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This is the last plot introduced in the play, The Merchant of Venice. It is one of the parts that classifies this play as a "comedy."

This plot is introduced when Portia and Nerissa give their husbands, Bassanio and Gratiano, rings to seal their love in marriage. They give strict instructions never to lose the rings, which foreshadows an event where the rings may be lost or given up.

Portia and Nerissa are later disguised as men in the court of the Duke. They save Antonio from Shylock's bond and even turn the tables on Shylock. Bassanio, Gratiano, and Antonio are eternally grateful for their services and offer them anything they want. Portia and Nerissa, still disguised, ask for Bassanio and Gratiano's rings. The men refuse them and Portia and Nerissa leave dissapointed. Then, after much urging from Antonio, they give their rings up and have Gratiano run after the "doctor and assistant" to give them the rings.

Gratiano, Bassanio, and Antonio return to Belmont where they are greeted by Portia and Nerissa, who are no longer in disguise. Nerissa "notices" that Gratiano's ring is missing and gets into a fight with him. Portia likewise gets into a fight with Bassanio. After Portia and Nerissa send Bassanio and Gratiano on a serious guilt trip, they reveal the they were the doctor and clerk and have had the rings the entire time.

This plot and the play end with everyone going inside to discuss the events that have taken place, and Gratiano stating his anticipation to go to bed with Nerissa. Fittingly, the last word in the play is "ring."
