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Higitus Figitus

From:  The Sword in the Stone
Written by: Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman

Higitus Figitus zumbabazing
I want your attention ev'rything!
We're packing to leave come on let's go
books are always the first you know

Hockety pockety wockety wack
abracabra dabra nack
Shrink in size very small
we've got to save enough room for all
Higitus Figitus migitus mum

Cicero you belong to the "C's"
alphabethical order please
Ali-i-ca-fez bal-a-ca-zez
malacamez meripides
diminish diminish dictionary
those words in your vocabulary
Hockety pockety wockety wack
that's the way we have to pack.
Higitus Figitus migitus mum

Higitus Figitus zoomacazam
don't get in a trafic jam
Sugar bowl you're getting rough
the poor old tea set's cracked enough
Hockety pockety wockety wack
odds and ends and bric a brac

Higitus Figitus migitus mum,
Higitus Figitus migitus mum,

Mad Madam Mim

From:  The Sword in the Stone
Written by: Richard Sherman & Robert Sherman
Performed by: Martha Wentworth [Madam Mim]

With only a touch
I have the power
zim zaba rim bim
to wither a flower
I find delight in the gruesome and grim
'Cause I'm the magnificent, marvelous, mad Madam Mim

I can be huge
fill a whole house
I can be tiny,
small as a mouse
black sorcery is my dish of tea
it comes easy to me 'cause I'm the
magnificent, marvelous, mad Madam Mim!

I can be beautiful, lovely and fair
Silvery voice, long purple hair
la la la la la, la la la la la
la la la la la
but it's only skin deep
for zim zaberim zim
I'm an ugly old creep
Magnificent, marvelous, mad, mad, mad, mad Madam Mim!

A Most Befuddling Thing

From:  The Sword in the Stone
Written by: Richard Sherman & Robert Sherman
Performed by: Karl Swenson [Merlin]

It's a state of being, a frame of mind
It's a most befuddling thing
And to every being of every kind
It is discombooberating
You're wasting time resisting
You'll find the more you do
The more she'll keep insisting
Her him has
got to be you

It's a rough game anyone knows
There are no rules, anything goes
There's no logical explanation
For this discombooberation
It's a most bemuddling, most befuddling thing

There's no sensible explanation
For this discombooberation
It's a most hodge-podgical
Most illogical
Most confusiling
Most bemuddling
Most befuddling

The Sword in the Stone

From:  The Sword in the Stone
Written by: Richard Sherman & Robert Sherman

A legend is sung of when England was young
And knights were brave and bold
The good king had died
And no one could decide
Who was rightful heir to the throne

It seemed that the land would be torn by a war
Or saved by a miracle alone
And that miracle appeared in London town
The sword in the stone.

That's What Makes the World Go Round

From:  The Sword in the Stone
Written by: Richard Sherman and Robert Sherman
Performed by: Karl Swenson [Merlin]

Left and right
Like day and night
That's what makes the world go round
In and out
Thin and stout
That's what makes the world go round

For every up there is a down
For every square there is a round
For every high there is a low
For every to there is a fro
To and fro
Stop and go
That's what makes the world go round

You must set your sights upon the heights
Don't be a mediocrity
Don't just wait and trust to fate
And say, that's how it's meant to be
It's up to you how far you go
If you don't try you'll never know
And so my lad as I've explained
Nothing ventured, nothing gained

You see my boy it's nature's way
Upon the weak the strong ones prey
The human life it's also true
The strong will try to conquer you
That is what you must expect
Unless you use your intellect
Brains and brawn, weak and strong
That's what makes the world go round

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