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Russell Crowe Fanfic


This page and the fanfic below are dedicated to the incomparable talents of ACADEMY AWARD WINNING actor RUSSELL CROWE !!!  His rich film career has given us a wealth of complex, intriguing characters, and we sincerely hope that the fanfic we have created does justice to his work.

WARNING   !!!!
Much of the RC fanfic is of an adult nature.  By clicking on the links below, you are acknowledging that you are above 18 and of legal age to read this material.

"CrowesNest"  Multi-Character Russell Crowe Fanfic

  World in My Eyes     NC17

  Bud & John: The Mini-Series (Meghann's Guide)   NC17

  By Way of Introduction     NC17


Visit  GaslightHotel.com  for MUCH more RC character Fanfic!

Maximus   ( 'Gladiator' )

  Elyra   NC17

  Gladiator: An Alternate End

  A Summer Night's Storm  
       Sequel to 'Gladiator: An Alternate End'