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What's New
Well... a lot has been thought about and worked on and we've decided a few things. We will (slowly) revamp Horrorble and add the reviews that we have and then we will update only once in a while... we have plans for a few new pages (incluing a few devotion pages for our favorite horror figures and a page devoted solely to slasher films, just to set us apart from other review pages on the net). Anyway, all of this is coming eventually, it just may take us a while. We have some review pages finished, just not uploaded yet, but as I've not been at home for about a week, I haven't been able to either. They should be up in a few days and I'll put the info up here. Anyways, we'll keep you posted.


Heh... it's been almost a year since we've updated. I became really busy with work and Kirsten with school... we barely see each other as it is and it's hard to work on the page during that little time. Still, a letter from a giant jackass made us want to continue our dream and continue to piss off people who don't like the opinions of others.

This is the letter:

Seriously, i'm not trying to sound moronic or immature, but i have never seen such a ludicrious page in my WHOLE LIFE, not only are your opinions on these films absolutely idiotic you go and trash all the CLASSICS(Nightmare,Friday,Halloween). You my friend are a piece of shit and are wasting your time with this page. This site is Filth. and just for your words on Evil Dead, If i ever see you some day, you can be GUARANTEED i will punch in your teeth in motherfucker.

If any of you feel this way you should really calm down. They're just movies. I LOVE movies, but I'm not going to go apeshit just because someone doesn't like Titanic or some other "classic." If you don't agree then why are you looking at a page of someone's opinions? Are you stupid?

So, the rebirth of Horrorble has come. We are in the process of writing new reviews and we plan (particularly Kirsten, who completely disagrees with a lot of her reviews now) to update some old ones. We *may* change the art... we've talked about this a little, and it'll be a while, but it could happen. I'm personally sick of the red on black thing. Also, in keeping with our campy style, we also plan to add poetry (haikus in particular) about the movies.

It's just a joke. If you feel strongly about the artistic merit of haikus and don't think they should be used for humor, please don't threaten me. Just don't read them.
