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When Akkad approached Carpenter to make another sequel, Carpenter refused. He convinced Akkad to make Halloween an anthology series, with new stories each year. Halloween III was to be the first.

Halloween III opens about a week before Halloween. Somewhere in California, a man is being chased by two suited men. After being attacked, the man is brought to a hospital, where he is treated by Dr. Dan Challis (Tom Atkins). While Challis takes a break, a man, similar in appearance to the attackers, kills him.

Ellie Grimbridge (Stacy Nelkin), the man's daughter, meets up with Dr. Challis, and tells him about her father. She brings him to his old toy store, and tells him that he was going to Silver Shamrock Novelties in Santa Mira, to pick up an order of mask. She hadn't seen him since. Intrigued, Challis takes Ellie to Santa Mira.

Once there, Ellie and Challis, posing as a couple, get a motel room near the factory. That night, a woman in the next hotel room is "lasered," by the trademark from one of the masks. She is brought to the factory to be cared for. Ellie and Challis know something is up.

The next day, the pay the factory a visit, and meet Silver Shamrock's owner, Conal Cochran (Dan O'Herlihy), who takes them, and another family staying at the motel, on a guided tour. After the tour, Ellie sees her father's station wagon in a garage! She knows they did something to him!

On Halloween, Cochran gives Challis an example of the power of his masks. He has put a block from Stone Hedge in each one. When all the kids watch "the big giveaway at nine," something horrible will happen. In Test Room A, sits the other family from the motel. The boy puts on his mask and watches the commercial on a TV. The mask tightens around his head, and begins to rot. He collapses, and insects crawl from the mask. Will Dr. Challis be able to stop Cochran's evil plan, on The Night No One Comes Home?

The Boogeyman's Review

HalloweeN III was a very good idea, and good effort. On a whole, it was a good movie, but it was not a Halloween movie. People expected Michael Myers, but did not recieve. Although this is a great movie, it does not get a fair chance, due to its lack of Michael.

**** out of *****