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Walt Disney World!


Send me Disney World experiences!

I just got sent Disney World stuff! Yeeaaaa ... *insert cheer from the masses here* By the way, I've added a form over at Disneyland and I'll be adding one here as soon as I feel un-lazy enough. In the meantime, feel free to use the Disneyland form to talk Walt Disney World as well. Now I'll stop babbling, here's the stuff I was sent ...

Hi, I'm 'eilenek' and I'm a Disneyholic. (Hi 'eilenek!) Is that what happens? No, really we had a great time there. My daughter, Kim, and 28 other friends and family, all went down and stayed at the All Star Movies Resort, we stayed in the Toy Story building on the Woody side. Seeing those characters were awesome to start our vacation. Kim and 3 of her cousins, all girls ages 4,7 & 8, got to spend it together for the first time and that'll be some happy memories right there. I bought 'The Main Street Electrical Parade' CD and have it playing while I'm typing this, I'm glad I bought it. Kim goes to sleep every night with it playing. A definite must especially if you have seen the parade. It was definitely the best parade I have ever seen. The music was very upbeat and different, it's an electrical synsthetize muscial sounds. I found the CD in Downtown Disney, I don't remember the name of the store, but it was huge. Had I know I could have bought some things there and received 10% off because of a discount card I had, I would have waited and bought them there. I would have saved at least a little money. It was really nice staying on site there 'cause we had the bus transporation and it was pretty good. Granted if you got on there late, you stood on the bus but they had buses coming quite often. We had a bus drive, Ron Paderson, who drove the line from our hotel to the Magic Kingdom. He was the best cast member we met. He has 30 votes for him just from our group. He was very friendly, polite, informative and a fun bus driver. He would joke with the whole bus, and everyone on that bus was laughin'. We had him one time and there were about 9 of us on the bus and we started asking him questions about working there. He was so informative we were just amazed. They have 250 buses of which 214 are on the road at all times. All the roads they drive on are all Disney's property. The signs, the maintenance of the roads is done by Disney. Everything is made on Disney property. They have 1,000 employees that work for the buses to keep them running and for maintenance. Disney in Orland employes 57,000 employees and worldwide it's around 200,000. Amazing! We saw the Lion King show there and went on It's a Small World, Peter Pan and Snow White's rides. We went on the Goofy Roller Coaster ride. That was great. Kim's first really fassst roller coster. Kim has the loudest, shrillest scream I have ever heard and others heard it for the first time. Two of our friends said they would never sit infront of us on another ride again and they didn't. Too bad it was such a short ride, I would have liked at least one more time around, and I think kids would have too. There is the Rockin' Roller Coaster ride in MGM Studio, that is the best. Kim and I didn't get to ride it, but that's all everyone in our group is talking about. The line was long and now they have a 'Fast Pass' way of getting in. You put your park ticket in the machine it gives you a tick with and time you can come back to the ride and get infront of everyone that is now waiting, but the time we had to come back was too late, so we just didn't come back to try again. The first evening we were there we took a bus to the Magic Kingdom entrance and got on the Montorail and went over to the Contempory Hotel and saw the fireworks over the castle from an overview on top of that building. Was the best kept secret until now for viewing. I'm sure from down below and close, it was awesome to see. We'll do that next time and brave the crowds and strollers. The show "It's Tough to be a Bug" in Animal Kingdom was my top vote getter for shows, "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" in MGM would get my second vote. Kim would not have done well in Alien Encounter from what I hear, so we didn't see that, I might have not either. Navigation
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