Die Hard 2: Die Harder Script 

This is the Die Hard 2: Die Harder script. Bruce Willis in Cyberspace is not the author. Mistakes are not my fault. Blue text is of the original author.

NB: This script isn't finish yet. I'm working on it, so it shouldn't be long before the complete version will be online. Thanks.
The Movie McClane> Hey, wow, yo, hold on, hold on, it's ok, i'm here, here we are, it's all right. Shut it down
nice and easy. Hein?
Yeah, sure, at the inpound. Next time, read the sign. McClane> Nah, you don't understand. I'm just here to meet my wife's plane. You've got... yeah, common, eight to four, you pay 40$, we give it back McClane> No, don't write it up, don't write it up. Common man. This is my mother in law car. She's all ready mad at me because i'm not a dentist. Yeah McClane> Look, I'm a cop. LAPD. How about a little team spirit. Hein? Oh, I was in LA once. Hated it. McClane> Well, i can understand, i don't like it much either.... Hey, that's a classic fender Relax, I'm just doing my job. McClane> Common, cut me some slack, will you. Look, I used to be a cop in New York city. I only moved to LA because my wife took a job there. Common, what do you say. Here we are, in Washington DC. The heart of democratie. One hand washes the other. Common man, it's christmas. So ask Santa Clause to give you another car. Merry Christmas pal. It's all yours Murry. You got it Bill. McClane> Son of a bitch.
McClane> Hey, where are the telephone. Right over there. {... snow flurries along the north east of sea board are ....} McClane> Thank you man. {... Thank you Fred. Leonard Adkins is in warmer climat with a story that grow harder by the minutes. Security was tied today at Ascala Airport in the Republic of All Vertay. Where government authorities report that the general Raymond Despanzo will be delivered for an imidiate expedition to the United States. Only 2 years ago, General Despanzo lead is country army in a campaign against communist insergin. A campaign fought with americain money and advisors. Despanzo fall of power caused dripple not only in his country recent election, but closer to home as well when high ranking Pentagone official were charged with supplying him with weapons despite the congressional ban. But no evidence that Despanzo forces violated the neutriality of neighbooring countries, may congress may hold founds, founds which Despanzo is accused of replacing by going to lucrative business of cocain stocks. Although Despanzo was removed as Commander of cheef earlier this year, the agreement to expediate him was not reach until yesterday. And Washington iniders say it was a phone call that made it happened. A phone call from a ...} McClane> All right, all right. If I could find a phone, i would call you who ever you are. McClane> Excuse me, thank you. Yeah, this is lieutnant McClane, somebody's just beep me. Holly> I'd like to think I'm just somebody. McClane> Honey. What are you doing? Where are you? Did you land yet? Holly> Honey, it's the nineties, remember? Micro-chip, Micro-wave, faxes, air phones. McClane> Hehehe. Ok, well, as far as I'm concerned, progress can keep the frozen pizza. Holly> Listen, we are going to be about half an hour late landing, ok? I just wanted to let you know. Kids are ok? McClane> Yeah, well, they are about to loose their minds from all the sugar your parents are giving them. Holly> Did mom gave you an hard time about you borowing her new car? McClane> No, not yet. Listen honey. When you land, can we, can we just like, you know, rent a car, check in an hotel, leave the kids with your parents, order some room service... What do you say? Holly> You're on lieutnant. McClane> I'll see you in about half an hour honey. I love you, bye. Isn't technology wonderful? Holly> My husband doesn't think so. Hehe, well, I do. I used to carry around these awful hand strip, now. I zap the bastard who fools with me. I tried it on my little dog, poor think limp for a week. Hehe. McClane> Excuse me. Well, you look really familiar to me. I get that a lot. I've been on TV. McClane> Yeah, me too.
Grab the tools, will you? Got it. {... This is Emmy Nicole reporting live from Escalone Airport where depose general Raymond Despanzo has just arrived under heavy guard. Strangely, the depose dictator's mood seems juvelant. He is smiling and waving to the crowd like a man running for political office...} {.. Thousands of political prisonners in the past decades including the new President, and there is no doubt there are still some artist supporter will hear and abroad. Rumours have found on Capitol Hill that there was other...} Preacher> Yeah. Sorry to bother you sir, we are checking our equipment. Any problem with the lines in your back yard? Preacher> Gee, i didn't know anything about that. Well, do you mind if we take a look? Preacher> Help yourself. Preacher> It just don't seem right somehow to close down this church. Well, I know the parish is
going to keep on using it, but it won't be the same. It's been here a lot of years, and I've been
right here with it. Yeah, it's kinda feel like a piece of me is diing along with this church.
Yeah, well, you're right about that. Preacher> Ahhhhh. {... cocain smuggling, racketiring, is driving government offcials and certainly doesn't show it. But no matter how high his spirit is, they can't hide the fact that america war on drugs has finally taken it's
first prisonner...}
This is buckweed, the clubhouse is open.
Here at Dallas, the quiet man from the justice department wait to hand cuff the man who has come to symbolize the ennemy in America's fight against cocain. That battle may be almost won, but the war is still in doubt. Samantha Colmen, WNTW, for nightime news. Roger that Karls, out.
That was the Curnell, everyone's in position. How's the weather. We got fluries all along the Virgina coast. New storm front's coming in from the North East. Hehehe. God loves the refugies. Amen Carry out your assignment. 15:51, mark. Check. Later. Adios.
That's cold out there man. Hmm. Got my feet for 5 minutes. Yeah yeah. Hmmm. Sure. 2 Capucinnos, make it fast. McClane> Excuse me officiers, this may sounds like a wild goof chase, but I think I just saw... Saw what? McClane> Elvis. Elvis Prestley. Fucking tourists. Can I get you something else. There should be a law.
Sam> Excuse me sir. There's a large number of you from the justice department here this evening. Is there any particular reasons for that. Just routine. Sam> Just routine? Yes. Sam> Any comments sir. Hmmm. No, not right now. Thank you. Sam> Thank you sir, thanks. pffff. Sam> Hey, that's curnell Steward over there. Hein? We've got a little problem with the personal. Last minute replacement. How's the security around this place. Like we figured. It's a joke. Sam> Curnell Steward. Could we have a few words please? You can have two: Fuck and You. No pictures you pinko bitch. Old news.
McClane> Excuse me.
McClane> Hey man. What is it? McClane> You've got a key for this door? Yeah, why? McClane> Cause I want you to open it up, that's why. Is there a cop on duty around here? There's the Airport police. McClane> Go get them. Hehehehe... Michigan overtime. Watch it. All right, perfect, perfect, good to go. McClane> Hey, it's a restrited area. What's the matter. Couldn't wait for the sky cap. We work here. McClane> Let see some ID. Hehehe. Sure. No problem. No problem. McClane> Ah, Jesus, damn, fuck. McClane> What is it? A tag team? Ahhhhh. Ahhhhhhh. You say he came in here and flash his badge. Yeah. He said to bring you guys back here. Shit. Ahhhhhhhh. Oh shit. Fuck Freeze. McClane> Nice guest asshole. I'm a cop. That was the bad guy. Where is your ID? McClane> On his way to Cleveland.
