gang doesn’t need to come next time just me and Angel."
    "I think that would be a great idea I pop over sometime soon see ya and have a great time."
    "I will Dan, find out if there a Dan Eastham or a Michelle Mcguinness in this world and I do the same."
She kisses me on the cheek and leaves.

I close the door and looked at Adam. He gives me the ‘who were they?’ look. “They were my friends.”
 He nods and go’s upstairs back into bed.
 I still feel tired so I get back in as well. He lay there watching TV and I have a quick snooze. Adam wakes me up and gets up. He walks downstairs and hears pots being rattled about. Well, at least he was hungry. I smell toast being made and a jar being undone. I get dressed and walk downstairs. Adam was making some breakfast; I sat down at the table and grabbed the morning paper from the rack. I read about a few crashes and a rather nice story about lesbians. It was weird.
 I close it as Adam sits opposite me. “What shall we do today?” I asked him. “We could see if Chad wants to come out.”
 I nod at him and he gets the phone and dials him. After a few minutes he comes back. “Chad is busy today, what about Stacey?”
 “No, she’s going out with Roxanne.”
 “Lets just slob out here.”
Adam smiles at me, and he opens the fridge and gets out a 6 pack of beer. I take one and open it. I savour the gassy rush from it and slowly gulp it down. Adam pads along the floor in barefoot and opens the back door. He drops a bin liner outside and then comes back in. I take my toast and sit in the lounge; I lie down on the couch. Adam turns on the telly and sits on the chair. He munches on the toast and I flick through the channels. All there were was holiday toons. I get up and lean on the side of the couch. Adam is engrossed watching Ren and Stimpy. I smile thinking that’s the limit of his brainpower ‘you idiooot!
 I grab my beer and take another gulp. Adam looks so relaxed, at least he didn’t have to worry about nuclear war on earth.
 I shudder at the thought and walk upstairs. I flick on the CD player and choose a track at random. I switch on the computer and play a few games. The phone rings and I pick it up from the landing. “Hello?”
 “Hi Dan, its Max”
 “Oh, hi. You feeling any better?”
 “Well apart from a bitch of a hangover, I’m ok.”
 “How can I help you then?”
 “Well, have you seen Roxanne, I can’t find her anywhere.”
 “Stacey told me yesterday that she was going out for the day.”
 “Right, so anyway. How are things with you and Stacey?”
“Great, couldn’t be better actually. I was going to meet her today but she wanted to get this report out of the way. Cant blame her, it’s a biggie.”
 “I know, I’m stumped on it!”
 “That doesn’t sound like you Max, you’re usually really good at this.”
 Max laughs. “Yeah right, have you read the last question?”
 “That’s true I suppose.”
 “I’ve gotta go, Dad wants something.”
 “Hey, knock for us if you get the time. I think I hear the mall calling me.”
 “Right, see ya in about an hour.”
 “Ok, bye”
I hang up and walk back downstairs. “Adam, Max and I are going to the mall, coming?”
 “No thanks, I think I can find something other than shopping to pass the time.”
 I shrug and go back upstairs.
I grab my account book from the desk drawer (how the hell did I know where it was!) and open it. Fuck me! I had about $3000 to spend. It must be from all the concerts I’ve played. I wonder if Adam knew.
 “Yo Adam, you know those jeans you wanted. Ill buy em for you.”
I hear Adam running up the stairs. “You can’t afford that much!” That means he didn’t know. “Consider it a ‘get over the slut’ present.”
 Adam grins and puts on his shoes.
 “Relax Ad, he isn’t here for another hour.”
I hear a knock on the door.
 I open it and Max is standing there. “Bloody hell, you’re early!”
 “Dad dropped me off.”
 I get my shoes on while Adam unlocks the jeep. The phone rings again. I answer it. It turns out I have another concert in a few days, some disco theme night. I say yes and put the phone down.
 I lock up the house and make sure everything is turned off. I get outside and close the door. Max is sitting in the back of the jeep. “No puking Mr, it took ages to get rid of the smell.”
 “Sorry about that”
I tell him its ok and drive down the road. The mall was massive! It had so many shops!
 Adam takes me to the clothes shop and after numerous trying on sessions I buy him the jeans and a jacket for me. Max buys himself a new shirt. The next shop was a music shop. Adam gets some spare strings for my guitar and Max looks for the new PowerLine CD. “So, are you two going to Stacey’s party?”
 “Wouldn’t miss it for the world” I say to him
Max gives me the thumbs up and I go to the counter and pay. We eventually stopped off at a coffee bar for something to eat and drink. At least coffee here was just as nice as Earth. I remember Michelle and I having coffee and cocoa a few weeks ago. I feel sad all of a sudden. I sigh and put the memory back, We don’t even though if that place even exists anymore. Max has a little moustache of cappuccino on his upper lip. I laugh and tell him to get rid of it. I spot Chad coming towards us. “Shit, help me!”
