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about the creators

Gregory Miller
One fateful night, after being inspired by the fanfilm "The Dark Redemption," Greg Miller, (who has earned the nickname of Spike) quickly messaged his best buddy (Mark) and a late-night brainstorming session ensued. Greg has been a lifelong lover of the Star Wars saga. It has always been his dream to actually be a Jedi and wield the Force and a lightsaber. Greg's knowledge of the Star Wars Universe, although not all encompassing, has been a key factor in the creation of our film. Due to the stresses of school, Greg has been forced to put his dream on the back burner and it drives him insane, which many say he already is. He waits patiently for the time when he can devote much of his time toward the film. He hopes that the movie will be an incredible success and looks forward to the day of watching the final product.
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Jedediah Folks
Originally, Jed was not intended to be part of the project other than act in the film. However, when Greg and Mark exhausted themselves due to the stress of writing a script, Jed jumped at the opportunity not only to bring his new and fresh ideas to the project, but also to give him something to do after school. Since joining the crew in the spring, Jed has become adept at making other people's ideas sound better just by the sheer lack of logic in some of his, while at the same time contributing solid ideas to the script. It has always been his dream to actually be a Jedi and wield the Force and a lightsaber. Unfortunately he can't, so instead he has provided transportation to keep his mind off of the disappointment of not being able to wield a lightsaber.
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Mark Hunter
Mark was one of the founders of Eternal Storm Productions. He and Greg came up with the original ideas for the movie. This came about from Greg watching one too many Star Wars movies and tricking Mark into helping with the movie, not knowing what he was getting into. He still does not know, but whatever it is, he likes it. Helping out with special effects and web design are his main assets, but coming up with ideas and writing the script is not too strenuous for him. He helps where he can! Mark too has long been a Star Wars fan. While not having near the knowledge of Greg or Jed, he does have a desire to learn of the Force(or Star Wars, whichever comes first). It has always been his dream to actually be a Jedi and wield the Force and a lightsaber. He has tried many times to grab someone else's food with the Force, but was never successful at it. If only . . .
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"Star Wars" is a trademark of LucasFilm Ltd. Unforeseen Visions is a nonprofit endeavor intended solely for the amusement of ourselves and "Star Wars" fans everywhere. It is intended as a homage to Mr. Lucas' creation. Please do not litigate. Thanks. Site last updated 8/13/2001.