No, you did not explain anything. All you do is show me back here in this coddel car. Sir, you were told when you boarded that we were overbooked. Fine, done. I accept that. But why in hell can't I get the first class meal my network paid for? Do you know who I am? Yes, we've all seen your program. Your episode Flying JunkYard was a very objective look at air traffic safety. It wasn't nearly as edifying as Bimbo of the sky. Was it Conny? You think you're funny. You think you're funny. Fine. I've got your number. And I've got yours. So park it sir. Fine. Stewardess. Mister Thornburg, you cannot monopolize my time. You cannot put me near that women. Excuse me? Holly> He means he's filled a retraining order against me. I'm not allowed within 50 feets of him. 50 yards. So, by keeping me in this section, you are violating a court order. I can sue you and this airline. That women assaulted me and she humiliated me in public. What did you do? Holly> Knocked out 2 of his theets. Would you like some champain.
Sorry officer McClane. Had to check. Here's your piece and shield. McClane> Thanks. Jesus. What the fuck you people doing. What are you doing here man, this is a crime scene. You've got to seal the area off for Christ sake. That's up to the captain. McClane> Oh, that's up to the captain. May be you better take me up to the captain then. hein?
Where's Cocrine? He didn't make it. Ah man. You're late. We ran in a trouble Curnell. Some cop, he killed Cocrine. I barely got away sir. You accomplish your mission? Yes sir, but Corine sir.. Well then, the damage is minimal. The penalty could be severe. You fail me again, and the chamber
won't be empty. Dismissed.
Lorenzo> Who is it? Come in. McClane> Captain Lorenzo? Lorenzo> Yeah. McClane> John McClane... Lorenzo> Yeah, yeah. I know who you are. You're the asshole that's just broke 7 FAA and 5 district of Columbia regulation, running around my airport with a gun, shooting at people. What do you call that shit? McClane> Self defense. Lorenzo> Well, you think that LA badge is going to get you a free lunch or something around here? McClane> No, maybe a little professional curtissy. Lorenzo> Huh. In an airport on Christmas week. You got to be kidding. McClane> Ok. Fuck curtissy. How about just being professional. Your boys just walked away from a crime scene, Captain. You can't wrap this thing up in 10 minutes, and you know it. You've got to seal the area off. Take pictures. Dust for prints. Lorenzo> Hey hey, don't lecture me hot shot. I know what I'm doing. We're gonna dust it down, take all the pictures. We'll sweep for fibers. McClane> When are you going to do this. After 2 or 300 hundred other more people go thru that crash. You will be lucky if you get a print from one of your people. Just shut down that area and send your people in. Lorenzo> Oh, just shut the area down. It's that simple, hein?. Just shut the area down. McClane> Yeah. Lorenzo> And I've got everybody from the Shrener convention to the god dam boyscout strap in thru here. I've got lost kids, lost dogs. Not now, later. I've got international dyplomates, I've got a fucking rein deer flying in here from the fucking petting zoo. But, John McClane, he's got a little problem. Hell, let's shut down the hole fucking airport. Now, what do you think they're gonna say upstairs when I'm gonna tell them that. McClane> Why don't you pick up the phone and find out? Lorenzo> Because I don't need bull fucking franzy to tell me all this was was some punk stealing luggages. McClane> Luggages? That punk pull a Glock 7 on me, you know what that is? It's a porcelain gun made in Gemany. Didn't show up on your airport X-Ray machine here, and it cost more than what you make in a month. Lorenzo> You'd be surpirsed what a make in a month. McClane> If it's more than a dollar 98, I'd be shy.. Lorenzo> Hey hey McClane, don't start believing in your own press, hein? Yeah, yeah. I know all about you and that Nakotimi thing in LA. But just because the TV thinks you're a hot shit, that don't make it so. Look, you are in my little pawn now, and I am the big fish that runs it. Hehe. So you keep some low life, fine. I'll send your fucking Captain in LA some a fucking comadation. Now, in the mean time, you get the hell out of my office before I get to throw you out of my god damn airport. McClane> Hey, Carmine. Let me ask you something. What that metal detector saw first? The leed in your ass, or the shit in your brain? Fat fuck!
Ok, your car is ready. If you'd just sign roght here. McClane> Hi. Hi. McClane> I need to borrow this and this. I'll be right back. Hey! McClane> Hey, wow, hold up. Yo. Hold up boy, hold up, hold up. We've got to check something. What are you doing? McClane> Doing my fucking job. With all the confusion in there, we forgot to get this clown's prints. Do you believe that? Hmm. Christ. Hey, you're supposed to do that at the morgue. McClane> Not anymore. Got a new SOP for DOA from the FAA. Hehehe. I don't think he's going to make it boys, thanks a lot.
There goes our escort. It doesn't matter. We're out of danger now. We're safe all the way to the United States. How long? 3 1/2 hours. Ah. These chains hurt. Muchachos. Could you take these off, kid? Where do you think I could go? Sorry, general. I'm not permitted to do that. Good, kid. Good. You're an excellent soldier. Instead of freedom, give me a light.
Al> Al here. McClane> Yeah, take that twinky out of your mouth and grab a pencil, willa? Al> Hehehe. Hey John. How are you doing? McClane> Holly stood me up and I'm here alone in DC with my in-laws. Al> Ah! The old in-laws, hein? Man, they do love they're policeman son-in-law, don't they? McClane> Listen Al, what is the fax machine telephone number there at the station? Al> 555-3212. McClane> 3212. Hold on a second, all right? I'm gonna send you something here. Excuse me. Al> You have a fax. This is a first. McClane> Yeah, well. Holly told me I should wake up and smell the ninies. This way? No, that way. McClane> Wait, there something down. It doesn't matter. McClane> Ok, here it comes. I'm sending you something right now. Al> Hehe. Hold on a second cow-boy. Finger prints? McClane> I've got an unidentify stiff here. I've circled the wolds in pen in case the transmission is a little fuzzy. Listen, run it thru state and feds. If you can run it thru interpol. Al> Well do. Well, what is it about? McClane> Oh, just a feeling I have. Al> Ahaha. Ouach. When you get those feelings, the insurance compagnies start to go bankrupt. McClane> Listen, the fax number is... It's on the top edge of the transmission he just got... McClane> It's on the top edge of the trasnmission you just got. Al> An airport, hein? Listen, you're not pissing on somebody's pool, are you? McClane> Hehehe, yeah. And I'm fresh out of chlorine. Thank you. You're welcome.
