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"Another Movie for Jboog's collection"

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The Prince of Egypt
 Directed by: Brenda Chapman, Steve Hickner & Simon Wells (NOT SURE WHAT ELSE THEY MADE)
 Starring: Moses
  Pharaoh Seti
What Jboog Thinks:

Spillin' the Plot:

This great Bible story starts out showing the Egyptian slaves building the Pharaoh’s Kingdom, and the Pharaoh commanded his army to take the Hebrew children and destroy them. Little baby Moses was taken down the night alley to the river where his mother placed him into a basket and let him float away in hope he will be spared from the Pharaoh’s wishes. Miriam his sister follows the basket in hope of his safety. The Queen finds the basket as it floats to her, and from this point on she claims Moses as her own son. Moses and Rameses get into trouble like kids can sometimes do. And the story moves on as Moses discovers who he really is. Moses finally leaves the kingdom and finds himself in front of the burning bush where God speaks to him about his destiny. So Moses returns to Egypt to free his people.   

What did it do for me?

This animated version of the story of Moses was done very well, and in words that get every point across to adults as well as children. Very educational and very enjoyable. I know the story of Moses and was impressed on how the story focused on today’s mentality. I sat with my children and kind of told them what was going on when they asked me. It was interesting how they got all the characters together like they did and get the true story out without missing any beats. Everything from turning the staff into a snake, to the parting of the Red Sea. I hope to see more animated movies put together about Bible stories so my children can learn to understand these stories even better.

What my WIFE thinks:

You need a woman’s opinion? Here is what my wife thinks of The Prince of Egypt:
*Christal – (In the works)

What my DAUGHTERS think:

Well Alyssa (My 6 year old) sat with me the entire film. She asked me a lot of questions and really seemed interested in the story. This was really neat, because she asked me if this was real… Normally when they see a cartoon, they just get absorbed into the cartoon thing. She really learned a lot from this movie. The other younger sisters kind of played with their toys more than watched the movie. And my 2 year old used the potty for the first time during this sitting for The Prince of Egypt. So I guess the younger ones have to grow up a little more before they really get the full effect of this powerful story.

What about the Babes?

Come on now… You don’t expect me to write about hot cartoon girls now do you… Tzipporah (Michelle Pfeiffer) became Moses wife. Guess you can say she was cute.

Special Features ETC:

1. Audio Commentary with Directors Brenda Chapman, Steve Hickner and Simon Wells.
2. “The Making of The Prince of Egypt”
3. “When You Believe” Multi-Language Presentation
4. Basics of Animation “Chariot Race”
5. Focus on Technical Effects
6. The Prince of Egypt Art Gallery
7. 2 Theatrical Trailers
8. Cast & Filmmakers’ Bios
9. Production Notes
10. Special Sneak Preview

Cool Music?

Music is done very well and with many great Artists:
Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston sing “When You Believe”
Ofra Haza & Eden Riegel sing “Deliver Us”
Steve Martin & Martin Short sing “Playing with the Big Boys”
Michelle Pfeiffer (Voice of Tzipporah) & Sally Dworsky sing “When you Believe”
Amy Grant sings “River Lullaby”
K-Ci & JoJo sing “Through Heaven’s Eyes”
Boyz II Men sing “I Will Get There”

My Bottom Line:

This is a GREAT animated story for everyone in your family. This one would defiantly compliment your collection! Stories like these are very important to some of us, and this film portrays the story of Moses very well.

Would I recomend this movie?

I would recommend this movie to everyone! Especially you and your family!


The Prince of Egypt Web Site