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Now You See It, Now You Don't

Adapted from the Book "Camcorder Tricks and Special Effects", and from common sense.

TALENT A performs a magic trick causing TALENT B to vanish.

Tools and Props:
Camcorder, tripod, two chairs, magic wand

1. Set up your camera and lock it down on the tripod.
2. Frame a wide shot including both people and focus.
3. Roll tape.
4. Cue the talent. TALENT A claims he will make TALENT B disappear, and then waves a magic wand at TALENT B after counting to three.
5. Cue the talent to freeze and press stop to pause the tape. (Or leave it running and edit it in post)
6. Have TALENT B climb out of the chair and out of frame without disturbing anything.
7. Press start and cue TALENT A to resume motion. (Or not, see Step 5.)
Once you get it down you can apply the same principal to make different objects appear and disappear.