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Originally titled, HalloweeN 7: The Revenge of Laurie Strode, HalloweeN H20 was retitled to coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the original HalloweeN's release, and because Moustapha Akkad wanted to distance H20 from the rest of the series. So, HalloweeN H20 completely ignores the existence of Parts 3, 4,5, & 6.

As promised by the original title, Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) returns to the role that made her famous...kinda. Under the name Keri Tate, Laurie has distanced herself from her past by moving to Summer Glen, California, and becoming the Headmistress of Hillcrest Academy. Meanwhile, in Langdon, Illinois, Dr. Loomis' old nurse Marion Whittington (Nancy Stevens) learns firsthand that Myers has returned, but doesn't live to tell anyone. After taking care of business at home in Illinois, Michael goes after Laurie.

With her, Laurie - excuse me - Keri, has taken her son John Strode (Josh Hartnett), now a student at Hillcrest. While most of his classmates take a Halloween trip to Yosemite, he, his girlfriend Molly (Michelle Williams), and their friends, Sarah (Jodi-Lyn O'Keefe) and Charlie (Adam Hann-Byrd) plan Halloween party of their own. In order to get provisions for the party, John and Charlie convince Ronny the security guard (LL Cool J) to let them out. While out on the town, they run into Keri, who herself is out on a date with school Guidance Counselor Will Brennan (Adam Arkim). Needless to say, Ronny and the boys find themselves in trouble, but the party still goes on.

While the kids party, Keri brings Will up to her dormitory, where she reveals to him who he really is. Of course, at first, he does not believe her, but he does soon after that. Meanwhile, Charlie runs off to get some provisions, and is attacked and killed by Myers. Next on the hit list is his girlfriend Sarah, who, after looking for him, and finding his body in the dumb-waiter (insert your own pun here), is stabbed to death. The standard formula continues as John and Molly discover Sarah's body, and hike their heinies out of there.

Myers, of course, chases after them, but they attack, and stop pure evil with, of all things, a small rock. They have just enough time to get to John's dorm and for Keri to let them in, for Michael and his sister to meet eye-to-eye for the first time in twenty years, in a very cool "through the porthole" shot. Safe inside, Keri, John, Will, and Molly, see a tall dark figure coming for them down the hall. Without a second thought, Will pulls out his revolver and fires. The man drops to the ground. Our heroes run over to discover they have killed Ronny. Of course, the boogeyman here has always considered LL Cool J to be the highest form of evil.

LL Cool J only proves that he's evil by having let Michael into the building, and an all out fued ensues between our heroes and pure evil (not LL Cool J). Soon enough, Michael and Laurie discover that Blood Is Thicker Than Water.

The Boogeyman's Review

Although a noble effort by genre veteran Steve Miner, director of Friday the 13th Part 2 and Friday the 13th Part 3, HalloweeN H20 suffers from a weak Scream-like script with touches by Scream-writer Kevin Williamson. The teeny-bopper horror movie has not been kind to the classic slasher fan, and HalloweeN H20 is a teeny-bopper horror movie. The guy who played the Shape, Chris Durand, never saw a HalloweeN movie before playing the character, because he decided he wanted his own flavor for Myers. I think we can all agree that this sucks. It's a shame that such a great cameo by Jamie Lee Curtis' mom, and Psycho star Janet Leigh had to go wasted on this trash.

** out of *****