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Because this site, in its entirety, amounts to several gigabites of MPGs, it has not been possible to keep this movie online.

F1 SEASONS generates no finances, it is created purely for the enjoyment of F1 fans, so we cannot afford to pay thousands of dollars to web hosting companies to host more clips. Instead, we rely on the contributions of fans of the site, and fans of F1 who want to help.

If you have a web server on which you can host one or more clips, or perhaps just a few megabites that come with your internet service provider (ISP), please email us.

Anyone who can host movies for us, and wants to advertise their web site on F1 SEASONS, can do so - free of charge - with the benefit of over 1,000 F1 SEASONS visiters seeing your links each day and up to 50,000 each month. Many thanks.