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Androids, Cyborgs and Robots

Once computers began to walk the world was never the same again. The terms androids, cyborgs and robots can be confusing. The deffinitions used here are:
Androids: Artificial beings, synthetic and mostly biological/chemical
Cyborgs: Humans enhanced with artifical parts, usually mechanical
Robots: Machines, mostly mechanical, maybe with a human appearance


Alien ('79) II ('86) Synthetic being, Ash in I and 
    Bishop in II, is part of cargo ship crew.
Andriod Affair, The ('95TV) Teach
Blade Runner ('82) Rick Deckard hunts stray Tyrell corp 
    andriods Rachel, Priss, Leon, Zhore and Roy Batty.
Cherry 2000 ('87) Guy replaces broken robobabe 
    Chery2000 with the help of a humanbabe.
D.A.R.Y.L. ('85) Young boy is really a military android project.
Eliminators ('86) Mandroid
(r)Futureworld ('76) Amusement park features android players.
Galaxina ('80)
Making Mr. Right ('87) Ulysis
Metropolis ('25) Scientist creates human-like android from robot.
Prototype ('83TV) Michael, kills himself so military won't use him.
Questor Tapes ('74TV)
Steppford Wives ('75) Husbands get obedient wives from their men's club
(r)Westworld ('73) Amusent park introduces life-like androids for the guests pleasure.


"Colossus of New York" ('58) A scientist's brain is inserted into a
    robot body, which naturally goes out of control.
Creation of the Humanoids ('62) Nuclear war survivors fuse
    man with a machine
Cyborg ('89)post apocoliptic survival
Cyborg 2087 ('66)cyborg travels back in time
Cyborg Cop ('94)
Deadly Friend ('86) computer gets implanted in girl.
Edward Scissorhands ('90) Guy with sissors in place of fingers.
" Future War" ('95) Terminator-like plot: alien comes to earth, chased by cyborgs
Nemesis ('93) LA PD cyborg cop Alex fights info terrorits
(a)Questor Tapes ('74 TV)
Prototype X29A ('92) post apocolyptic LA, crippled vet is turned
    into a cyborg.
Robocop ('87) Injured cop Alex Murphy becomes the core of cyborg cop.
Six Million Dollar Man ('73 TV) Injured astronaut Steve Austin gets new parts.
(r)Terminator ('84) II ('91) Alien hunter comes from the future to kill a woman.
"Time Guardian" ('89Au) Cyborg pirates chace humans to 1988 Australia.
A cheap imitation of Terminator plus Karate Kid and Star Wars.
"Universal Soldier ('?) II: The Return" ('99) A sentient computer puts
cyborg soldiers into attack mode.
Vindicator ('86) (aka Frankenstein '88) Weapons experiment


"And You Thought Yout Parents Were Wierd" (Disn '91) A dead
    father's spirit returns to inhabit a new robot.
Attack of the Robots ('66)
C.H.O.M.P.S. ('79) ?
Day the Earth Stood Still ('51) Gort (nickto, barrata, klatu!)
Electric Servant, The ('09) ?
Eve of Destruction ('91) Eve runs amok
Forbidden Planet ('56) Robbie The prototype for many later robots.
Future Cop ('76TV) Cops and Robin ('78TV) Haven
Gog ('54) Novac computer and robots Gog and Magog
Hardware('90UK) (aka M.A.R.K.13) post apocalypse, Mark13
Invisible Boy, The ('57) Robbie
Perfect Woman ('49) UK Olga the robot
"Prototype X29A" ('92) A 21st century robot is sent on a mission
    of destruction 
Robot Jox ('90)after WWIII, robots fight for countries
Runaway ('84) Many small ones threaten a city
Short Circuit ('86)  II ('88)  No. 5 The friendly military experiment.
Silent Running ('71) Huey,Duey and Lewey(ancestors of R2D2?)
"Small Soldiers" ('98) Technologically advanced toy soldiers
wreck havoc.
"Small Wonder (TV '85) Vivki the little robot girl
Star Wars ('77) R2D2, C3PO (The robot odd-couple)
"T-Force" ('94) Law enforcement robots get out of control.
Target Earth ('54) Robots from Venus attack Earth.
Tobor the Great ('54) Tobor (One of the many tin-can-man type robots)


"Get Smart" Hymie (Dick Gautier) was a CONTROL robot.

"Munsters, The" Grandpa makes a robot for Eddy's science fair.

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