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The Story of NineTailsUK

*London Park, England*

(A young brown fox with 6 tails was walking through a park. He left his family now to seek either a Pokemon trainer or another Vulpix to start another family. He walked over to a bush and walked into it. He sat down and yawned, it was a hard day for him... Then, he heard a rustle. He poked his head out and a blast of cold water hitted his head. He jumped out of the bush in anger to see a trainer and a turtle standing in front of him. When the trainer ordered his Pokemon to attack, he sounded American).

TRAINER:Squirtle, use Water Gun now!


(Firing a water gun from his mouth weakened the young fox. He fell down in a dizzy state. The American trainer threw a red and white ball onto Vulpix and caught him).

TRAINER:Haha! That'll teach him!

*San Fransico, America*

(A German Shepherd and a small dog were walking through a busy street).

ITCHY:Great, Charlie! Trust YOU to pick a busy day for the people to work!

CHARLIE:How was I to know?! Anyway, Itch, the flying nun herself is having a meeting at the Flea Bite Cafe and she wants us to be there.

ITCHY:Flying nun?

CHARLIE:Yeah, you know....


CHARLIE:Good guess, Itch.



(Charlie turned around to see a glowing pink whippet. He made a goofy smile).

CHARLIE:A-Annabell, nice to see you, heh...

ANNABELL:Save it, Charles.


ANNABELL:Now, why aren't you coming to the cafe yet?

CHARLIE:Because, me and Itchy is making a adventure going through a crowd of working people!

ANNABELL:Really? Oops. But, you could start on this adventure earlier before the people could come out to work.

ITCHY:Well, the thing is.. erm...

CHARLIE:Itchy wanted to catch up on his game, 'Sonic Adventure'!


ITCHY:You see...

ANNABELL:I love that game.

(Charlie fell to the ground in shock!)

CHARLIE:Oh, brother!

ANNABELL:Besides, Sonic is pretty cool character.

CHARLIE:I might as well lose my cool if we aren't gonna be late!

ANNABELL:Well, I found your reason why your late and I'll make sure the others are waiting.

ITCHY:The others?

ANNABELL:Yep. Let's see, there is Sasha, Bess, Ruby, Shane, Killer, Gerta, Snowy, Jenny, Marica and Sannabell.

CHARLIE:And, what this meeting about?

ANNABELL:Something about a fox with nine-tales coming to join us, who knows? Anyway, you better come, Charles. Otherwise, the flying nun is going to be a flying mad nun!

(When Annabell disappered, Charlie gulped).

CHARLIE:What a life.

ITCHY:Come on, Charlie. Let's see if we can catch up with the others.

CHARLIE:All right, lets go!

(Charlie and Itchy started to run to the Flea Bite Cafe).

*Airport, England*

(Vulpix was standing beside his new trainer's Pokemon. Magneton, Vileplume, Hypno and Fearow. He looked forward to see his trainer fighting with someone else in a battle. Vulpix watched with intrest as his trainer's Squirtle faced against the opponent's Charmander).

AMERICAN TRAINER:Squirtle, Hydro Pump!

BRITISH TRAINER:Charmander, Fire Spin!

(Vulpix started to lay down on the floor as he watched Squirtle firing his Hyrdo Pump and putting the Charmander down with one hit).

BRITISH TRAINER:No! Charmander, return!

(The opponent trainer returned Charmander in its Poke-ball and reached for something in his pocket. This caught Vulpix's intrest).

BRITISH TRAINER:As you won the battle, I'll give you this as a promise. If I win, you'll give me a GYM badge. But if you win, I'll give you this.

(He threw a red object to Vulpix's trainer).

AMERICAN TRAINER:All right! A Fire Stone!

(Vulpix jumped up and quickly relaised that hes going to evolve him!)

BRITISH TRAINER:With this, you can make that little fox of yours (Points to Vulpix) into a Ninetales!