 “What?” I say
 “Lisa’s found me!”
 “Oh. Is that all? Stop being a pussy, slap the bitch!”
  Chad looks around in desperation; we can hear the click of her high heels. I look at him.
 “Toilet! Run like the wind!”
Chad nods and runs. Lisa rounds the corner. “Have you seen Chad?”
 “Umm, no. Should we have?”
 “I swore he was here a minute ago.”
 “We think he went to Dolcies. At the other end” Said Max
Lisa stamps her foot and carries on walking in the other direction. Chad’s head pops around the door. I mouth ‘its ok’ to him and he buys a coffee and sits with us. “Good god, she’s a psycho!” says Chad under his breath.  I thought she reminded me of someone and now I remember whom ‘Michelle’ she would chase a boy for weeks on end, I felt sorry for Chad. No man should have to put up with that kind of girl.  “It will be ok Chad she has to find someone else soon it’s the summer holidays.”
 “You have to be joking this has been going on for years now she think I start to feel sorry for her but I wont she scares me.” I laugh I understand what he means it like ‘Vicky’ she just always there you think you’ve lost her but when you turn around she there again she scares me more then Michelle and that saying something.  We stay there for a while talking about Stacey party that in a couple of days then when we were just about to leave that when we saw her standing there and she was not smiling.  “You told me you hadn’t seen Chad you lied to me.  You Chad are the biggest bastard of the lot.”
 “Sorry Lisa look I take you to Stacey party but that doesn’t mean we are dating or going to date. Ok” I stare at him I cant believe him he was really going to do this go on one date with the psycho bitch Lisa.  I had to leave I was going to have nothing to do with Chad death after she said yes.  I see a smile that appears on Lisa face I knew that she had to have planned this.  It was the only way she was going to get a date with Chad.  “Ok Chad I will go to the party with you.”  I leave as I saw the look on Chad’s face as if himself had just killed him.  I walk towards the new car show that in the mall when I saw it. The Sports car was sleek and yellow with loads of fiddle bits; it must be used for cruising! I needed it. It was beautiful I looked at the price, if I part exchanged the jeep I could buy it! I practically ran to the sales man and ordered one. In ten minutes they took my old jeep and gave me the new truck. Adam would be surprised. Later on I headed back to the coffee shop. “Where have you been?” Asked Max. I tap my nose. “It’s a surprise” I answer
 Adam rolls his eyes. He knew about my lame surprises. “Don’t give me that look, you will love it!”
 Adam shrugs and drinks his third coffee. “Your gonna be buzzing by the end of this” I say.
 “Well, I intend to stay up late.”
 “I’m watching Buffy on telly”
 “Why? You hate Buffy.”
 “That Michelle bird is soooo hot.”
Oh god, I think to myself. He cant, he wouldn’t. He Doesn’t! I ask him whom he is talking about.
 “You know, the one that’s dating Angel who was dating Tom you know who I’m talking about.  You do watch it every week and make me watch it with you.”
Oh shit! “Who, Michelle Gellar?”
 “I bet you want to shag her senseless”
 “Cor, you bet I do!”
I sigh and almost piss myself laughing. He met her this morning. God, he really is thick!
 “Well, come on I’ll show you the surprise.”
  Adam and Max follow me to the car park. “Where’s the jeep?” says Max
Adam grabs me by the collar and lifts me up. “If someone’s stolen the jeep I swear I will kill you.”
 I cough and point to the new car. Adam drops me and runs over to it. Max lets off a ‘Whoa!’ and opens the door. It was sleek with plenty of room. We jump in and I savour the high-powered roar of the ignition.

The engine was turned off; it was quiet all of a sudden.  We all stare at the car, I was to take it to Stacey’s to help her with the party. I dropped off the lads and headed round to her house. I knock on the door and Roxanne answers. “Hi Dan, how are you?”
 “Fine thanks.”
 “Nice car! I bet Adam and Max loved it. Where is Max by the way?”
 “He’s saving himself for the party, he wants to woo you”
Roxanne sighs and grins at me. “He doesn’t need to woo me, just fu..”
 She stopped in mid sentence as she saw Stacey giving her the look. I chuckle and walk in and close the door. I sit on the coach and wait silently for Stacey to finish getting ready for the party. I help Roxanne spread out the snack things and sit back down again.
 I glance at the clock, 21.52 Adam was watching Buffy. Oh god, Michelle what have you done to his poor innocent mind! (And mine!)
 Soon, some of the guests started to arrive. Bobby comes in, dressed as per usual. Then again, I wear the same sort of things a lot. God knows why. The music turned on, PowerLine urggh. I can’t stand him, don’t know why. Maybe he sounds like Michael Jackson, I dunno. I’m glad this was a Saturday. I was happily sitting as Adam and Max came in, they said hi and wandered off to the TV to gander at this singer bloke. A few more music crossovers occurred. Brittany Spears crossed over as well as Tom Jones. Scary! Still, it was nice to have a bit of a singsong. All was going well until Stacey motioned for me. I gave a sideways look of curiosity and walked over. I saw that she was leaning on a piano.