Just as this storm start break in, the satellite feed up and brought the other seed up. Look at this new
front moving in. Makes his babe brother look like chicken shit.
Well, I can send out all the runways and keep the plaza going between landing but you gotta downshift them up there, give me time to work. You got it. All right everyone, let's call all our birds and slow them down before we get a parking
lot over our heads. The line start at the Mississippi, and they better start taking numbers.
Can I get you another? Holly> No, thank you. I only have to look at his face for another 15 or 20 minutes. Ladies and gentleman, this is the captain speaking. I've just been informed by Dallas traffic cotrol that there's a weather front moving in ahead of us. We're maybe up here a little while longer. Holly> On second thought.
McClane> Al? Al> Hey, I'm right here partner. Your stiff tass is coming thru right now. McClane> What can you tell me about him? Al> He's dead. McClane> You need a computer to figured that one out. Al> No, no, no. You don't follow me. According to the department of defense, he's been dead for 2 years. McClane> What? Al> That's right. Sergant Olswell Kankran. American advisor in Honduras, killed in an helicopter accident 5/11/88. Officer! Al> Read between the lines and I'd say it looks like another black bag stuff to me. McClane> Yeah, I see it. All right Al, thanks a lot. Al> Hey, anytime. Say, I close in about an hour. Maybe we could go get a drink. McClane> Hehe. Just the fax man, just the fax.
Sam> Yeah, wait a second, wait. I see somebody. Listen, I'll call you right back, ok? No, hold on, hold on. The ghost of Christmas past. Nakatomi, LA. You're John McClane, right? McClane> Who are you? Sam> Sam Colmens. WNTW news. McClane> Excuse me. Sam> Hey, common. Give me a break. A saw the stiff. Word is that was your handy work. McClane> No. I only do niddle points. Sam> Pfff.
Great, Nashville just shut down. Totally iced. They're gonna be sending us airplanes. Happy Happy Holdidays. Lorenzo> The worst part Mister Trudeau was the press. Oh, they were here anyway. Crowling all over the Despanzo story. So they got it right all in the fucking news, you know. Blood stain and all. Personaly, I'd like to lock every damn reporter out of the airport but then, they put that freedom of speech crap on us, then the ICLU would be all over us. Murder on television. Hell of a story for a Christmas week. What is it? A gang thing like last time. McClane> Only if your gang gets their training at Fort Brag. Who the hell is this? Lorenzo> John McClane. McClane> I'm a police officer... Lorenzo> An unauthorized area. LA, Mister Trudeau. It don't mean shit. Yes, that's what I said about my last cholesterol test. So, what's your problem lieutnant McClane? McClane> I'm sure captain Lorenzo here explain you the minor little fragment about the minor little thef. Maybe he can explain this.
All systems tap, curnell. Fire it up. H minus 5 minutes, stand be.
All right, we've got a body in the morgue it's seems to die twice. Assuming it's not a computer error, what do we assume? McClane> That somebody's about to seriously fuck with this airport. What the hell is that supposed to mean? I mean, I know we're dummies up here McClane, so give us a little taste of your brillant genius. I mean, you're talking about an Ijack, a robbery, or what? McClane> Look, I'm not sure, all I know... Lorenzo> Oh, he's not sure, well, I'm stunned. I got to lie down. McClane> The only people that goes thru this much trouble are professionals. Not luggage thief, and not punks. Professional of what? McClane> What the fuck do you think this is, hein? The safety patrol, here? This is the resume of a professional mersenairy, you've got the world biggest drug dealer on his way here now, what are you, the slide brew to figure this out. Or maybe another body in a zipper bag before he start asking questions. Lorenzo> Hey, pal. You're the one who gave us that fucking body, remember that. McClane> Yeah, I remember that. Lorenzo, have all you chef commander report in, now. Lorenzo> What, you're not buying into this. I want them to report anything out of the ordinairy. No matter how tridient. You got that. Lorenzo> Yeah, I got it. Oh my god. What? The runways, look... Son of a bitch. What the hell? Jesus Christ. Go to emergency lighting, now. Emergencies, we are in a code yellow. Back up system won't come up. Turn into another terminal. Bobby, what do you got? Please respond, please respond. Nothing, all the network is down. Maybe we should call the power compagnym hein? We're all in the same god damn power, and we're hot. Tower, what is going on? I'm in approach... Maintain poition. Repeat. What's going on down there? Roger, we're on it, we're on it. We're unable right now, please delay. 604, execute publish mist approach, procedure and hold. TWA23, unable to clear you for approach at this time, climb to and maintain 1000 Checked all system, it ain't happening.
Yeah, yeah yeah.. What's it look like? Approach control, it's gone. Jesus, Atlantic system is down. Confirmed, IOS is dead. Every god damn system's dead and INNET monitors are down. Attention all the controlors, attention. We have a code red alert. Every aircraft approaching our sector who are not already in our landing patern gets diverted to their alternete airport now. Everyone already on approach, or in site of patern, hold at the outer marker. Stack them, pack them and rack them. Move. Get someone on it. All right, not a word of this leave this room. There must 15 000 people in this airport and we don't need panic on our hands. We just bought ourself maybe 2 hours. After that, those planes with low fuel ain't gonna be circling, they are gonna be dropping on the White House lawn. McClane, is this what you've expected? McClane> No, This is just the begining. FAA Hotline? Lorenzo> How could they know already? They can't. McClane> Maybe it's the boys who pull all your pluggs. Put in on speaker. Attention Dallas Tower, attention. They say that blind man can be attended by a way of conversation. Now that you are both blind and death. I think I've got your attention. I'm aware that your recorders are active so I'll be quick and you can play me back later till your heart contain. How did you get on this line? Who is this? Who I am is unimportant. What I want, well, if you don't want those planes to start splashing into the plutonic because they run out of fuel. What I want is very important. A plane will be landing in this airport in 58 minutes, it is 4M1, 4 military 1. Now, I'm sure you gentleman are well aware of the unique nature of this flight... McClane> Despanzo? And the importance of it's cargo. This plane will not be meet by anyone. It will land on a runway of my designation where it will remain isolated and unapproached. I will conclude my interests on this aircraft and your responsability for it. At the same time, I want a 747 cargo conversion fully fueled and placed at my disposal. You have 2 more minutes to advise your imbound aircraft to hold at their radio marker, after that, you will be able to recieve only. Any attempt to restore your systems will be meet by severe penalties. Lorenzo> He's bluffing. Dammit, you can't do this. I am doing this. Ok you guys, listen up. I need you to punch up a code 15, I've got an idea and I need your help. McClane> If Despanzo gets on that plane and make it to a country that has no extradition traite, we're fucked. Lorenzo> They are talking to us on our god damn system, they got to be close. I'll have my man tare this airport apart. McClane> Just like a nick of time, hein? Lorenzo> Hey McClane, I've got a first class unit in here, swat team and all. We don't need any monday morning quarterback. McClane> Fuck monday morning, my wife is on one of the god damn plane these guys are fucking with. That puts me on the plane field. And if you had moved your fat ass when I told you to, we wouldn't be in empty shit right now... Lorenzo> Ok, that's it. Security, you're out of here. McClane> Mister Trudeau, this man... Lorenzo> Mister Trudeau, do I have to remind you about FAA regulation regarding unauthorized personal in the control tower... All we have to do is find a way to transmit. Yeah, right. Somebody want to run down to radio shack and get a transmitter. We've already got one. The new terminal wind end building, 20 airlines where it's done. All, with their own reservation computer, all tied in onto a nice big antenna.. Take Mister McClane out. Hdgbhk. McClane> Get your fucking hands off me. Lorenzo> He had no business being up here. I'm telling you guys. Everything we need is over on the NX skywalk. Just sitting there. Waiting to go online. The NX skywalk. McClane> You can fuck with these people. Listen to me. Sam> Sam Collens, WNTW news. Oh, for Christ sake. Sam> There's a lot of rumours flying around here today. Lorenzo> No way, no way lady. Hell no. No. You can turn right around. This off limits Colmens, you know that. Ghgfsigf McClane> Leave your hands off me. Lorenzo> Just get them both out of here. Loby security, come in. Donaldson here. Lorenzo> This is captain Lorenzo here, with 2 unauthorized personal in the fucking tower, now. Would you get your thumb out of your ass, get them out of the elevator or you're gonna find a god damn pin slip in your Christmas stocking. 10/4. Let's go. Lorenzo> God damn.
