The Coyote And Ron BY ~*Lindz Robinson, the Angelic Devil*~ Chapter One: New York Disclaimer: I don't own nuttin'! Only Lindz! Coyote Ugly belongs to Touchstone Pictures, and Harry Potter belongs to Warner Bro. and JKR (the greatest person alive!) Okay, with that said, enjoy! "So, please tell me again, why are we here?" said a red haired tall boy. "For the last time Ron, I don't know. We just kinda ... appeared here," his friend answered. "I told you not to let Fred and George cast any new spells on us! But no!!! Don't listen to the Witch who actually knows where she is!" hollered a girl who looked no older that 22. "Okay then Hermione, where are we?" Ron asked. The girl looked around. They somehow were in a busy street. Next to them was a building that had an amazingly long line of people waiting to enter it. The sign above the building read "Coyote Ugly". "Well, it obvious this isn't London." "Good one doctor! Even Ron could've figured that on out!" the other boy said. "Shut up Harry!" Hermione said, lightly hitting him on the arm. She looked around some more, finally noticing something that helped her."Okay Ron. I'm really gonna kill Fred and George!" "Why? Where are we?" Hermione sighed and pointed at a newspaper stand. "We're in New York City." Ron's eye lit up. "That's like, in America, right?!" "Yes, Ron, we're in America," Hermione laughed. "And I'm guessing that's that bar that Seamus was raving about when he came back last year." "Sweet!!" Ron hollered. "Let's go!" "Hold on Tiger," Hermione said, grabbing Ron's wrist so he couldn't get away. "It's not as easy as it looks to get in." Ron raised an eyebrow. "What the hell are you talking about?" "You need an ID, and you don't have one," Hermione pointed out, smiling because she knew she once again out smarted Ron. "Well, we have Wizard licenses now. Can't we just like point our wands and say ... poof?" Ron joked. "You know, you can totally tell you slept through all your classes," Harry laughed. "I didn't sleep through all of them!" Ron protested. "I was always wide awake at Lunch!" While Harry and Ron talked, Hermione got to work. She went deep inside her head to try and think of any spell that could get them some IDs. Hum ... we could try Incanteum Desgusearim (The Disguise Charm), but it would be to risky for something this simple. Hermione looked at the guard. He was a really big guy. Well, I guess we can forget about going invisible and sneaking in. "You think of anything Herm?" Harry asked. She over looked her best friends Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. "Well, I can't think of a REAL spell exactly that can get us IDs. But, I can try another version of one." "What do you mean by that? Like make one up?" Ron asked, slowly stepping behind Harry, knowing Hermione would want to experiment it on him. Hermione nodded to Harry, who grabbed Ron and held him still while Hermione pointed her wand carefully at Ron (not that she didn't want to hurt him ... it was just that she didn't want any Muggles to see), and said "Expressious ID!" Ron closed his eyes tight, praying for no pain to come. When he opened his eyes, he noticed nothing had hurt him, and on the ground in front of him was a small card with a picture of him, his birthday day, and things like that. He bent down and picked it up. "Well, I guess it worked." Hermione laughed. "And you didn't get hurt this time!" About three minutes later all three had an ID. But more problems came. "Hey Hermione, we have no Muggle money," Harry pointed out. "Not to mention our clothes were in never even last season," Ron said, looking at his sweater with the letter "R" on it with disgust. "What? Do you think I'd let us go in there broke?" Hermione smiled as she pointed to a small spot on the ground and said, "Moneyrous Purpke Muggle America!" Suddenly $600 American Muggle dollars appeared. Ron started at the money and then at Hermione, who was smiled like there was no tomorrow. He pointed at the money and say "Can you do that with Wizard money?" Hermione laughed. "Now Ronald, that would be what we call 'illegal'." "So?" he asked. Hermione shook her head, and Harry just laughed. "Can we please just get real clothes? I wanna get in that bar," Harry complained. