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Megalon is an interesting monster, he resembles a cockroach, but has metal spade arms. He fires electricity from his daisy shaped nasal horn (basically, so attack footage from "Ghidrah, the Three Headed Monster" could be substituted) and spits napalm bombs from his mouth that explodes on contact. He can fly at speeds of Mach 3, but even with all that he really is a stupid monster. He can't find Tokyo without the help of the reprogramed Jet Jaguar and is very gawky looking with tree trunk legs, shows you plain and simple that it's a guy in a rubber suit. Megalon looks so unrealistic compared to monsters like Ghidorah and Mothra because he wasn't built by Toho for the revealing big screen, but by a television Toho counterpart that built costumes for the Ultraman television series which were cheaper and thus very unrealistic. Megalon only battled Godzilla once and he never surfaced again in any sequals.

Many Megalon fans hope to see him reappear in the new Godzilla films, hopefully Toho will tweek the design a bit to make him look more realistic. Megalon has some really creative features and powers and he deserves to be brought back. I think we have all had our fill of Ghidorah and Mothra! Time to bring back the others!

Below are some really cool Megalon pics! Click for full sized versions!