Sam> Anything else would they got? Can't fuck with what guys? McClane> Shit. Hang on over there. Sam> What for? McClane> Just hang on. Sam> Big drug dealer on it's way to prison. Gun fired in airport. Every controller in cafe shop getting beat and holing ass. And you, racking the boat. Connection, common McClane. Just a few words. McClane> Ok, just a few words. Fuck off. Sam> Thanks, but I've already got that from curnell Steward. McClane> Steward. The guy I fall into. That's who he was. Sam> Hu? Who, he who? McClane> Chut. It's ok, I've done this before. Hey. Sam> Hi. Where's the other one? Sam> Clostrophobic I guess. It's a VHS system but the plane are so close, it doesn't matter. I can rig our frequency in in 30 minutes, wiring a cross over and we are hot. Even the planes wouldn't know the difference. Tell us what you need. Bar, steal, kill. I want my swat team to go with him as cover. What ever we can think of, they can think of too.
McClane> Ah man, I can't fucking believe this. Another basement, another elevator. How could the same shit happen to the same guy, twice.
Toune... McClane> Who are you? Marvin> I'm Marvin. Marvin. Marvin. Marvin. I though you were trying to steal my records. That's all. I'm just the janitor.
This is Dallas approach to all aircrafts toling at plutonic boartac. We are experiencing some technical problems here. The weather conditions which have been deteriorating all day have now been complicated by, by an unforced seen human factor. This have affected all our electronic equipment and the redondant back up as well. The result is that our approach system are down, and we expect
to lose voice in another minute. We want you to continue holding at the outer marker as directed and wait for further instructions. As soon as we're back online, we'll expedate your landing on a fuel emergency base. Good luck. God bless. All right, change the boards.
Lorenzo> Ok, stand back.
Marvin> The skywalk. McClane> No, god dammit. The NX skywalk. Listen to me, the NX skywalk. It's the last thing I heard before they kick me out of there. Marvin> Let me see here now. Well, this must be it, right there, see. That's the raised platform. And there's the new terminal. There's your skywalk. McClane> God damn bottle neck. Nice place for an ambush. What the fastest way you can get me out to that spot.
This kind of thing wasn't in my job description. Don't worry Mister Barn, we'll watch your back. Who watches yours?
McClane> Main inhalation dot, inhalation dot. And bingo. Just once, like a regular, normal Christmas eggnut. Fucking Christmas tree, little turkey. But no, I've got to crowl down this fucking...
We're in the NX skywalk. I can see the antenna. I'll give you a call for a protocol test as soon as it's hot. It's all for now. Sergent? I can see... What the hell is going on? Hey, put that back on. Hey, asshole, what do I look like to you? A sitting duck. Ah. McClane> Damn.I hate it when I'm right. Down, down. Ahhhhh. McClane> Stay down. Ahhhh. Son of a bitch. I'm gonna kick your fucking ass. Jesus. Yeah. I've got to get to the antenna and set it up. McClane> God damnit. Beat. He jerk us of. Make Lorenzo sacrifice his best man. Make you waste your time. Time we don't have.
Holly> I think you're closer than 50 yards. So is that airplane. Practically. Holly> Yeah. There's quite a few of them down there. Look like a regular traffic jam. It's not regular about it. See, you're intrigue. That's my gift, Miss McClane, I notice things. Things other people wouldn't see. So I make people curious. Holly> Don't you mean notious. Look, the people have a right to know everything about everybody. You got in the way of that. Holly> Listen buster, you andanger my children and you didn't do it for anything as noble as the people. The only time you even see the people is when you look down to see what it is you are stepping on.
Me, yeah, I'll live. But Lorenzo swat team is dead. And the atillerie antenna is, it's gone. Didn't you see it. Time looking for a new miracle.
I say again anex team, give us a sidwrap. Anex team, come in. Do you copy. McClane> It like a scramble on it. Can you do anything with it? No, the scramble mode must activate on this code panel. Even if we scan their frequency, we can't listen in. These guys are pros. McClane> So are you, break the code. I want to listen what these bastards are saying to each other. This is a 10 digits control panel. 6 digits read on, yeah, that could be a million combinations. Next time you kill one of these guys, get him to enter the code first. McClane> Yeah.
