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Kyle Mackey's on-ride Photo Gallery.

Kyle Mackey, also known as BoulderDashed, CoasterMackey, and Macktrk6129.

Riverside Cyclone

Remember the days of bad on-ride photography? Here is a great example of it. In this pic I was like 7 or 8. That is my dad next to me.

Anaconda @ PKD

This picture is from July of '93. Yes I was a young one here, but my love for coasters only grew. My mom is sitting to my right.

Jet Star @ Moreys Piers

That is me in the front. This pic is from around '96. That is my cousin in back of me. We rode it like 20 times, and finally figured out where the camera was. We wanted to give the apperance that we were scared, but we really werent.

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