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1. What is Han's nickname for C-3PO? Goldenrod

2. What does young Anakin Solo call C-3PO? Mr Threep

3. According to the Return of the Jedi novel, what does Leia think of when she sees the ewoks? The Wookie doll her father gave her as a child

4. How many times did Leia go camping with her father, Bail Organa as a child (according to the ROTJ novel)? Only once

5. What did Han comment on when he talks about his mother's looks? Her "dark beautiful eyes"

6. How old was Han when he met Bria Tharen? 19

7. Han once had a girlfriend that was a magician. What was her name? Xaverri

8. Who had a crush on Luke -in the comic book series- inbetween ANH and ESB? Tanith Shire

9. In the cut scene in ANH, who was sitting next to Han in the cantina on Tattooine? His girlfriend, Jenny

10. Where did Han meet Chewie? He met Chewie while he was in the Imperial Academy in the spice mines of Kessel

11. What was the year difference between Phantom Menace and A New Hope? 32 years

12. What color is the traditional wedding gown color on Corellia? Green

13. What will be different about Ewan McGregor's appearance in Episode II? He is growing a beard

14. What did George Lucas wear every day while filming Episode I in the desert? A flannel shirt and blue jeans

15. What kind of candy does Natalie Portman refuse to eat because she's a strict vegetarian? Her favorite: gummy worms

16. Where did George Lucas get the word "Jedi"? He was inspired by the Japanese Jidai Geki, which refers to a drama set in medieval Japan during the time of the samurai.

17. What does the word "Jai" mean? Male witch

18. How old was Natalie Portman when she made her screen debut in The Professional? 12

19. Pernilla August won the Best Actress Award at the Cannes Film Festival what year? 1992