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Men have no patience." "Yep. That's right. Especially this one. Now I wanna go!" Ron hollered. "Whatever, just ... go over there and point your wand at yourself and say Peskipikis Pesternomis," Hermione said as she walk into a little corner. Harry and Ron did as they were told. Harry came out wearing a pair of faded jeans, a red shirt with some American logo on it, and a jean jacket. The look was nice on him. Ron came out in jeans, and a shirt that was so awesome on him it couldn't be described. He had a leather jacket on to top all of it off. He just plain sizzled. Hermione came back to her friend looking nothing like the Hermione they knew. She wore a pair of low rise jeans that were faded in the front and glittery. She had on a shirt that went just over her belly button and was like a silky blue. Her hair even changed, not much, but it did. It seemed to be hanging down in a different way. It could've been the fact she looked just plain amazing, but they boys didn't know. She took in a deep breath with a smiled, obviously satisfied with her looks. "So, you guys ready to go in?" "Yeah," Ron said. Harry didn't answer, he just nodded his head, he as still looking over Hermione."The line looks like we'll be waiting her all night," she said."Oh come on Herm! You can make fake money, but you can't get us to cut in line?" Ron asked, a little disappointed now. "Don't worry. I'll just use the memory charm on someone towards the front and make them think they were holding our place in line," Hermione reassured them. She pick some guy that looked easy enough, and he was basically right at the door. She pointed her wand at him from a distance, and said "Obliviate!" The man looked stunned and look at Hermione and waved. Hermione smiled, and nodded for Harry and Ron to follow her. "Am I good or what?" "Hey Hermione. Just in time, you're almost up," the man smiled. "Thanks....... Fred," she smiled, thinking of that name from no where.They waited in line for about ten minutes when they finally got to the big guard. "Hello folks. My name is Lou, and I need to see some ID before I let you in." The three nodded and showed it 'IDs' to Lou. Lou smiled and opened the door for them. "Have fun." The three walked in a were in awe. It looked amazing. Not one person looked bored or unhappy. There was three girls dancing on the bar to some song. Two other girls were passing out drinks behind the bar. The one with short blonde hair picked up a speaker phone and started to yell in it. "For the last time, everyone! SHUT UP!!!!" Everyone in the bar fell silent and listened to what she had to say."I'd like you all to meet my new girl! Whose name is..." she had the girl whisper something in her ear. The blonde rolled her eyes and said "Lindz!" Everyone cheered, and then she continued. "Lindz is a former cheerleader, and was a singer before she came to me! But sadly, this former Catholic School Girl is currently single!" The crowd again went wild. "Now, would anyone like to buy Lindz a drink?!" Ron looked at Harry and smiled. "It's gonna be a long night my friend." Harry laughed. "Well, you heard that lady, buy Lindz a drink."Ron smiled and took his share of the money from Hermione. Then he walked his way up to the front. He saw Lindz passing out drinks, and feel in love at first sight. She was serving some man, so Ron took a seat next to him. "What can I get you sir?" Lindz asked the guy. "Oh, I don't know," he shrugged his shoulder. "What ya got?" Lindz smiled. "Jim, Jack, Johnny Red, Johnny Black, and Jose. All my favorite men." The guy nodded his head. "Nothing. Well, I guess I'll have a Scotch and water." Lindz smiled at the tall brunette, who nodded and pointed at the speaker phone."You know what to do!" the girl yelled. "Thanks Rachel," Lindz smiled, picking up the speaker phone. She put it level to her lips, and started to shout. "Um.... hey everybody. This guy just ordered water! Do we server water in this bar?" Ron looked behind him to see how everyone would react. He was stunned o find everyone chanting "Hell no! H2O! Hell no! H2O!" He smiled and look back at Lindz. By then, she had drenched him and everyone around him in water. Lindz laughed and handed that guy a towel. "Hope I didn't get ya to bad," she smiled. She then turned to Ron. "So, what would you like?" "Um," Ron said, not really thinking about that. "Well, I guess I can't order water, huh?" "Not unless you feel like getting any wetter than you already are," Lindz smiled. "So, what I'll it be?" "Um ... what do you suggest? I'm new here," Ron said. "Well, that makes to of us," Lindz said, grabbing a shot glass. "How about a shot of Tequila?" Ron nodded. "You want one to?" "Sure," Lindz said, grabbing another glass. She held hers up to Ron's and taped it. "Cheers." She shot that glass down quick, but it took Ron some time. "Oh yeah, you're definitely a newbie," Lindz smiled. "But don't worry, I can change that." Ron put down his glass and had a sour face. "How?" Lindz smiled. "You really wanna be noticed." "Hell ya! I've been living in the shadows of my best friend my whole life." Lindz laughed and grabbed Ron's shirt. "You asked for it."