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ºOº Dumbo Lyrics!!! ºOº
ºOº Dumbo Lyrics!!! ºOº

When I See An Elephant Fly

Music composed by Oliver Wallace.
Lyrics written by Ned Washington.

I saw a peanut stand,
Heard a rubber band,
I saw a needle that winked its eye.
But I think I will have seen everything
When I see an elephant fly.

I saw a front porch swing,
Heard a diamond ring,
I saw a polka-dot railroad tie.
But I think I will have seen everything
When I see an elephant fly.

I seen a clothes horse he r'ar up and buck
And they tell me that a man made a vegetable truck
I didn't see that I only heard
But just to be sociable I'll take your word

I heard a fireside chat
I saw a baseball bat
And I just laughed till I thought I'd die
But I'd been done seen about everything
When I see an elephant fly.

Baby Mine


Music composed by Frank Churchill.
Lyrics written by Ned Washington.

Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine

Little one when you play
Don't you mind what you say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine

If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The right to hold you

From your head to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Cute as can be, baby of mine

Casey Junior

Music composed by Frank Churchill.
Lyrics written by Ned Washington.

It's Casey Junior comin' down the track
Comin' down the track
With a smokey stack

Hear him puffin' 'round the hill
Casey's here to thrill
Ev'ry Jack and Jill

Ev'ry time his funny little whistle sounds
(Toot toot)
Ev'rybody hurries to the Circus grounds

Time for lemonade and crackerjack
Casey Junior's back
Casey Junior's back again

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