 “Play something”
 “But theirs music on telly!”
 “Do it!” She slaps me round the head gently. I close my eyes and lift up the covers. Oh fuck me, what the hell am I going to do? I tentatively press a key and start playing ‘The Entertainer.’ it sounded pretty good. Everyone was standing around watching me. I didn’t care, I was beginning to enjoy it. As I finished everyone clapped at me. I stood up and took a bow before sitting down. Adam was next playing his guitar. He was pretty good. I danced with Stacey for a while. Max had wandered off with Roxanne upstairs. Great, now the party was going orgy.  Oh well.
 About 3 hours later the last of the guests were leaving. Adam was waiting outside in the car. Max was staying at Roxanne’s for the night. I kiss goodnight to Stacey and walk slowly to the car. Adam opens the door for me from the inside. I sit down in the drivers seat and wave to Stacey as we drive away. “Well, that was fun. At least we got some exercise” I pipe up.
 “Yeah, but what was wrong with Chad? He didn’t come” Replied Adam
 “Maybe he was scared of Lisa. Hang on, she wasn’t there either!”
 “Uh ho!”
I grin to myself, looks like she finally caught up with him. Rather him then me. Still, it could be worse. We made it back in good time, but it was late. Adam suggested going to a club or something but I couldn’t really be bothered. I drove them both to the town, dropped them off and went back home. I sat down in the lounge. I flick on the TV and watch another Buffy episode. Michelle was fighting demons. She is knocked out and blood pumping out of her face and Angel runs over and saves her. I turn off the telly, and lay on the coach and go to sleep. I wake up at 03.00 to hear Adam come in, he sat next to me and helped me walk up the stairs even though I was half asleep. I lay on my bunk and fell asleep. Adam smiled at my sleeping body. He gets on the top bunk and gets undressed and goes to sleep.

The next morning Adam woke before me. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and I couldn’t be bothered to get dressed. I walked downstairs to see Adam standing at the window looking at…Lisa and Chad, hand in hand?
 What was going on. A minute ago he hated her. This was weird! I keep looking at them, they weren’t coming here. Good, they were freaking me out.
 Adam shrugged at me, just as confused as me. I snort at the whole scene and go and have a shower. At least it woke me up a bit, god, the only problem with fur is its sooo difficult to get dry. I finally get dry and into some clean clothes, my hair was still wet though. I go downstairs and sit on the couch while Adam gets breakfast, I thank him and read the morning paper, I smell Adam-making pancakes. I smile to myself knowing that they will come out disgusting, still it’s nice of him to try. He comes in to my surprise the pancakes look very nice. However looks can be deceiving. I tentatively eat one and it was very nice. The maple syrup was very nice. I finish and wash the dishes from the last few days.
 “What’s going on today, bro” Asked Adam.
 “I think we need to know about Chad and Lisa, its rather spooky.” I replied
 “Do we have to? I mean I just cant be bothered.”
 “Come on, he is our mate. We have got to see how Lisa made him surrender.”
 “Well, you can go but I’m staying here.”
 “Suit yourself, but I’m going.”
 “That’s fine, ill just; amuse myself alone today.”
I smile at him, knowing exactly what he means. Dirty little bugger, but I love him. I get my shoes on and go outside, it was a horrible day. Grey, overcast and very wet. I duck under my coat and run to my car. I open the door and jump in, cursing as the water made mess of the dashboard. I placed the keys in the ignition and started up. I drove out of the driveway and carried on for a couple of blocks. I saw Chad’s house on the right, I park just outside and run to the front door. I pressed the door chime and waited for a while. I was wondering if Lisa was with him or not. The door opened, It was opened by… his little sister? I haven’t seen her for ages. She must have come back from summer camp early for a few days.
 “Oh, hi Julie, summer camp over so quick?”
“Cut the crap Dan, I know you don’t like me and I don’t really like you so ill tell you. Chad isn’t here, he’s gone to Lisa’s”
The little slut slammed the door straight in my face. I shrug my shoulders, ‘must be on her period’ I think. I get back in the car and toy with the idea of going back home. The rain pattered down on the windscreen and I found myself subconsciously driving to Lisa’s. I park quietly in the drive and peep through the window. I see Lisa and Chad making out. I sigh to myself and start towards the door. I press the door chime and Lisa opens the door.
 “Hi Lisa, is Chad here? I can’t find him anywhere.”
  “Um, no Dan, sorry he’s not.”
 “Oh, ok, I won’t bother you anymore.”
Lisa smiles and shuts the door. I drive back home and walk inside. Adam is sitting quite happily reading a book. I always thought his limit was ‘Run Jane Run’ but he was reading a novel. Wow.

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