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Time Travel

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"12 Monkeys" ('95)
A prisoner (Bruce Willis) is sent back in time to avert a deadly plague.
"30-Foot Bride of Candy Rock, The" ('59)
Lou Costello plays a trash collector/inventor who must defend his 30-foot wife from the army. Costello spends most of the movie using his inventions to try to restore her to normal.
"Arthur the King" ('85TV)
"Atomic Man, The" (aka "Timeslip") ('56)
"Back to the Future" ('85)
A time traveling DeLorian takes a high school boy back to his parents' school days. Can he improve their lot?
"Beastmaster2: Through the Portal of Time" ('91)
Beastmaster Singer travels to the present and meets a girl.
"Berkeley Square" ('33)
"Berkeley Square" is similar in theme to Jack Finney's "Time and Again." A present day American is transported back to the home of his ancestors in London, during the American Revolution.
"Beyond the Time Barrier" ('60)
A jet pilot flies through the stratosphere with his supersonic aircraft into the far-flung future (2024). The pilot returns to warn the authorities about the cosmic radiation plague which will ravage the Earth of 1971 due to a depletion of the planet's protective atmospheric layers eroded by constant atomic weaponry testing.
"Biggles: Adventures in Time" (aka "Biggles") ('86)
The story centers on a bland frozen food marketer who keeps finding himself transported back in time to help a WWI pilot. One of Peter Cushing's last films .
"Bill and Ted 's Excellent Adventure" ('89)
High school air heads Bill and Ted take part in a most excellent adventure through time to pass their history test to become the most famous rockstars in the future that helps create world peace!
"Blue Yonder, The" (aka "Time Flyer") ('85TV)
A young boy seeks his Grandfather in the past.
"Cold Room, The" ('84TV)
"Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A" ('21), ('31), ('49)
Like the title states, a modern day Connecticut yankee gets sent back to the time of King Arthur.
"Cyborg 2087" ('66)
Half-human robots from the future have a shoot-out in a old-west town using ray guns to rescue a girl. Michael Rennie as Garth A7.
"DaleksInvasion Earth 2150 A.D." (aka "Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.") ('66)
"Day Time Ended, The" (aka "Time Warp)" ('80)
"Dr. Who and the Daleks" ('65)
"Earth Star Voyager" ('88TV)
This Disney movie was made in Vancouver, B.C. on the grounds of Expo '86. Travel to the future, with special attention to computers and other technology.
"Fiddlers Three" ('44)
"Final Countdown, The" ('80)
The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Nimitz, on maneuvers near Hawaii, goes through an unusual storm phenomonon and finds itself thrown back in time to December 6, 1941.
"For All Time" ('00)
A time traveler falls in love with a woman he meets in 1896.
"Frankenstein Unbound" (aka "Roger Corman's Frankenstein Unbound") ('90)
A scientist named Joe Bodenland (John Hurt) creates a nuclear device which causes much destruction, and some of the effects of it causes him to blast back through time to another land in which Mary Shelley and Dr. Frankenstein and his creature co-exist and he realizes that the legend of Frankenstein is unbound by the nature of space and time.
"Hu-Man" ('75)
"I'll Never Forget You" (aka "The House in the Square") ('51UK)
(a remake of "Berkeley Square") A scientist Peter Standish (Tyrone Power) has such a love of the past that he "wills" himself back to the eighteenth century.
"Jetty, The" (aka "La Jetee"; "The Pier") ('63Fr)
A film about movement made up entirely of photographic stills. It is the story of a post-apocalyptic Earth and time travel. A man from the near future with a strong memory of a past event witnessed as a small child (a person being shot at an airport), is periodically sent back into that pre-war period by "experimenters" with devious purposes. (like the more recent "Twelve Monkeys")
"Jubilee" ('77UK)
Queen Elizabeth I travels through time to late 70s England, and finds it to be a depressing place where no-one seems to have a purpose for anything they do.
"Journey to the Center of Time" ('67)
The time travel "vault", a sort of space-ship-looking thing, goes back and forth from the future to the past and ends up getting lost in time. The "future" is yet another Black Featureless Void, with aliens in whiteface makeup standing on pedestals. (Future "Carol Burnett Show" and "Wonderwoman" star Lyle Waggoner has a funny part as a space alien from the future.)
"Just Visiting" ('01)
A couple of medieval Frenchman visit the present.
"Light Years" ('86Fr) Animated, about time and utopic realities.
"Man Who Used to be Me, The" (aka "Race Through Time") ('00TVCa)
William Devane travels back in time to solve the murder of his father, only to come face to face with his younger self.
"Millenium" ('89)
"My Science Project" ('85)
Story about some obnoxious teenager (John Stockwell) who finds a little "box" from a flying saucer that creates time/space distortions.
"Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey, The" ('88Au/NZ)
Sometime in the Middle Ages, a group of men living in fear of the Black Death follow the visions of a nine year-old boy to go on a pilgrimage by digging a tunnel through the center of the earth emerging instead in twentieth century New Zealand where they try to complete their journey by erecting a cross atop a church steeple.
"Out of Time" ('88TV)
"Peggy Sue Got Married" ('86)
Adult Peggy Sue goes back to her high school days and sees how she could have done better.
"Philadelphia Experiment, The" ('84), II ('93)
Two WWII soldiers are time warped to present day (1984) and try to get back during an experiment to cloak ships to prevent radar detection
(II) A F-117 is sent back in time which, when captured by the Axis powers, bombs the US and forces America to surrender.