(He started to walk over to his Pokemon with Squirtle by his side. Vulpix cowered against a wall as his trainer placed the Fire Stone upon him. Vulpix glowed white and started to grow even bigger. His 6 tails turned into 9 and when the bright light was gone, the little brown 6-tailed fox, Vulpix, was gone. Standing in his place was a white, 9-tailed fox that has blue tips on each of his tails. The trainer brought out a red hand-held computer and pointed it at the new Pokemon).

POKe-DEX:Ninetales, the Fox Pokemon. The evolved form of Vulpix. Grabbing one of its nine beautiful tails for a joke will make this beautiful Pokemon give the joker a 1,000 years curse of bad luck.

AMERICAN TRAINER:Then, I'll nickname ya Ninetalesuk!


(Then, a tannoy voice was heard).

TANNOY:The plane to San Fransico will leave in 20 minutes. Flight will take 4 hours due to because of less wind!

AMERICAN TRAINER:All right, San Fransico, here I come!

(He made his Pokemon returned into the Poke-balls and turned around to make his way home).

*Flea Bite Club Cafe, San Fransico, America*

CHARLIE:Why they are here? OW!

(Charlie and Itchy finally made it to the meeting but, there was one tiny problem for Charlie. Sasha was babysitting some tail-biting pups).

SASHA:I had no choice, Charlie. Why? What would you do to them?

CHARLIE:S-Somewhere that will scare them. Like a Pokemon! Like Meowth! He'll use Bite!

ITCHY:If you ask me, Meowth will be annoyed and will sended them to you, Charlie.


(Annabell appeared and landed on a table).

ANNABELL:Order, order.

CHARLIE:I thought this was a meeting, not a jury!

ANNABELL:I'm ordering something.

(Charlie slapped his head).


SHANE:Lets get the meeting on before we eat.

ANNABELL:All right, for some strange reason, I feel something like we are going to get a new friend that'll become a guardian.

SNOWY:Guardian, guardian of what?

ANNABELL:I don't know.

KILLER:Intresting meeting here.

MARCIA:Yeah, I think I'm gonna be back early to my friends.

CHARLIE:Friends who work for Belladonna?

MARCIA:They don't know about it but, they think I'm going to a Dog Palour.

CHARLIE:*Sigh* Annabell, heres an idea. Who this new friend going to be and what type of dog its going to be.

ANNABELL:Not a dog, a Pokemon. A beautiful one.

RUBY:Heres an idea, why don't we guess what it could be.

SASHA:All right, everyone! Let's try and think of one!

BESS:This will be intresting, won't it?


(Charlie and Shane both shook their heads).


*Airport, San Franciso, America*

(The American trainer exited the building and breathed the hot air).

AMERICAN TRAINER:Ahh, sweet sound and scent. Thats what I like in this city! First up, the park!

*Flea Bite Cafe*

(Everyone was all over the place of the cafe. Charlie was sitting at a table, ignoring the pain from the pups. Charlie turned to Itchy).

CHARLIE:You know, these guys reminds me of Flo's pups.

ITCHY:Your right there, Charlie.

(Sasha walked over to Charlie and Itchy).

SASHA:Flo? Whos Flo?

CHARLIE:What? I didn't say anything.

(Bess walked over as well).

BESS:Yes you did, you said Flo.

CHARLIE:I said, me and Itchy should go with the flow.

BESS:Oh, gosh.

(Bess walked over, annoyed and puzzled. Sasha eyed Charlie in suspiction and followed Bess to the counter with Gerta waiting for them).

GERTA:Whats up you?

SASHA:Nothing, Gerta. Its just that Charlie mentioned a dog's name called Flo.

GERTA:Annabell was telling me that. Flo is a collie and is a old friend of Charlie's.

BESS:Well, that comes clear. Did Charlie had a crush on her?

GERTA:According to Annabell, yeah.


GERTA:Now, since your here, Charlie has strong feelings about you.

SASHA:I have feelings for Charlie too, but....

VOICE:Hey, Annabell!

(Sasha, Bess and Gerta turned around to Charlie, who was looking at Annabell).

CHARLIE:Can we go now?

ANNABELL:Not until we can figure out what Pokemon our new friend could be.


(Charlie got up and walked over to Annabell).

