These are some of my fave ADGTH websites:
Annabelle's Page Ooh, yes, yes, baby!! This wasn't the first All Dogs page I discovered, but when I did find it, it quickly became a big fave of mine!
Ashley's ADGTH Page! One of the newest All Dogs sites, and very interesting! The screen shots are great!
Charlie's Den Vermin Wolf seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, but there's no doubt about the fact that his webpage is cool! It's even got some little movie scenes!
Egroup All Dogs Go to Heaven club! This club is vastly unknown by ADGTH fans! It could be really cool if more people could find it and join up! . . . Right now, it's almost like a ghost town . . . :-)
Jareth's Belladonna fan page Not much there yet, but a page with promise!
JP's Wonderfully Interesting and Way Cool Web Pages He has a bunch, including a tribute to his fave char---Sasha LaFleur!
JP's ADGTH Yahoo! Message Board Another vastly unknown All Dogs hangout . . .
Sannabelle's ADGTH Page Here you'll find another big selection of fun stuff, including a really extensive fanfic page!!
Sukiva's ADGTH Fan Page Way cool! This page has a lot of fun stuff, including fanart, fanfiction, screenshots (a bunch of rare ones!), and . . . Well, I'll let you find out for yourself! :-)
Winter Wolf's ADGTH/Balto Page This is a hybrid page devoted to both of these cool movies!