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The Story ...

"Pocahontas" tells the story of a young Native American, whose life is turned upside down when English Settlers come to claim her land. One of them is John Smith, who she meets one day when ... well, when he aims a musket at her. Not the most romantic circumstances but still, the two soon fall in love. So when John is sentenced to death after Pocahontas' intended husband, Kocoum, is killed, Pocahontas defies her father and goes against her tribe to save his life.

In the end John must leave Pocahontas in order to get the medical help he needs to survive, after being shot by the evil Governor Ratcliffe. Before leaving, the two vow that they will always be with each other in spirit.

The Story in Pictures

John saves Thomas from drowning
Just Around the Riverbend - Pocahontas wonders about her destiny
Pocahontas sees the ship
The First Meeting
Colours of the Wind - Pocahontas teaches John
John meets Grandmother Willow
The Spinning Arrow - Pocahontas' sign to save John
John is wounded
John Smith leaves

The Characters ...

John Smith
Chief Powhatan
Grandmother Willow