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Party, People Party

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Party, people party! Ah-ah-ah!

Party, people party!Ah-ah-ah!


When a new King is on the throne,

Folks all have to jive and stamp their feet,

They’ve got to wear their finest gear,

And throw a crazy party in the street!

You may just want to go to sleep,

You may be feeling ill or nearly dead,

But if you don’t start dancing then the soldiers will come and chop off your head!


Soooo....Party people Party people party!


Party people party, people party!


You may feel like going home,

You may think the whole think is a hike,

But you keep on dancing people,

Even if you want an early night!

Some folk take a lot of pains, making model areoplanes at home,

Cos that’s their groove!

Others like th quiet time, catching fished on the line alone,

They never move!

But when the music takes control, everybody has to join in too,

Cos if you don’t start dancing people, you’ll be beaten up untill you do!

ALL:, people, party, people party!


Party people party, people party....

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