Sir, we've just monitor a call from their chef engineer. Our people took out their swat team. Complete. You were right, they went for the artillerie. They're right on schedule. Losing our own team wasn't part of the plan. Attention Dallas Tower. Attention Dallas control Tower. Mister Trudeau, I know you're listening. Unfortunately, you're not obeing. Try me face to face, we'll see. You were warned not to try to restore your system, you waisted life and precious time on few and obvious target. Now, you're gonna pay the penalty. McClane> I've got 5 dead officers donw here, curnell Steward. Isn't that penalty enough. Lorenzo> McClane, you keep out of this, you've been nothing... Oh, McClane. John McClane. The policeman hero who saved the Nakotomi hostages. I read  about you in People magazine. You seen a bit out of your league on night time i thought. McClane> Hey, curnell, blow me. How much drug money Despanzo is paying to turn traitors. I think curnell Richman said it best: Trahison is merely a matter of dates. This country is got to learn that it can't keep cutting legs of man like general Despanzo. Man who have the gust to stand up against communist aggression. McClane> And lesson one start with killing policeman. What's lesson two? The neutron bomb? No, I think we can find something in between. Watch this. Give me a flight number. One that's low on fuel. Roger 114 transatlantic from London. Few tanks dry and martini. Activate the IRS landing system, but recalibrate sea level. Minus 200 feets. Oh Jesus, they've reset ground level minus 200 feets. Windsor flight 114, this is Dallas approach, do you copy? Dallas approach, this is windsor 114. Where the devil have you been? Windsor 114, Dallas approach, we've been right here all along old bay. Our system only came back online just seconds ago. Windsor 114, you are clear for ALS approach runway 29er. Contact Dallas Tower frequency at outer marker. McClane> Jesus Christ, he's gonna crash the fucking plane. It's about time. I've got 230 people back here flying on petro fume. Roger 114, understand. Calibrate Dallas altimeter. Setting 2992. Oh Jesus, the plane are another concret. Son of a bitch. McClane> Why do they listen to him. It's our frequency, why shouldn't they? McClane> Fine. Give me your coat. What are you gonna do? McClane> What ever I can. Ladies and gentlemen, have you probably noticed, we have started our descente. We are sorry for the inconvenient but we'll all be on the ground in a few minutes. Thank you. Yeah. Not to worry, we've made arrangment for your next flight, so you won't miss it. Ok? Ok. In your seat please. Common, in your seat. Yes. We are just like the railroad. We're maybe late but we get you there. Don't worry.
Good luck McClane.
Dallas, this is Windsor 114 inside the outer marker. Roger 114, this is Dallas Tower. We have radar contact and show you on IRS. You're on the glid path and looking good.
There somebody out there. It's McClane. Christ.
Approach laps. Approach laps. Approach speed 140. Approach speed 140. 130. 130. Altitude 1000 feets. 800 guys, you're only at 800 feets. Runway 29er. Rust speed plus 20. 600 feets. Looking good windsor. Now, watch it, 30 nots cross wind and the runway is icy. That a boy, we've got you, we've got you. McClane> Pull up, pull up. Jesus, ahhhh. Ahhhh. Ahhhhh. We've got you. McClane> Oh, god. Muther fucker. Muther fucker. That conclude our object lesson for this evening. If the 747 we've reguested is ready on time and general Despanzo plane's arrive unalisted. Further lesson can be avoided. Out. Hkjfgkljlgkdfj. HDkjhgljgkldjl. God damn nightmare. Hjkhfgjgfvjk. Ghgfsjnvjn. Barns, we got to warn those plane there's a lunatic down here he liked to pretend he's the Tower. Get to the cabine and get me on the air. How? You figure it out. Here's the manifest. McClane, I know what you must feel. McClane> I wanted to help those people tonight. It's pretty god damn useless. We've call the government for help. The're gonna send us a special army unit. Counter terrorist team. Your wife, they're still broadcasting even though we can't answer. They are gonna run out of fuel in 90 minutes. Holly> Listen Dick, that is your name, Dick? If you're going to continue to get this close, do you think you might consider switching aftershave? Dick> Anything else? Holly> Stonger mouth wash would be nice.
Well curnell, they've done everything we've anticipate so far.
But still, there have been no official words from the autorities. Meanwhile, despite the fact that only one runway has been closed due to the tragedy, several douzen of airliners are visible from where I stand, and they are circling the field. Other report say that there are trouble in the tower before the crash and that that may have contributed to it. One thing is certain, with weather conditions worsening, the problems here and in the sky above us will continue to grow. I'm Samantha Coleman, at Dallas international airport.
Dick> Victor, Victor, Victor? Victor> Yeah, what's up? Dick> Did you pact the radio trasmitter with the luggage or did you put it on your carry on? Victor> Are you crazy, I would like those assholes check it in. Dick> I love you. Give me one of the reciever. Can you tune into the cockpit frequency? Victor> Yeah, why? Dick> I want to hear what's going on. Victor> It should be right here on that band. Nothing. Dick> Vicky, you just told me it would work. Is it working or not working? Victor> It is working but it's, all I'm getting is some kind of airport beeping. It's weird. It's like the tower isn't there. Dick> Stay on it. There is something there. Victor> Ok.
Let' go!! Grant> Major Grant, we're Blue Light. Bravo, department of defense. Trudeau, chef air operation. Lorenzo> Lorenzo, terminal police. You want something, you've got it. McClane> This is it, one fucking platoon? Grant> One crisis, one platoon. Who are you? McClane> John McClane. Grant> McClane, you showed some balls out there man. McClane> Yeah. Grant> Now, I'll show some good sense. Let the pros handle this. McClane> Well, looks like the pros are on the wrong team tonight. Didn't curnell Steward's one of your man? Grant> No, not anymore, is not. Now, we're here to take curnell Steward down. And we will take him down. You see, I served with him. I thought him everything he knows. McClane> Well, maybe he's learn a few more things since then. Grant> Let's ossol. The man post will be set up in the airport police station. I want to be tied up with the tower in 15 minutes. All right, let's do it. McClane> Hey, Trudeau. Things just get better or worse?
Lights, big portable lights. We set up the field and then wait.. We wait for those lunatics to shoot them out and where do we get those big portable lights, borrow it from Batman? What about the airphone idea? There's 18 planes out there. Only 5 of them have those phones. We've got thru 3 of them, we're still trying for the others. That leave 13 accidents waiting to happen. Are they still bucking head wings? I've just check the weather. Headwing are slamming everybody over the outer marker. The planes with enough fuel have been already shut it to Atlanta, Memphis and Nashville. The outer marker. Damn. The outer marker. It's a beeking, right. A radio beeking that sends out this beep beep beep so they know they're over it, right? So? So, who said that radio signal has to just beep. Right, we switch the frequency from the tower over the one in the beeking. We pump up the wattage. And we can talk to our planes and those bastards who did this will never know.
Tracing signal, found it in the luggage area. They've been taping into the tower chatter all night. McClane> Punks stealing luggages, hein, Carmine? How are you doing, Taffin? No good. I called Lang. The rig in portable code will be here in 2 hours. McClane> My wife doesn't have 2 hours. I was only transfer to Grant's team yesterday. The regular guy got an appendicite. But word is
that nobody is better at this then major Grant.
McClane> Except maybe curnell Steward. Grant> I want to hear about the plane those bastards ask for. Then, I fill you on my orders. Pilot briefing room, now. McClane> Keep working. Grant> Donalson. Sir. Grant> With me. Yes sir. No civilians.
What the fuck? What is it? The outer marker beeper. Isn't beeping, it's talking. Attention all aircraft in Dallas landing patern, this is chef engineer Leslie Barn. I've been authorized
to brief you in full. At this time, this is the only channel available to us. Here is the situation. Approximately 2 hours ago.
