George Watched the Show

This parody contains characters and situations created by George Lucas and owned by Lucasfilm Ltd. I am not making any money off this, and no infringement is intended, so please don't sue me.
Distribute as you wish, with disclaimer intact, but please contact me before posting it on another web page. OK? I welcome any, and all comments to me at: :~)

(sung to God Shuffled His Feet, by Crash Test Dummies)

George Watched the Show
by Bria Tharen
December 4, 1997

After many days
He was quite tired,
so George said
"Let there be a trilogy
Just for the Empire and Rebellion"

He gathered up some cheering fans
Created a theater and watched the show
The people drank their cokes
And what with George there,
they asked him questions
Like: What is the Force
Or how can I use it myself?
And if your hand got sliced off in this life
Would it be in the Force with your wife?

George watched the show,
then glanced at them
The fans looked up and stared right back at him
So George said: "Once there was a lad
Who grew up with the Force
To him it was a surprise
Till he became evil and joined the Empire-
Then he thought of his family back at home;
And would they joined him,
or would he have to kill them?

George watched the show,
then glanced at them
The fans looked up and stared right back at them
The fans sat watching
In the nice, new theater
But George spoke not
So a fan asked him,
"I beg your pardon:
I'm not too sure of the tale you just spoke-
Was it a parable or a hint to the prequel?"

George watched the show,
then glanced at them
The fans looked up and stared right back at them.


STAR WARS. George Lucas, the man who brought you AMERICAN GRAFFITI, now brings you an adventure as big as the cosmos itself: STAR WARS, the story of a boy, a girl, and a universe. It's a spectacle light years ahead of its time from 20th Century Fox.
-from a poster advertising Star Wars, Spring 1977

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