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About The Movie

One day while surfing the net for Star Wars sites, Greg stumbled across a little place called the Mos Eisley Multiplex. The site featured files to download (something that always managed to catch Greg’s eye) called FanFilms. It also contained a link that took Greg and Mark to their destiny: "" Of course we had known about this site and visited frequently, but we never knew about their FanFilm section. Immediately loading their pages on FanFilms, Greg found a film that caught his eye: The Dark Redemption. Greg then proceeded to download every segment of the free film and watched each and every part with sheer amazement. Suddenly Greg’s eyes lit up with excitement. While waiting for his modem to connect to his ISP, Greg impatiently tapped the keys on his keyboard. When logged on, Greg struck up a conversation with his life-long best friend and immediately brought up The Dark Redemption. Mark took the bait, hook, line and sinker, especially with the line: "I think we can do it! I’m really inspired!" That very night an incredibly long brainstorming session followed Greg’s proposal. If only the two partners knew that it was just the first step in a very long process. And so the two have been working to their hearts content on their dream since April 1st, 2000. What has come out of their partnership greatly amazes the two.

Dramatis Personae
Characters Descriptions Actor/Actress
Zerrick Tryndor The Protagonist Gregory Miller
Lyra Jaas Zerrick’s comedic, yet brash friend Lauren Eggert-Crowe
Master Jardis Zerrick’s Wise Master Rashaud Olson
Darth Virru The Antagonist Mark Hunter
Colonel Isar Virru’s right hand man, very military Jedediah Folks
Councilman Gluth’iri Jedi Master Brett Kenna
Councilman Dras Jedi Master, Regional Director Robert Mauger
Government Official Corellian Politician George Detwiler
Guard Protects the Entrance to Virru’s Stronghold George Detwiler
Jinkuf Moro Sabaac Player/Black Sun Agent Jim Guerriero


It is a time of great struggle for the JEDI KNIGHTS, powerful guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy. With the sudden re-emergence of the terrifying SITH, the Jedi have fragmented into several groups and have begun the quest for answers to the arising threat.

One of these splinters contains JEDI MASTER REYEK JARDIS who has taken on a padawan learner named ZERRICK TRYNDOR. Together the duo of master and student search for ways to solve the enigma surrounding the mysterious SITH order.

Their diligence, however, has caught the ever-vigilant eye of a very dangerous and extremely powerful enemy…

"Star Wars" is a trademark of LucasFilm Ltd. Unforeseen Visions is a nonprofit endeavor intended solely for the amusement of ourselves and "Star Wars" fans everywhere. It is intended as a homage to Mr. Lucas' creation. Please do not litigate. Thanks. Site last updated 8/5/2002.