Victor> Wait until you get a hold of this. Do not obey to the instructions said by our tower unless you have your own recorder access code. The terrorists have control of all our systems... Dick> Holy shit, get this on tape. Give us a minute, please. Do not, I repeat, do not attemp to try to reply on our own freqeuncy to this broadcast. They have already caused one crash by inpersonating
our tower.
Jesus. I repeat, the terrorsits have cut off the 2 systems that can allow you to land, the lights for visual landing and the IOS for the instruments.
A special US army unit is already here, prepared to take out th terrorists...
Oh my god. Ignore any instructions...
McClane> Yo, Marvin. Marvin> Hey, interested in a nice coat? McClane> That wouldn't look good on me anyways. Come here. Listen, you've got to get me up to the pilot briefing room. They're  have a little soiree up there and I've got to hear what they're saying even if I have to put a fucking glass up to the door. Now, which one of these maps gets me there? Marin> Don't touch it, don't touch it. McClane> Get it. Marvin> I'll find it. You'll mess up all my dawn filing system here. Now, let's see, pilot briefing room. I think that's in the main terminal. So, would that be under P for briefing room.. McClane> Now, Marv. Marvin> Or, maybe it would be under M for misellenious. Shit. .. 30 minutes rotation. My man are getting cold and getting ansy, over. Steward> This is curnell Steward, Garver, please have the man node on watch and assemble. Over. Roger, curnell. Dick> What's the matter? McClane> Ah!!!
Steward> Gentleman, tonight, the patern is. The dominos will fall no more. And the Empire will remain up right. Sir, general Despanzo's plane just came on the scope. Steward> Attention Dallas Tower, we will be lighting up a runway. Do not, I repeat, do not attempt to land any planes. Remember, we are monitoring you. What do we do? Obey.
Steward> Dallas Tower to Fox Trot Micheal 1, Dallas Tower to Fox Trot Micheal 1. This is Fox Trot Micheal 1 Dallas, we read you, over. Steward> Fox Trot Micheal 1, you are to come in on runway 15, repeat 15.
Ah... Marvin> I found it on the floor, by the coat, next to the luggage belt. What the hell are you so excited about that for? McClane> The code is still punched into that one. Marvin> You like it, hein? How about you give me 20$ for it? McClane> How about I let you live? Marvin> Man knows how to bargan.
This is contrary to our instructions. We are to land to runway 10, where we are to be meet by representative of your justice... Despanzo> Captain, please, tell the tower you will proceed has ordered. Roger Dallas, proceeding to runway 15. Gjhgfjk. Steward> Fox Trot Micheal 1, come in please. What are you gonna do now, you're going to shoot me? Who's gonna fly the plane? Despanzo> Don't worry about it, it's not your problem. Steward> Micheal 1, do you copy? Fox Trot Micheal 1, come in please. Despanzo> Eagle nest, this is Falcon, mede. Eagle nest, this is Falcon, mede. Steward> Go ahead Falcon. Despanzo> I've lost cabine pressure, zero visibility. I must not go thru this weather and land now. On the first accessible runway. Repeat, I've lost cabine pressure, near zero visibility. I must repol to the storm. I can land, but I must land now on the first outgoing runway. Repeat, I can not circle around to runway 15.
McClane> I'll make you a deal Marvin, you show me a short cut out to those runways and I'll get you a liner for that coat.
Despanzo> Repeat, I can not circle around for runway 15. Steward> Shit, stand by Falcon. Here sir, he's coming in from the ocean sir. Despanzo> Gkjhfjkl. Do you copy Eagle nest? Steward> Roger Falcon....
McClane> What? Make up your fucking minds. Or you are two inches of getting your ass kicked. 25 right? I've got to stop smoking cigarettes. Despanzo> Thank you Eagle nest. But if you could show it to me as well, I would be greatful.
I see the lights, they are directly in front of me. Gracias compagne, reducing air speed, approaching runway. Wish me locke.
Steward> Roger Falcon. We copy, we'll have you in 5 minutes.
McClane> Try asshole, in 5 minutes.
... ETA 96.
That stuff??? Shit. Despanzo> Freedom. McClane> Not yet. You're supposed to stay in your seat until the plane reaches the terminal. No frequent flyer miles for you. Despanzo> Who are you? McClane> A cop. Despanzo> A cop? McClane> Yeah, one of the good guys. You see, you're one of the bad guys and now that I've got your sorry ass, I'm gonna trade it for my wife. Despanzo> Ah. McClane> Sit down. HGfgkhj. Where did he go? Despanzo> In there. Despanzo> I don't believe this, 2 months of planning and you can't... Come on general. Despanzo> Where the hell is curnell Steward? Steward> General. Despanzo> Ah, I'm all right. He said he was a policeman. I thought you had this place secured? He went in the cockpit. Steward> He's going into hell. McClane. McClane> Ah. Steward> I assume it's you McClane. You're quite a little soldier. You can consider this a military funeral. McClane> Ahhh. Steward> How many grenades we've got? 3 each. Steward> Used them. Oh, Oh. Go. Ahhhh shit. Steward> You lucky fuck. Fire truck sir. Steward> Fall back to the church, now. McClane> Ah, where's the fucking door
The people are a little nervous back there, in fact, so am I. We're right over Washington. See if you can get any TV, that will settle them down. Works for me, I'll...
Holly> Writing your accepting speech for the video sleeze award? Dick> Try Pulsor. Ladies and gentleman, while waiting to land, our cabine attendant are turning on local washington
broadcasting. The sound is on channel 3.
Dick> Ok. Ok, ok. Please sir, we may land at any moments. If you'd take your seat. Dick> I'm gonna be sick. Excuse me, I'm gonna be sick. Sir, the seatbelt light is on. Moron. WCTZ. Dick> Yes, this is Richard Thornburg, put me through to Rosburn in the news room. Ah, he's about to go live.. Dick> I know he's about to go live, that's why I need him. You'll have to hold on. Dick> Put me through Cicilia or start typing your resume.
McClane> Despanzo isn't down but he's hurt. I took a round in his shoulder. Plus, I've got one more of their guys. That's 6 they lost all together. Lorenzo> Well, maybe if we knew how many they had to started with, we could get excited. But if they've got 50 guys, it's a little early to break out the champain. Grant> Now, we appreciate your efforts McClane, but we don't need a loose canon on this deck. What if they decide to crash another plane in recaliation to your little stunt. McClane> They can't do that anymore, right Barns. Besides, if I'd grab Despanzo, this would all be over by now. Grant> Well, maybe they're just a little more creative than you think. McClane> Well, at least I'm thinking god dammit. Grant> Listen, you wise ass. We're here to jerk off that cock succker until he tries to take off. Period. Now, you're the wrong guys in the wrong place at the wrong time. McClane> Story of my life. Major, Pentacon situation room sir. Grant> Pentacon, I'll take it in here. Thank you Topper. You man, come with me. Mclane! McClane> Yeah Barns? You said those guys showed up out there right away. McClane> Yeah. So, so that must mean they are on the field, or close. And I think I know where. Come here, let me show you something. These are the old plans when the longer runways were in. That's, that's 12 years ago. Looks like they've done some modification on site, moved tac on, foan, IRS. All the underground stuff so they could handle drainage. If I'm right, all of it would ride along the airport property and go right pass this neighborhood. Just relax..
