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The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea

((Or as *I* call it, "The Littler Mermaid."))

You've all been familiar about the story of a red-headed mermaid who dreamed of life on the land. And now, 10 years later, her daughter dreams of the sea.

Wanna know the story? Well, youre gonna see anyways! Oh, this is a spoiler, so, if ya haven't seen the movie, go back!

Melody is born, YAY!

Morgana wants to avenge her sister, Ursula by killing Melody, Ariel's first child. Luckily, Eric gets her back.

Ariel wants to protect Melody so she forbids her to ever meet the sea.

...but she deliberately disobeys her anyways. Melody grows attached to it and collects shells.

"WHY ME????"

As Melody goes upstairs to attend her birthday party, she over hears the other kids and wonders why she is so different.

The party goes smooth for a while...

...well, I did say a while.

Mel runs upstairs and Ariel, like every other mother, tries to find out what is wrong.

Melody accidently opens a bivalve locket that was supposed to be hers but found it earlier and discovers taht Atlantica really is real.

Melody wonders why her mother has been keeping something from her. So she runs away.

Ariel and Eric wonders where Mel went...

She's at Morgana's!!! NOOOOOO!

Morgana turns Melody into a mermaid.

Eric thinks Ariel shoudl go under the sea to look for her. So King Triton transforms Ariel into a human. Lookee! Golden shiny stuff!

Ariel wants to know where the heck Mel is...

Morgana says she need the trident so Melody will be able to stay a mermaid forever. Melody wants to stay as one so bad she goes to Atlantica to get it.

On the way, she meet two wannabe-heroes, Tip and Dash!

Ariel reunites with her old friend Flounder, who has grown and suprisingly has a few guppies of his own.

Triton worries about his granddaughter.

Mel, Tip, and Dash sneak into the palace. Under the Table, Under the Table; darling it's better down where it's--okay, I'll shut up now.

Triton leaves his throne for a while and Melody takes the trident.

Oh no! Melody gave the trident to Morgana! That wasn't very smart, was it?? Will Morgana be stopped?? Will Melody survive??? Watch the movie for yourselves and see! :D

Swim back!