"Planet of the Apes" ('68)
Astronauts crash-land on a strangely compatible planet where the apes are the dominant species. After a lot of swapped conditions with the apes, they learn they have traveled to the far future of Earth after nuclear destruction.
"Portrait of Jennie"
"Quantum Leap" ('89TV)
As a scientist from the future, Dr. Sam Beckett travels from time period to time period. In each time period, he "leaps" into the space of someone living there, who in turn is transported to Sam's own time. He then has to figure out, with the help of his best friend Al and his supercomputer named Ziggy, why he is there.
"Repeat Performance" ('47)
"Run Lola Run" ('99Au) (aka "Lola rennt" ('98Ge))
Three versions of a twenty-minute episode, each affected by the luck factor. Lola keeps running to save her boyfriend in each episode.
"Running Against Time" ('90TV)
In this film, a history teacher travels back to Dallas in 1963, with full knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald's whereabouts and intent. If he can stop the murder of JFK, he believes, he can prevent the war in Vietnam.
"Somewhere in Time" ('80)
Richard Collier is just not happy in Chicago of the 1980's. Even though he is a successful playwright, he feels like something is missing in his life, but he can't get a fix on just what it is. One afternoon, while celebrating the success of his latest play, an old woman shows up at the party, hands him a pocket watch, and says, "Come back to me". Trying to track the woman down, Collier learns about transportation through time, checks into the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan, and ends up in the year, 1906.
"Spirt of '76" ('91)
"Star TrekIV: The Voyage Home" ('86)
"Stargate" ('94)
A scientist who studies Ancient Egypt, and a small military group, have just successfully activated the stargate, a device found in Egypt decades earlier. They get transported to a mysterious place. But once there, they have to work to get back to Earth.
"Terminator, The" ('84), II ('?)
"Through the Magic Pyramid" ('81TV)
"Time After Time" ('79) H.G. Wells (Malcolm McDowell) and Jack the Ripper travel to the present and fight over a woman.
"Time Bandits" ('81UK)
Time Bandits involves a young boy who escapes from his parents' bleak, technology-filled world and travels through various periods of time with a gang of disgruntled dwarves whom have stolen a map of the universe, and it's holes, from the "Supreme Being". They plunder from various periods in time. Hence, Time Bandits. In the meantime Evil Incarnate wants the map so he can rule the universe with technology.
"Time Flies" ('44UK)
"Time Guardian" ('89Au)
Cyborg pirates chace humans to 1988 Australia. A cheap imitation of Terminator plus Karate Kid and Star Wars.
"Time Machine, The" ('60), ('78 TV)
A Victorian Englishman of 1899 invents a time machine and visits the future, through WWI, WWII and the final Nuclear War in 1966, and finally ends up at the time of the Eloi and the Morlochs in 802701 A.D..
"Time Trackers" ('89)
In the future scientists are battling for control of the planet and one of them goes into the past to kill off his rivals.
"Time Travelers ('76)
"Time Travelers, The" (64)
A low budget trip in time results when researchers at a university create a portal (window with rear projection screen view) that is able to transport them far into the future. They meet technically advanced survivors of a world-wide nuclear war living in (painted burlap) caverns beneath a barren earth. The survivors are assisted by some freaky looking androids. The surface dwelling populace are mutants (of various appearance) that result from genetic damage from radioactive fallout. The normal survivors are in a race to construct a spaceship to take them to another planet before the mutants overtake their subterranean world.
"Time Tunnel, The" ('66)
Scientists get stuck in a time machine.
"Timerider" ('83)
A helicopter rescues a hapless motorcyclist who gets sent back in time to the Old West, circa 1870.
"Timeshifters, The" ('99TV)
A time-traveling tourist from the future goes back in time to view the destruction of a nuclear plant. Distracting a reporter (Casper Van Dien), he causes the reporter to survive his would-be death thus altering the timeline to his future. The reporter discovers that the traveler was present at the Titanic sinking, the Hindenburg crash, as well as the plant fire where he nearly lost his life. As he investigates, he attracts the attention of some strange agents who might be time travellers.
"Timestalkers" ('87TV)
William Devane does a great job as the writer who writes the book that causes time travel to be invented. When he discovers an old tin-type with a man holding a very modern-day gun, he steps into an adventure with Lauren Hutton that leads him into fulfilling his greatest wish to be a gunfighter.
"Trancers" (aka "Future Cop") ('85), II ('91)
"Turn Back the Clock" ('89TV)
"Twelve Monkeys ('95)
A convict (James Cole) reluctantly volunteers to be sent back in time to 1996 to gather information about the origin of the epidemy
"Unidnentified Flying Oddball" ('79)
"Warlock" ('91)
Julian Sands is the Warlock, a sinister dude with magical powers granted to him from his father, the Devil. The Warlock is executed in 1691 Boston and by some twist of fate manages to go to the future in 1989. Redferne (Richard E. Grant), a tough witch hunter pursues the Warlock to the future, and teams up with a gutsy gal named Kassandra (Lori Singer) to nab and eliminate the Warlock. (A kind of supernatural Terminator)
"Where Do We Go From Here?" ('45)
"Willy McBean and His Majic Machine" ('65)
"World Without End" ('56)
Astronauts are thrown forward in time but, actually it seems the opposite, as they return to a planet inhabited by cave-man like creatures and save a small group hiding out underground.


