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Moving Day

Early Shane Stories..
"Moving Day"
By John O. Plumer Jr (JPJr.)


Young Shane LaFleur
Young Sasha LaFleur
William Arnold LaFleur
Jaycie LaFleur
William & Jaycie's Owner
Diana (Shane's Future Owner)


The LaFleur Home (in SF)
The plane ride to Boston

Part One: San Fransisco- November 1994

About 7 weeks had passed since the birth of William and Jaycie's latest litter of pups. Of the 6 pups in the litter, all but 2 had been purchased and sent to various locations across the country. The 2 remaining pups, of course, were the 2 youngest, Sasha and Shane. Of all the pups in the litter, Jaycie held a special place in her heart for little Shane, the runt of the litter. Jaycie of course, had been upset when the other pups were sold, but her loving husband William assured her that the pups were going to loving homes. "That's what we're bred for, my love", he would always say.. "I know", she always said, "..but I still miss every one of them.. I am their mother after all.." "Of course you're gonna miss them" he said.." I miss them all too, but knowing that they're going to good homes with caring people and that they're gonna be okay makes me feel better". he finished.. "Oh, William, you always know the right thing to say" Jaycie said as she gazed lovingly into her husband's eyes and William gazed at her lovingly as well...

Meanwhile, Shane and Sasha were happily playing with each other.. As the two youngest in the litter, they were the closest emotionally.. (in fact, Sasha would defend Shane whenever the other pups would tease him). The two were practically inseperable. Everywhere Sasha went, Shane would follow.. "I wuv you sis" he said to Sasha as they romped together. "And I wuv you too, Shane.. I hope we'll always be together, no matter what happens!", she answered.. "Yeah!" said Shane, "I hope we'll stay together forever!"...

Then all of a sudden came a knock on the front door, and soon the LaFleur family would forever be changed...

End of Part 1..

Part 2: San Fransisco, 1994..

Upon hearing the knock on the door, William and Jaycie's owner went to the door and answered it. A beautiful young woman came to the door and immediately began a conversation with the owner.. She mentioned that her name was Diana and that she was an heir to a major fortune. She was an only child and her parents had died recently, so she was very lonely an needed a companion to keep her company. Also, she mentioned that it had always been a dream for her to have a dog that she could enter into shows. She had mentioned that she had always loved Irish Setters (she had had one as a kid) and that she had seen an ad in a dog magazine in Boston about champion-bred Irish Setter pups in San Fransisco and that she decided to check it out. "Oh" the owner replied.. "Well we had 6 pups but now we have only 2 left, one boy and one girl" she continued,, "just one more thing.. for the sake of the parents, I've agreed to keep one of them, so you'll have to choose which one you get to take home and the one that isn't picked will get to stay with us, ok?".. "Okay", Diana said.. "So, let's go see the little guys", the owner said.. "Ooh, I can hardly wait!", Diana said excitedly as they headed to the room where William, Jaycie, and the pups were..

Shane and Sasha suddenly stopped playing with each other when their owner walked in with a woman they had never seen before. When she saw the two walk in, Jaycie immediately became nervous because she knew that she would soon have to say goodbye to one of her precious pups..but she knew that they were bred for this purpose, so that others could have champion-quality show dogs. But she still dreaded the moment when someone would pick one of her pups and leave because she knew that she probably ould never see that pup again. Their owner then instructed William to bring over each pup one at a time..

First up was Sasha. William brought her over to be checked out by the potential owner. Sasha was so beautiful. In the few seconds before they were instructed over, Jaycie had groomed Sasha for for this ocassion. Jaycie cringed as Diana looked her over. "Could it be little Sasha that goes?"..she thought to herself... After a few minutes William brought Sasha back over to Jaycie. Then he picked up Shane and brought him over. Diana took one look at Shane and it was love at first sight. She just couldn't keep her eyes off the little pup. "Oooh, he's sooo precious!", she gushed.. "what's his name?", she asked the owner. The owner replied "His name is Shane and he's the runt of the litter". Diana picked him up and petted him and said, "Why helloo there Shane, you precious little pup!.. then Shane licked her face and her mind was made up... "Oooh, he's perfect, I'll take him!" , she said happily.. "Okay" the owner said, "you just have to fill out a couple of forms, write me a check and you can take him home today!".. "Okay", Diana said .."just one thing..can I take Shane in there with me?" she asked.. the owner replied "Sure, you can do that." And with that Diana excitedly entered the next room with the owner with Shane in tow.