CHARLIE:I'll have a guess. Say wrong if that isn't the Pokemon and say 'That's it!' if I guessed right! Okay?


CHARLIE:Right. Eevee!








(Sasha turned back to Bess and Gerta).

SASHA:This will be a long night, won't it? I mean, theres over 150 known species of Pokemon! The question is, which one?


(Belladonna, Annabell's evil twin, was having a talk with Carface, Vixey and Peggy).

BELLADONNA:I call this meeting to find a way to destroy my goody too-shoes twin and her shepherd friend!

VIXEY:Marcia won't be joining us today because she has an appointment at the Beauty Parlour.

PEGGY:Rotter! I wanna go there!

VIXEY:To get a new brain?

CARFACE:Killer is going to a movie, thats where he is now.

BELLADONNA:Forget it, does anyone have a plan of how to get rid of Charlie, Annabell and their friends?


BELLADONNA:Does anyone?

(Silence again till Carface growled).

BELLADONNA:You have a idea?

CARFACE:No! Something is pulling my tail!

(Belladonna looked behind Carface to see a green vine whipped around his tail. She followed a vine till she saw a ball of vines with eyes and two legs).



BELLADONNA:Tangela. Its a Pokemon of the Grass-type. Hmm, I got a idea. Heh heh.

(Belladonna took some vine of Tangela before the the grass-Pokemon ran off. Belladonna held the small piece of vine in her paw and showed it to the others).

BELLADONNA:I know how to destroy them. Hahaha!!!

*San Fransico Park*

(The trainer walked through the park. He held Ninetalesuk's Poke-ball and looked at it).

AMERICAN TRAINER:You know! I should train this worthless fox! Lost two battles and only won against a Magikarp! When I see a real challange, hes gonna get it!

(A nearby bush was destroyed and a giant green bug with wings and scythe-like arms appear out of no-where. The trainer brought his Poke-dex out and pointed at it).

POKe-DEX:Scyther, a Mantis Pokemon. It uses its razor-sharp arms to attack. It is popular with ninjas as it is a fast moving Pokemon. Special attack is Sword Dance.

AMERICAN TRAINER:A Pokemon for my collection.

(He threw Ninetalesuk's ball).


(When Ninetalesuk came out and spotted Scyther, he went into his battling position).


(The white fox opened his mouth but, Scyther moved quickly and slashed upon Ninetalesuk. The fox yelled and held his eye. Another slash and Ninetalesuk held his paw. He was in pain. Scyther started to finish Ninetalesuk off when the trainer brought out Fearow).

AMERICAN TRAINER:Fearow, Whirlwind!

(Fearow beated its wings and blew Scyther away. He returned Fearow and looked at Ninetalesuk, who was still in pain).

AMERICAN TRAINER:Pathetic. You are usless!

(He returned Ninetalesuk back into its ball. Then, he spotted a Tangela on a tree. He threw Ninetalesuk ball again).

AMERICAN TRAINER:Better not fail me!

(Ninetalesuk came out, but fell onto the floor. He held his eye and paw and yelled, causing Tangela to run away. Ninetalesuk looked at his trainer to see him so angry!)

AMERICAN TRAINER:You are usless!! You know that! I might as well leave you here to die!

(He brought out 2 balls. He threw one of them to bring out Hypno).

AMERICAN TRAINER:Hypno, use Hypnosis on that usless Ninetales!

(Hypno's eyes glowed and putted the young white fox to sleep. Hypno went back into its Poke-ball. The trainer looked at Ninetalesuk and then, his ball. He threw it to the ground and it broke).

AMERICAN TRAINER:I shouldn't have captured you in the first place!

(After that, Ninetalesuk's trainer turned away and left him behind).

*South area of San Fransico Park*

(Belladonna was hovering above the park. She made a piece of vine float to the ground. Belladonna smiled and looked at the sky).

BELLADONNA:Winds of evil, thunder of death! Make this monster strong and impossible for my goody twin and her friends to defeat!

(A thunder appered and hitted the small vine. It transformed into a giant Tangela. Belladonna laughed so hard, she almost choked).