"Star Treck"
Many episodes especially the one the Next Generation where the crew folds time with many copies of themselves. Twilight Zone Episode "No Time LIke the Past" A man travels back to keye vents in history trying to correct horrors, but discovers that they occur anyway.


"12:01" ('93TV) from the short "12:01 PM ('90)
A defective experimental device causes time to loop, with only one man aware of the effect. (Note: the '93 version is really 12:01 AM vs the '90 short 12:01 PM.)
"Disaster in Time" ('?)
Time tourists visit to see a meteor
"Groundhog Day" ('93)
Bill Murray's character get caught in a time loop on groundhog day, repeating it until he gets Andie MacDonald to accept him.
"Retroactive" ('97)
A female Chicago police psychologist has car trouble, gets picked up by a couple (James Belushi and Kylie Travis) and wittnesses him killing her. The cop escapes to a remote lab and discovers a machine that transports her back in time, so she tries to save the victim. But she and the murderer both fail miserably at changing their situation as they travel back again and again to fix things, when it seems all they manage to do is make a bad situation worse.
"Time Travelers, The" ('?)


"Quantum Leap"
"Simpsons, The"
The episode where Homer uses the toaster to go back to the age of the dinosaurs many times and causes several different alternative outcomes, finally accepting the one where his family eats their food like flies "I can live with that", he says.
"Sliders" ('95)
"Stargate SG-1" ('97)
"Star Treck"
The one like the movie "Retroactive"
"X-Files" The episode like the movie "Retroactive"

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