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Binks Drives Me Crazy

Author: Candy

Hey everyone

AN: Ok since everyone seems to be doing the song parody thing, I decided to join in. *Jumps on the band wagon* HEE HEE!

Disclaimer: Drive Me Crazy belongs to Brittany Spears (Or whoever writes her songs) and the Star Wars characters belong to Lucas. Personally I have nothing against Jar Jar, I just thought it would be funny.


Binks Drives me Crazy

(Sung to the tune of Drive me Crazy)


Verse 1:

Jar Jar's annoying that's true.
Too bad that Qui-Gon had to save you
Jar Jar, you speak real funny
Oh and it's real sad that you are so clumsy
When the trouble comes your way
You goof up and cause the people to say:
"What a complete total klutz,"
"I've never seen such a big old spaztic putz!"


Binks drives me crazy!
Sure he can speak,
But that doesn't make him intelligent.
Binks drives me crazy,
His head's not on right
If he tries to think
Then he'll be up all night

Verse 2:

Yeah he's of the Gungan race
And sure he may have an innocent face
Don't tell me, that he seems real cute
Cuz then what Binks was smoking has gotten to you

Every time he gets in the way!
Obi-Wan wants to kill him someday.
I wish Binks would go to hell
Then Otha-Gunga would be off real well.


Binks drives me crazy!
Sure he can speak,
But that doesn't make him intelligent.
Binks drives me crazy,
His head's not on right
If he tries to think
Then he'll be up all night


Jar Jar... You're far too dumb
Got caught in Pod beams
Your tongue turned numb
Jar Jar...
You just can't fight
In the day or in the night...

Binks drives me crazy!
Sure he can speak,
But that doesn't make him intelligent.
Binks drives me crazy,
His head's not on right
If he tries to think
Then he'll be up all night

Binks if you try to think you'll be up all night!


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