Somebody oughta have their ass kicked for this mess, that's for sure. Holly> Ah, unfortunately, there's really isn't anyone we can blame for the weather. Oh yeah, what about that reporter, William Scott. I should have taken the bus, at least they can pull over for food and gas. Holly> Excuse me. Yes. Holly> I was just wondering, hmm, this flight originaly was supposed to be 5 1/2 hours, right. Huh. Holly> Do we have enough fuel to keep circling like this. Oh, of course, they anticipate little problems like this.
McClane> Well, we've look at 12 fucking houses so far and took us no where. This is our last possibility, over here, there is an old church. McClane> Let's go. McClane> Wait Here's the church over there. McClane> Could be a santinel. And he could be just out for a walk. McClane> Than, why is he going over his own steps. Come on. All right, just stay here and get ready to call the marines. I thought they were the army. McClane> Who gives a fuck, just be ready. Just be ready. McClane> Oh shit. Not now. Ah.
Lorenzo, it's Barns. Lorenzo> Barns, where the hell did you go? Where's McClane? He's with me. Where at the High city lake community church on the west side of the airport. Lorenzo> You're where? God dammit, you crazy idiots, why...
It must be the base for their operations. Son of a bitch, get your ass over here, move it. Grant> Code red, sidwrap. We've got positive ID on Steward location. Let's move. Go.
Steward> Our escape plan will be ready within 30 minutes, general. Despanzo> There are no more suprises.
Grant> Gentleman, we have a situation here.
Ah. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.
Over here. Grant> Jesus McClane, you're all right. You want a medic? Lorenzo> McClane, what the hell do you think you're doing out there? Huh? Playing John Waynes?
How would you like to spend the rest of the night in a sell?
Grant> Lorenzo, shut the fuck up and do something usefull. Go seal off the streets. Lorenzo> Hey, you can't talk to me like that. Grant> Oh no, Carmine. Sergent, get this bureaucrat out of the face of Mister McClane, now. With pleasure, sir. Major, the man are in position sir. Grant> Close off the back, then, we go in. Fire only on my order. Roger that sir. McClane> Guess I was wrong about you, you're not such an asshole after all. Grant> No, you were right. I'm just your kind of asshole.
Steward> Carver, sidwrap? Army special forces out, three sides. closing in fast on the back. Despanzo> Another problem curnell? Steward> No problem General. Gentleman, you know what to do.
Down. Get down.
Steward> General, it's time.
Come on, let's move it.
McClane> They are pulling out. Grant> What? McClane> At the back. Move it.
Your man around the back.
This equipment, it could land our planes. Grant> Don't touch anything. There were trip wire outside, they could have boubytrap... They did. Got one here too. Looks like C4 and the muther fucker's arm. Grant> Clear the area, everybody, now.
Grant> They've boubytrap all the equipment, seal off the building. Lorenzo> Shit. Hey, where the fuck is McClane?
Go on, take him. McClane> Ahhhhhhhhhh. Ohhhhhh. Steward> So much for the element of chance, let's move out.
McClane> Ah.. I had the bastard in my sights, I know it. Fuck, Jesus Christ.
Steward> Attention tower, attention dallas tower. This is curnell Steward, is our plane prepared? It is, it's in hangar 11, it's the most remote building we've got. Steward> We're on our way. Have a ground crew there to confirm the condition of the plane. Grant> Do you believe the balls on that son of a bitch. Curnell, you're quite capable of confirming it yourself. Now, please, don't ask us to give you crap potential hostages for you. Steward> Major Grant, isn't it? Grant> If you remember me curnell, then you remember I know the game as well as you do. Check out your own fucking plane. We move out in 5 minutes, black jackets for everybody, body armor for your souls team. Night scope for the sneaper. We will kick them in the hangar and I will pull that dead manger out of Steward dead fucking hand myself. Lorenzo, take all your man back to the airport, seal off every exits, in case any of them try to slit passed us, you break them to the ground. Lorenzo> You've got it. Grant> All right, here we go.
Dick, this is nuts. Every station in town has people down out at the airport and none of them have hear a whisper of this shit you are running down. Dick> Well, none of them is me, you want proof? Try this: Repeat, the terrorsits have hurt civilian and cut off 2 systems that can allow you to land. A special US army unit is already here and preparing to take out the terrorists. Jesus Christ. Dick> I want you to go live now, give it a file or publicity shoot, what ever, Connie has one. And a map, steal one from weather.
We're on it, we're on it. We're cutting in 5 minutes. Tell the other net if they want in, they have 3 minutes to shoot. Let's do this. Dick> Network, here I come.
Hey, Talver, what was your chicken shit outfit doing while we were taken grenada? Ahaha. Grant> Grenada. 5 minutes of fire fight, 5 weeks of surf. I wish i was with you guys for that. Grant> Yeah, me too kid. Really sir? Grant> Sure, we would have to do this. Eagle nest, this is Asly, on schedule and in position. Steward> Roger Asly, we are secure here. You have a green light, I repeat, a green light.
McClane> Ahh. Marvin> Jesus officier, where did you come from, pearl harbour?
All right, let's turn on, let's turn on. Stand be, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. This is a special bulletin for WZDC news. There was a plane crash earlier this evening at Dallas, where other aircrafts continue to circle with no explanations from airport or FAA officals. And now, with an exclusif WZDC report, here's Dick Thornburg reporting from the sky over Washington. Can you turn it up? Dick> I'm one of the 1000's people who has been circling our nation capital under the assumption that what ever problem was going on far below was a normal one. But the truth is far from normal, the truth is terrifying.
McClane> Look out, look out, get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way lady. Wow. Go. Hey hey hey. Look out.
Dick> This is a reporting of a conversation between dallas tower and the captain of the aircraft over your heads.
