Future Stories

Boy oh boy do I have a lot of writing to do!

I've been wanting to write this one since Febuary:
>From: "Leiana Funck"
>To: millenuimdream2000@hotmail.com
>Subject: re:Any ideas for a story?
>How about a story set on Alderaan? (Leia's adopted home) before the Death STar? It could something where Han is also on the planet due to some sort of smugglign activity. They could both be doing something, like Leia leading some sort of sting on smuggling activities, focus being Han, without his name ever coming up, or him realizing who is leading the sting?
It would be like, here they almost met, who would have thought that in another few years taht they would fall in love...
If that's no good, let me know, and I'll try to think of something else..
Thanks for the idea, Leiana!

Now, for the future ideas for Callista Loveday:
Part 5- 4 Years: Leia Organa and Mon Mothma travel to Naboo, which had turned Independant (It states that in Part 2) to reconstruct the New Rebellion there. Han has decided to ask for Leia's hand in marriage...
Part 6- 5 years: Leia is pregnant with twins (a girl and a boy). Meanwhile, Han goes in a mission to Kessel with Chewie, only to be taken prisoner. Luke sets out to Yavin 4, and finds a mysterious message on a tomb...
Part 7- 6 years: Luke travels to Tatooine, on a search for Force-sensitive students. He finds a young women named Ada Tina. Han goes on a mission to find the leader of the Black Sun.
Part 8- 8 years: The twins kidnapped. Leia seeks help from Ada Tina. Luke and Bali, Bigg's little sister, go to Hoth to face a new race of animals more deadly than any other...
Part 9- 9 years: Luke and Ada travel to the moon Ralaeh, in search of finding out who Luke's mother was. Meanwhile, Mon Mothma becomes sick with A.D.S and must decide the next Cheif-of-State.
Part 10- 10 years: Luke and Ada get married.
Part 11- 10 1/2 years: Leia, Ada, Han, and Winter crash on the moon of Adtheios, and Leia must go against the law to find her husband.
Part 12- 11 years: Han goes to Corellia, visiting his homeworld on search of lost memories, when he finds out Bria Tharen is still alive. Leia is pregnant with a third daughter and travels to New Alderaan, where her life is in danger. To make matters worth, a bounty hunter that was presumed dead comes back.
Part 13- 12 years: Leia resigns from the New Rebellion and travels with her husband and children to Naboo, her new home.
Part 14- 16 years: The daughter begins training at Yavin 4. Han goes to Cloud City to visit Lando Calrissian, but runs into some old smugglers.
Part 15- 18 years: Anakin begins training at Yavin 4. Leia goes with him to give a speech for her brother; Ada Tina becomes a Jedi Knight.
Part 16- 20 years: The son graduates.
Part 17- 23 years: the first daughter marries Zekk.
Part 18- 25 years: Leia's second daughter becomes a Jedi Knight, and Lando finally gets married to Sabina- a witch from Dathomir.
After this, I have no other SW stories in plan.

Other things I have planned:
  • Little Women story about Laurie and Jo, who I beleive really should of married. I now feel a dislike against Amy, and what on earth was so great about Dr Bhaer?
  • The Heiress. Just what went through her head after she had gotten revenge?
  • A Streetcar Named Desire. What happened to Stella and Stanley, and Blanche? I refuse to think the asylum was the last we ever heard of her.
  • Jaws. Don't worry, it's not a sequel- I like the character Tina, so I'd like to do a follow-up on what happened to her (you know, Tina from Jaws 2?)