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Past Eternal Storm Polls

Our fifth poll:
How often do you visit this site?
This is my first time: 9 (33%)
I've visited once before: 3 (11%)
About once a month: 3 (11%)
Once every couple weeks: 3 (11%)
At least once every week: 1 (4%)
Total Votes: 27

Our fourth poll:
Which do you like best?
A happy ending: 16 (55%)
A tragedy: 13 (44%)
Total Votes: 29

Our third poll:
Which of these staff members is the best looking?
Greg: 6 (66%)
Mark: 0 (0%) I demand a recount!
Jedediah: 1 (11%)
Dave: 2 (22%)
Total Votes: 9
Picutures can be found here.

Our second poll:
Which of the Lightsaber methods looks the best in these pictures?
Choice #1: 5 (11%)
Choice #2: 12 (27%)
*Choice #3: 26 (60%)
Total Votes: 43
Link to pictures page.

Our first poll:
Who's the baddest Star Wars villian of them all?
*Emperor Palpatine: 8
Darth Vader: 5
Boba Fett: 3
Darth Maul: 3
Grand Admiral Thrawn: 3
Grand Moff Tarkin: 3
Yuuzhan Vong: 3
Exar Kun: 0
Jabba the Hutt: 0
Ysanne Isard: 0
Total Votes: 28

"Star Wars" is a trademark of LucasFilm Ltd. Unforeseen Visions is a nonprofit endeavor intended solely for the amusement of ourselves and "Star Wars" fans everywhere. It is intended as a homage to Mr. Lucas' creation. Please do not litigate. Thanks. Site last updated 8/1/2002.