Get out of the way, get out of the way. McClane> Lorenzo? Lorenzo> McClane, are you out of your fucking mind? McClane> The FTA, where are they? Lorenzo> Steward's got some explosives and the equipment in the church rig with a remote. McClane> Where's Grant? Lorenzo> Grant's boy is going to kill that son of a bitch and get it from him. McClane>They're not gonna do that, they're gonna get on the same god damn plane with him and take off with him. Lorenzo> Get the fuck out of here. McClane> If the army of Steward unload this unit with his own man. Lorenzo> Are you nuts, they fire fight out there McClane> He jerk us off, by them some time. Lorenzo> McClane, you are a complete out of your brand now, you know that. And you know something else, you're under arrest... Lorenzo> Ahhhhh. McClane> There, these are the bullets they used out there tonight. Blanks. Lorenzo> Jesus Christ. This is chef Lorenzo, I want every officer recalled and assemble in body armor and full weapon pull in 5 minutes. It's time to kick ass. Marvin> Just like the Hiroshima.
Since then, this reporter has learn that the terrorists have virtual control of the entier airport. A fact that the authorities have depressed. The terrorists have promissed more blood ship unless their demands are meet. And now that the special army commando has arrived at the airport, they are likely of a full scale and deadly battle is dangeriously close.
Ahjhgfkjhgkf. DHKgiuhgvkjhndvknhdb. That stupid arrogant son of a bitch. It's all over the airport.
Hhjgknbvk. Dick> And unfortunately, they may not be the last. The horrifying fact is that no one is safe: either in the plane above Dallas or in the terminal below. The treat of a new and higher body count in the aiport hangs over the heads of everyone. And the holiday season of peace and...
Ahhhh. Lorenzo> All right, listen up all units. I want you all to convert on hangar 11, all sigh. This car McClane, get in. When the city blue show up with the trucks, we'll pick up the pieces, now, move out. McClane, say hi to my brother Billo. Merry Christmas. McClane> Hi. Lorenzo> Shit. God damnit. Shit. God damnit. The hell. Fuck. Move that piece of shit. Fuck. You move that god damn piece of shit out of here. Billo, get the fuck out of the car and get your ass... Sam> Right there, right there. McClane> Hey, Colmans. Sam Colmans. Hey Colmans. Sam> Hi. McClane> Colmans.
Dick> But at least, the truth is not amoung the hostages, because, I, Richard Thornburg happens to be here. To put his life and talent on the line for humanity and country, and... If this should be my last broadcasting... Holly> Amen to that, Dick! Dick. We're live Dick. Where are you now. Dick.
Truck light approaching sir. They're here, right on schedule. Steward> The hangar doors, open it. Clock work.
Sam> Jesus, you give me the story and I'll have your baby. McClane> Not the kind of ride I'm looking for.
Grant> Curnell, if I may say so, you are some piece of work. Steward> Thank you Major, you're not so bad yourself. Grant> Congratulation on your escape sir. Despanzo> Thank you, maybe you should save them until we are all safe. Hein? Grant> Sir. Steward> My congratulations gentleman, you have won a victory for our way of life, my pride, my admiration and a kick ass vacation. Now, get onboard.
What's the matter cow-boy, the ride's too rough. McClane> I don't like to fly. Then, what are you doing here? McClane> I don't like to lose either.
Ok.. wouhou! Yeah. Grant> I don't know about you guy, but I've seen enough fucking snow to last me a lifetime. Steward> We don't get much of that in the tropics major. Despanzo> For you gentleman, we'll import it. All> Hehehe.
McClane> Shit, they left the hangar. Sam> Right there, right there, get that. All right, now what? McClane> Get in front of them. Take it down. Block their path so they can't get out of there. I'm not playing chicken with a 200 tons plane. I'm crazy man, but I ain't that crazy. Forget it. Dallas, this is Northeast 140. Request clearance on first available.. McClane> It's Holly's plane. Runway. Repeat request emergency clearance. I know you're not going to answer me but you better damn well listen. We're down of fuel and we have to land. And in 5 minutes, we're coming in, one way or another. So you better.. McClane> God damnit, this is my wife plane, take it fucking down. I'm not getting in front of that plane. McClane> All right, how about getting on top of it?
Ladies and gentleman, this is the captain. Your attention, we have no choice but to attempt an emergency landing. PLease fasten your seatbelt and assume crash position has instructed by your cabine attendants. Let's have the ermergency check list. Attention all aircraft on this frequency in Dallas area, this is Northeast 140. We are going to attempt an emergency landing, by advised. Dick> I don't want to die, I'm sorry. God. Holly> God. Ah.
McClane> Hang on. Sam> What are you doing? McClane> Hang on. You wanted a story, didn't you? Nice and easy boy, get me in low. Got it. McClane> Get down. You'll get kill. You're gonna die. McClane> Bring it low, closer to the wing. Lower. Ah. John, what the fuck are you doing on the wing of this plane? Despanzo> Damn. Merde. What? Despanzo> There's something wrong. The ailerons. We can't take off. That's McClane again. Son of a bitch. Grant> I'll do him. Despanzo> This time, do it right. Steward> You just get us in the air, general, you're the only man who can do it. Despanzo> Don't shoot, that wing is fully fueled. McClane> Ah. Too bad McClane, I could have liked you. McClane> I've got enough friends. Ah. Ok McClane, time for the moument. Ah. Ah. McClane> Muther fucker. Ah. Oh. Oh. Steward> Hehehe. How is it going? Bon voyage. Hehehe. Happy landing asshole. Ah. McClane> Ah. Yippi kaye muther fucker. All> Yeah, all right. Ahhhhhh. Shit. Ahhhhhhhh.
McClane> Wow. Ahahahahaaha. Oh. Holly, it's your fucking landing light.
Look, look. Ok, I see it, I see it. They used the fire to see us. They used the fucking fire to see us. They can all do that. Let's tell them. They already know. Listen. We have a visual on notheast landing. They followed the fire trail has a guide. If they can do it, so can we.
Wouhou! Pfff. Any landing that you can walk away from is a good one. That's great. Wow.
Jump, jump, jump, jump.
Yeah. Wouhou!!!
There you go. That's it. That's it. McClane> Holly. Holly. Holly. Holly. Sam> Ah. McClane> Holly. Holly. Holly. Holly. Ah. Ah. McClane> Oh god. Oh baby. I thought I would never see you again. Holly>  That's what I thought about you. McClane> I love you so much. Ah. Holly> They told me there were terrorists at the airport. McClane> Yeah, I heard that too.
Ah, that's beautiful. Yeah. Sam> Yep, it sure is. McClane> I love you so much. Holly> John, why does it keep happening to us? McClane> Let's go home. Dick> Somebody help me, please. Oh honey, help me out here, please. Asshole.
Marvin> Hey officer, hey come on, come on. Hey hey hey. Op on in there, get your miss in. McClane> What do you say Marvin? Marvin> I'll be damn if I'm gonna clean up this mess. Hehe. Ahaha. Lorenzo> Hey McClane. You get this parking ticket in front of my airport? McClane> Yeah. Lorenzo> Ah, what the hell, it's Christmas. McClane> Let's go Marv. Lorenzo> Hehe.