Indiana Jones Adventure: "Temple of the Forbidden Eye"


The first stop on Annabelle's temple tour is the Chamber Of Destiny. Inside, guests will clear their minds, allowing Mara to peer inside and determine the gift they truly desire. Using a set of antique mirrors placed at the entrance to the chamber, guests can view other heaven transports as they enter and pass through one of the 3 "GIFT" doorways inside. To the left, is the doorway to FUTURE KNOWLEDGE, with the all-seeing eye to the 21st Century. To the right, is the entrance for the gift of ETERNAL YOUTH, showing water pouring from an enchanted spring. In the center is the passageway to EARTHLY RICHES, with gold, silver & jewels cascading from a chalice. By the power of Mara, one of the doorways will open and the vehicle will be pulled through.

Unearthly music fills the chamber as the voice of Mara prepares guests for an experience that is not of this earth. Beyond the doorway of FUTURE KNOWLEDGE is the OBSERVATORY OF Y2K where, surrounded by a galaxy of planets, stars & constellations, visions of events yet to come are revealed by a mystical amulet. Mara says:

MARA: You seek the future. I will show you events yet to come, it is your destiny.

Promises of PAST YOUTH are shown through the passage to the FOUNTAIN OF ETERNAL YOUTH, as water-reflected frescoes depict visions of the native people drinking from the magical spring, regaining their former handsome beauty. Again Mara says:

MARA: You have chosen wisely. This path leads to untimeless youth and beauty.

Within the CHAMBER OF EARTHLY RICHES, the great treasures from all centuries past have been stored and are now ready for the taking. Mara says:

MARA: You seek the treasure of Mara. Glittering gold in its glory.

At the end of each hall, explorers will notice a bright light drawing them nearer. Only as they pass by columns of snake guardians will they realize that the mesmerizing light is coming directly from the eyes of the 2-story idol of Mara. Having broken the one temple rule to "LOOK NOT INTO THE EYES OF MARA", guests face the anger or wrath of Mara as he rumbles to life, punishing those idiots who dare defy him and banishing them into the Tunnel Of Torment, exploding with anger in his voice.

MARA: Idiots! Foolish mortals! You looked into my eyes, your path or destiny now lies beyond the Gates Of Doom. Hahahahahahahahaah!!!

Bolts of lightning and evil laughter strike through the veil of darkness and reveal a temple in turmoil as the once pristine architecture decays and crumbles all around. The awesome power of Mara has lifted the vehicle from the tour path and carries it through the air. Throughout the tunnel, everything seems to move with the explorers as their hummer strains against the Darkside that propels it forward towards the Gates Of Doom. Ahead, the gates have opened with an errie greenish glow that fills the chamber. It pulls them closer with no hope of escape. Suddenly, a familiar, angry voice is heard exclaiming.

CHARLIE: Tourists? You had to look, didn't you!

As Charlie B. Barkin himself appears at the opening to the Gates Of Doom. Wrestling against the evil forces at his back, Charlie attempts to hold the doorway closed, just long enough for those foolhardy visitors to escape.

CHARLIE: Ugh! We got problems here.

Finally, as he slams the gates shut, the CURSE is broken and the hummer crashes back to the temple floor. As the wheels spin for traction, Barkin gives a few final instructions and motions towards the possible way out by saying.

CHARLIE: Alright, quick! Take the left entrance, hurry, up to the left! It's your only way out. And don't stop, don't look back, GO!


Go to Part 4!