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It all started in 1977, when Irwin Yablans took John Carpenter's Assault on Precinct 13 to the Milan Film Festival in England. Irwin Yablans met up with Michael Meyers, and it was entered in the London Film Festival. There, John Carpenter met with Moustapha Akkad. John Carpenter was given $300,000 by Akkad, to make a horror movie called The Babysitter Murders.

Debra Hill and John Carpenter received a call from Irwin Yablans, some time later. Yablans suggested that the movie be set on Halloween. In fact, he said, it should be called HalloweeN. The rest is movie history.

Our story begins on Halloween Night, 1963 in Haddonfield, Illinois. Six-year-old Michael Myers watches through the window as his sister Judy makes out with a boy. He watches them go up to her room. Little Michael walks into the house, and picks up a kitchen knife and a clown mask. He watches Judy's boyfriend leave, and then proceeds up to her room, where he stabs her death. Shot entirely from Michael's point of view, John Carpenter's opening scene is one of the best steadycam scenes in motion picture history.

On October 30, 1978 Dr. Loomis (Donald Pleasence) and Nurse Chambers (Nancy Stephens), are to pick up Michael Myers from the Smiths Grove-Warren County Sanitarium, to be tried as an adult. When they get there, Chambers is attacked my Myers, who runs off. Loomis knows he's going back to Haddonfield.

Back in Haddonfield, Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) is a quiet, lonely teenage girl. She and two friends, Annie (Nancy Loomis) and Lynda (P.J. Soles), are walking home from school, taking about normal girl stuff. Boys, classes, clothes, the dance, tonight. Whatever. Anyways, a strange boy drives by in a Smiths Grove Station Wagon, and watches them. Later, after Lynda leaves, Michael is seen hiding (not very well) behind a bush. For the rest of the day, Laurie is haunted by Michael, in his plain, white mask.

Meanwhile, Dr. Loomis finds Haddonfield's sheriff, Annie's dad, Sheriff Brackett (Charles Cyphers). Loomis warns Brackett that Myers is loose, and that they need to go after him. Brackett reluctantly agrees to listen to Loomis' crazy ramblings.

Halloween night, Annie and Laurie are to babysit across the street from each other. Annie receives a phone call from her boyfriend Paul, and plans to pick him up. She leaves the kid she's watching, Lindsey, with Laurie, and goes back to her car. Once inside, she is strangled by Myers, who is sitting in the back seat. After that, her throat is slashed.

Lynda brings her boyfriend Bob over to the house where Annie is supposed to be babysitting. After some lovin', in the parents' bed, Bob goes downstairs to get some beer. Downstairs, Bob hears a noise in the closet. He opens it up, and out comes Michael Myers, knife in hand. He chokes Bob, raises him in the air, and presses him against the wall. He stabs a knife through Bob, into the wall, leaving him hanging there, dead.

A person wearing a sheet and Bob's glasses enters the bedroom (sans beer). Of course, we all know this is not Bob. Lynda isn't so lucky. After being thoroughly pissed off by his refusal to talk, Lynda calls Laurie. With her back turned, the Shape strangles her with the phone cord as Laurie hears her last pants for breath.

After Annie does not return to get Lindsey, and the strange phone call, Laurie crosses the street, to see what's going on. She walks up to the master bedroom, to find Annie spiraled out on the bed, with Judy's gravestone behind her head. Bob pops out of a closet, and Lynda is stored in a cabinet.

You will never forget the heart-pounding climax to HalloweeN, and you will never believe what happens next. Will Dr. Loomis catch Michael? Will Michael get any more victims? Will Laure survive The Night HE Came Home?

The Boogeyman's Review

HalloweeN is a classic horror movie, which has lasted for years, and will last for years to come. Fabulous camera work, fantastic acting, and nail biting suspence bring this whole movie together as a slasher that will last forever. If you have not seen this film, you owe it to yourself to run, don't walk, to your local video store and pick it up.

***** out of *****