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This site will protect your privacy and your email address.
When submitting your web site to be included in the link site area I do ask for a valid email address simply for two reasons.
1. If there are any problems where I would need your oppinion on.
2. To send you a confirmation email letting you know that your link is active.

After this I will discard your email.
However, If you want to comunicate with other members of the DVD club you have to join the club.
CLICK THIS to join the club.
Once you join the club you set your own rules. To join this club you will register with Yahoo, make yourself a Yahoo profile, and create a user name and password to protect your privacy.
When you make your yahoo prifile "YOU" choose whether to make your email address active or secret. (Your choice).
If you become a member of the DVD club, I as a founder of the club will have the capability of sending "club emails". This is just a special feature for the club owners. (I only send updates periodically).
So the bottom line is I will never give your personal information to anyone.

If you have any additional questions about your privacy on this web site please email me at any time.
Just click on the CONTACT button to your right.
Thank you.

Copyright © 2000-2001, Jboog's DVD's
(A Non-Profit Thing)

Website implementation by Jason Naper. Copyright © 2000-2001, Jboog's DVD's