BELLADONNA:All right, Annabell! Your history! Hahaha!!

*Flea Bite Cafe. Night*







(Charlie was still guessing what Pokemon and couldn't get one right answer. Itchy, Killer, Marcia, Snowy, Sannabell and Jenny were asleep. Sasha, Bess, Gerta and Shane were still awake and was still watching what was happening).

SASHA:148 and not one right!

SHANE:Who is Mewtwo?



ANNABELL:Vulpix, erm...

(Charlie made a desperation face).


(Charlie fell to the floor).

CHARLIE:I can't take it anymore!!!!

(Sasha walked over and picked Charlie up to his feet).

SASHA:Calm down, Charlie. You got one more guess.

CHARLIE:Whos that?


(A shout was heard across the street).

VOICE 1:Everyone stay away from the park! A giant Pokemon is loose in there!

VOICE 2:No one will go there! Not even strong trainers!

(Everyone woke up from the noise and looked at each other and then, Annabell).

SANNABELL:What do you think is happening, aunt Annabell?

ANNABELL:It must be a plan from Belladonna. Charlie, Itchy, Sasha, come with me while the rest stay here!

(Annabell, Charlie, Itchy and Sasha left leaving the others surprized).

SHANE:Wha-What are we suppose to do? Agh!

SNOWY:They outta ear-shot!

SANNABELL:Please, be okay.


(Annabell, Charlie, Itchy and Sasha arrived at the park and saw Belladonna and the giant Tangela were causing chaos in the park).

ANNABELL:It is Belladonna!

CHARLIE:How we gonna stop her? Thats Tangela!

ITCHY:A walking yarn of vines?


(Belladonna spotted Annabell, Charlie, Sasha and Itchy and smiled).

BELLADONNA:There they are! Attack, Tangela!

ITCHY:She spotted us!

SASHA:How did you guess?


(Charlie, Itchy, Sasha and Annabell went into 4 directions. Tangela grabbed Itchy with a vine and started to follow the others, who regrouped).

ANNABELL:Hes got Itchy!

SASHA:What shall we do?

CHARLIE:Run! If giant Tangela fire a power upon us, it will either posion, put us to sleep or stun us! Do you know what to do?


(They started to run with a giant Tangela, holding Itchy and carrying Belladonna, right behind them).

*Northen Park*

(Ninetalesuk woke up from his sleep and streched. He looked around and saw three dogs running up to him. They stopped and looked at him strangley).

SASHA:What the heck is this Pokemon?

CHARLIE:A Ninetales.

ANNABELL:Thats it! Thats the one!

(Ninetalesuk looked at him strangly and saw a giant Tanglea coming towards them).

BELLADONNA:So, a Ninetales eh? Well, prepare to die! All of you!

(Tanglea threw Itchy to the the others and shook a yellow powder).


ITCHY:What is it?

CHARLIE:Stun Spore!


ANNABELL:We're doomed!

(Ninetalesuk opened his mouth a blast of fire came out, making the Stun Spore disappering. Belladonna was shocked. The others looked at Ninetalesuk, surprizinly).

CHARLIE:H-Hes a Fire-type?

ITCHY:Must be Flamethrower!

(Ninetalesuk opened his mouth again and a more powerful flame appered and headed straight to the giant Tangela. Belladonna flew off and headed to the sky).


CHARLIE:That was Fire Blast, powerful Fire attack ever!

(Tangela was hit and vanished into thin air. Belladonna ran away while Charlie, Itchy, Sasha and Annabell were cheering for Ninetalesuk. The white fox smiled and fell to floor, tired and fell asleep).

*Flea Bite Club Cafe*

(Ninetalesuk opened his eyes to find himself in a cafe, surrounded by dogs. A pink whippet walked over to him and touched his thoart. A glow appered and Annabell took hand off. Charlie stepped up to Ninetalesuk).

CHARLIE:How are you feeling?


(Ninetalesuk jumped up from a fright).


ANNABELL:I gave you some Mirical Power to help you talk.


CHARLIE:Whats your name?

