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Current News

Please Click! We need money!

November 15, 2001
We have exciting news(at least to us). We have purchased a Canon ES8100v 8mm camcorder! We were able to get an extremely awesome deal on ebay, so we went for it even on our strapped budget. We feel this will greatly enhance the visual quality of our fanfilm over our previous VHS camera we were going to use. In other news, we also now have a bulletin board/forum/whatever you feel like calling it. You can get there by clicking the link "Forum" on the navbar to the left.I have already posted a topic for you to add suggestions and comments about our website. Feel free to add new topics. Questions and comments pertaining to Eternal Storm Productions and Unforeseen Visions are always welcome. We will answer questions to the best of our ability without giving to much information about the content of Unforeseen Visions. We hope you will enjoy it as we will enjoy having interaction with our visitors. Don't forget to take part in our polls too!

November 7, 2001
You can now watch the interview streaming. Just head to the multimedia page and click on the interview picture. For slow connections, it is recommended that you use a resuming program such as Getright or Download Accelerator to download the interview instead of streaming.

November 6, 2001
There's a new page available. The Multimedia page found on the navbar to the left. There we intend to post picutures and video clips, and possibly sound bytes if we feel we have any worth posting. Currently we have the long promised web interview taped way back when in August. We are having problems with the streaming, but you can still download it. For those who don't know Mark(the less freaky guy), he doesn't really sound like that. ENJOY!

October 22, 2001
Our web page is back up after losing our domain name. We were able to registered it for another three years, so we should be fine until then. While you're waiting for the film to be made(as are we!), take part in our new poll here. In our last poll, happy endings beat tragedies out 16 to 13. It was close, but happy endings won nevertheless.

October 7, 2001
We've made a few changes since we last updated the site. First and most significant is that we've taken on a new staff member, Jim Guerriero and merged our production with Cammera Productions. We thought our script was good before and so we finalized it, but after going over the script again with Jim, we're implementing a few changes to make it better. We will try to make this process quick but not with a loss of quality. Jim is also an experienced filmaker and will help greatly during the actual production period. In other news, our domain name runs out on October 18th. We will attempt to register as quickly as possible, but the site may be down for a while or possibly some evil person may beat us to it. If we fail, we will still be able to be found here. Keep checking back for further updates in the next coming weeks.

August 12, 2001
After a long period of arduous labor we can proudly say that the script has finally been finalized. We are currently moving ahead to the next stage of pre-production: props and costumes. Never fear, this stage of the game won't take millions of years like before. We apologize for falling off the face of the planet. Web interviews, for any interested in meeting the directors, will be available shortly. As soon as we figure out how to stream. May the force be with you.

April 2, 2001
We posted a new poll. Check it out here. The script is moving slowly as we're all quite busy with other things in our lives. Don't worry, it's not dead, just not very active right now.

If you would like to read archived news, click here.

Results of past polls can be found here.

"Star Wars" is a trademark of LucasFilm Ltd. Unforeseen Visions is a nonprofit endeavor intended solely for the amusement of ourselves and "Star Wars" fans everywhere. It is intended as a homage to Mr. Lucas' creation. Please do not litigate. Thanks. Site last updated 8/13/2001.

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