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Hey howdy hey, partner! You want a penpal now? It's easy! Just send me your name, email address, and maybe a message about yourself, and (assuming anyone actually looks at this site) you'll have yourself a Disney penpal! Your email address won't appear on the site. (Oh yeah -- I'm on the list too! So if you want to become MY Disney penpal, please do!)

Ta-dah! I now have a penpal to put on the list. Marie wants to talk to Disney fans, particularly fans of Foulfellow/Honest John from Pinocchio, and "I'm also in the market for Basil, Ling, Toady, & Rabbit friends". If anyone wants to write to her about their "concerns, aspirations, and hopes for and in Disney", send me a letter requesting to hear more about her and I'll send you her full letter, as well as her email address, so you can talk. (You can add in your letter to me whether or not you want to appear on the penpal page, and if you do, send me a bit about yourself as well.)

And another ... Cassie would also love a Disney penpal, so to find out more about her, email me.

"Diznenut" (probably not her real name...) would like "someone to have intellectual Disneyana conversations with before I drive my folks up the wall!" If you want to find out more about any of these three Disney Fanatics, just ask me!

This is Jenny ... "I love to talk about my favorite disney characters Ling, Basil, and Ofcourse Mulan! I also Like to talk about new features as well as the classic Disney Movies." Navigation
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