Upon hearing all this, Jaycie began to cry.. "Oh, no!" she exclaimed, "Not my little Shaney baby!" she cried as little Sasha ran to her side. She then turned to her father and asked, "You mean that woman's taking my baby brother away?" "Yes, I'm afraid so, princess", he said.. Sasha was now crying.. "Now, I'll have no one to play and have fun with", she said in a whimper. He then proceded to explain to her about the proud tradition of the LaFleur family and how precious each pup in the family is and how, since they were champions , everyone wanted a champion show dog of their own.. "That's what we're bred for..", he explained ..he still ensed that she was upset so he then said "but don't worry, princess because our owner agreed that one of the pups in this litter would get to stay with us..and you're the one", he continued ,"In that way, you're special.." "Okay", Sasha said, "but I'm still gonna miss him a whole lot!".. "I know, princess, me and your mom will miss him dearly too, just like all of your older siblings whom were purchased as well", William said. He was about to continue when their owner and Diana came back in with Shane..

"Okay", said Diana, "now say goodbye to your parents and sister and we'll be on our way to your new home!" Shane got nervous "New home??" he thought, "But THIS IS my home!", he then started to cry as she bought him over. First up was his sister, Sasha. "Goodbye", said Shane, crying "I'm gonna miss you sis.." , Sasha, crying herself, he replied "and I'm gonna miss you too, my little brother Shane". The Diana brought Shane over to his parents.. First up was William.. "Goodbye, son..I want you to be good to your new owner and do whatever she tells you to do", his father told him. "Okay ,dad.. I will..goobye..", Shane said, crying. He then turned to his mother, whom was trying to hold back her emotions, but to no avail... "Goodbye, precious little guy..I just know you're gonna have a great life and I hope that this new owner is as nice and as good to you as I was good at being a mother for you so that you can grow up to become a champion!", she said, almost crying. Shane, whom was crying himself, said "Goodbye, mommy.." and was picked up and taken to the door by Diana.. After that, Jaycie completely broke down and began crying uncontrollably as Diana left the house with Shane in tow to her limo to take them to the airport. William, now almost crying himself, was comforting his wife and daughter as the limo drove away.

When Diana got to the airport with Shane, her private plane had arrived and she boarded with her new puppy. On the way to Boston, Shane started to cry because he missed his parents. Dianathe told him that she understood what it was like to be seperated from her parents, then she comforted him. "All we have now is each other and together we'll get along just fine.".. Despite this, Shane was still crying, so she picked himand put him in her lap and stroked his head gently as she sang him a soothing song to calm him down.The song was the Beatles "Golden Slumbers"..

"Once there was a way to get back homeward"
"Once there was a way to get back home"
"Sleep pretty darling, do not cry"
"..and I will sing a lullabyee"

"Golden Slumbers fill your eyes"
"Smiles await you when you rise"
"Sleep pretty darling, do not cry.."
"..and I will sing a lullabye.."

And with that, Shane promptly fell asleep in her lap, and Diana thought to herself that everything would be alright.

Soon, Shane would be in his new home in Boston and he was sure to have plenty of interesting adventures in the future..

The End..

Legal Stuff..

"Sasha LaFleur" is copyrighted 1996-2000 and ADGTH is Copyrighted 1989-2000 Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM) Animation Studios..

"Shane LaFleur and Diana" are Copyrighted 2000 to me, JPJr.

"Willliam Arnold and Jaycie LaFleur" are copyrighted 2000 to ????

"Golden Slumbers"
Written By: John Lennon & Paul McCartney
Performed by The Beatles
From the Beatles LP "Abbey Road", Copyrighted 1969 to Apple Corps, Ltd.

A Special Thanks..
To Oldiesfan, once again for inspiring me to continue writing fanfics.. I couldn't have done this without your support.

And a big thanks to all the Sasha fans online..Thanks for supporting this wonderful character!