This section is dedicated to movies: comedies, horror, musicals, just everything. All information will be based on DVD movies, so they may include information on the bonus material provided by DVDs. Follow the letter which represents the first letter of each movie. This will take you to a listing of those movies included so far on this website. Information available will include general movie information, personal reviews, ratings, etc.
Movie ratings systemRatings will be assigned each movie. Please use this rating scale as reference.
- 5 - Don't bother renting, just go out and buy it
- 4 - Put at the top of your To See list
- 3 - Well worth the money spent to rent it
- 2 - Rent it
- 1 - Rent it only if you have seen every other movie
- 0 - If somebody is playing this movie in the room you are in, GET UP AND LEAVE. Don't waste hours of your life.
Movies that begin with:
In the Theaters
A - C
D - F
G - I
J - L
M - O
P - R
S - U
V - Z