NINETALESUK:M-My name is Ninetalesuk.

SASHA:Ninetalesuk? Whats the uk stand for?

NINETALESUK:United Kingdom. You see, I use to be a Vulpix and lived in a London Park in England. A trainer from San Franciso appered and used a Squirtle to weaken and capture me. He won a Fire Stone from another trainer after a battle and used on me to evolve me into a Ninetales.

KILLER:Then, nicked-name ya Ninetalesuk? Right?

NINETALESUK:Yes. Erm, who are you?

CHARLIE:Oh, yes. Sorry. I'm Charlie and this is Sasha, Bess, Itchy, Shane, Killer, Ruby, Sannabell, Annabell, Snowy, Gerta, Jenny and Marcia.

NINETALESUK:Nice to meet all of you.

ANNABELL:Why were you in the park?

NINETALESUK:Before we went into the park, my trainer fought 3 other trainers and I only won 1.

RUBY:What was the battle like?

NINETALESUK:Terrible. First one was a Dugtrio and the other was a Onix!

SNOWY:Whats wrong with that?

NINETALESUK:Onix is a Rock-type and Dugtrio a Ground-type! Fire-types are weak against Water, Ground and Rock! Thats why!

BESS:You have the advantage over Grass, Bug and Ice-types. Maybe thats why you won.

NINETALESUK:It was a Magikarp I faced! A useless Pokemon!

ITCHY:Oh. Where did you get the scars?


(Ninetalesuk looked at his paw that Scyther cutted in the battle).

NINETALESUK:I fought against a Scyther.

CHARLIE:Who gave you a scar on your eye and paw, right?

NINETALESUK:Yeah, thanks to my pain, I scared a wild Tangela. Doing that, my trainer left me behind.

SASHA:I'm sorry.

NINETALESUK:Its okay. Right now, I have my family back in England and my trainer is the only one to get me back.

CHARLIE:Do you have any friends?

NINETALESUK:No, I'm all alone.

ANNABELL:We can be your friends.



NINETALESUK:Th-Thank you. What can I say?

CHARLIE:Nothing. Just be yourself.

SASHA:Like your crazy ego, Charlie.


(Ninetalesuk laughed. He knows now that he has new friends).


(Live has been good for Ninetalesuk now. He found other Pokemon that was left by their trainers. His best Poke-friend was a Charmeleon, evolved form of Charmander, called Charleon. The others were Growlithe, Eevee, Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon and Vult (Vulpix). Charlie and Shane became his best friends too. Soon, the dogs and the left-behind Pokemon became friends as well. Ninetalesuk was happy. But, one night. He had a dream.)

(He walked through a mystical area. He spotted two Irish Settlers standing in front of him. He walked over to them).


IRISH SETTLER 1:No, we are not Sasha or Shane.

IRISH SETTLER 2:We're Sasha and Shane's parents.

NINETALESUK:Parents? Your William and Jaycie La'Fleur? The ones killed while Sasha was young?

WILLIAM:Yes. How did you know?

NINETALESUK:Shane told me hwo you guys died. I'm sorry.

JAYCIE:Its okay. We just want to ask you a favour, Ninetalesuk.


WILLIAM:Can you be a guardian to our 2 children?



NINETALESUK:I don't know, I'll have to check it with Sasha and Shane.

WILLIAM:We visited to them already. They know.

NINETALESUK:Well, okay. I'll do it.

JAYCIE:Thank you.


(Ninetalesuk woke up to see Shane and Sasha standing in front of him).

NINETALESUK:Hey, guys. I had a strange dream.

SASHA:No need to explain, we know.

NINETALESUK:You mean, its true?

SHANE:Yeah, I'm gonna be glad your going to protect us, buddy.

SASHA:You save my life once, I know you are going to be a good guardian to protect me and Shane from any evil kind.

NINETALESUK:I'll not only protect you two, I'll also protect the others.

SHANE:Because that what friends will do. Help one another.

NINETALESUK:Yeah. Thats right.

(Ninetalesuk smiled. He knows that with his friends, hes home).