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Darth Vader

You're gonna have to purchase this from a costume supply house, unless you know how to vaccum form a helmet.
Purchase some of the black silcone coated work gloves.You can find these at a hardware store or Wal-Mart.There the ones that have the picture of the Mule on them.All you need to do is get some paint thinner and rub the mule emblem off.
Use rubber boots, (SOLID BLACK) like you would use to work in the mud.The boots should be as tall as possible,as close to the knees as you can.
Use the nylon "wind suit "type. They are glossy black.You could also use the same type of shirt if you like.
You can use the "wind suit" type. They are glossy black.
You need to purchase some fabric at the fabric shop that is fairly thick (DURABLE) and has a satin type look to it.After you purchase the material, simply cut it out (while looking at many pics of Darth) to the desired length and shape. Be careful to cut out the robe and the cape a little larger than needed. This is so you can always trim material off if it is too big.
ARMOR PLATING Use one of those Denise Austin type exercise mats.The material it's made from is a very flexible plastic.
After looking at many pics of Vader get a measurement of your chest. Then make a drawing of the armor on a large piece of construction posterboard. The drawing should conform to your upper body measurements. Then cut out the design to use as a template. Now what you want to do is try and make the body armor all come together as one piece. To do this you only have to draw it as one piece. For example, start by drawing the area that will drape over the back down to the waistline.This is really not going to be visible once you are wearing the outfit so make it only around 4'' wide. It will eventually connect to your belt which will be your means of fastening the armor together front to back. Next connected to the back portion will be your shoulder and upper chest armor. You should try and draw this as near to Vader's as possible as everything else will be seen on your armor assembly from here out! After you have drawn the shoulder and chest armor, connect them to another strip going down towards the front waist line.This strip should be around five to six inches wide. This will be where you mount your control box on your chest.You then need to extend the strip a little further down until you reach the waist line. Here you will draw the crotch guard armor. Once you have your paper template cut out you then only have to tape it to the plastic exercise mat material and cut it out with heavy scissors. Using the plastic material you have left over, cut out a plastic belt tat will reach all the way around your waist and overlap about 6 to 8 inches. Take a rivet gun and rivet the belt to the backside of your armor assembly. Make sure you allow equal lengths on each side.You then take one side only (UP TO YOU) and rivet it to the front armor. Get yourself some of the adhesive velcro at Wal-Mart in the big strip size. Apply one part of it to the inside of the loose portion of the belt. Apply the other to the riveted portion. When you have completely finished cutting out your armor and installed your belt you are ready to begin creating your control box module on the front of your costume. If you can find a small fly fishing "fly box" that is anywhere from 5 to 6 inches SQUARE, buy it. This is the type of box I used on my outfit. Take the lid of the box and rivet it to the front of the armor that you cut out 5 to 6 inches wide in the above instructions. This leaves the box itself protruding out just like a control panel. Get yourself some LEDS and toggle switches (PREFERABLY THE BIG ILLUMINATED ONES) and mount them to your control box. Add a small AA battery pack and wire up your LEDS and switch illuminators and snap the lid shut. Paint this, along with your armor, gloss black. Next get some of the very small plastic "Fly boxes" that are roughly the same size as your belt width and rivet them to the belt. Apply LEDS and small toggle switches and add another small battery pack, wire it up, and paint it to match the belt and armor. Now the most important factor in creating this costume is taking your time and being patient. Don't be afraid to think up new ideas and use them! The most important factor is detailing your costume. Detailing is the key to having a great eye stopper or something you wouldn't want to wear around. Just look at pics of Darth Vader closely and try to copy what you see. Try to look at my costume as closely as possible to get a grasp on what I have stated in this article. I realize this article is sketchy, but it is the best I can do without talking to you in person. Use your imagination and let your amazing intuitive grey matter come up with new ideas and ways to make your costume as good or better than my own!

By Rodney Mauldin