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Projected Background Illusions

Adapted from the book, "Camera Tricks and Special Effects."

If you have access to a slide projector, a projected image can provide you with a wonderful, large background. This trick takes some experimentation and patience because it can be a little tricky to light, but the results can be well worth the trouble.

Set up the projector, and project the slide onto a screen. Set up you camcorder on a tripos about fifteen feet from the screen, and five to ten feet to one side of the projector. You will be shooting the screen from an angle.

Fill the screen with the slide image, and position your talent between the camcorder and the screen, so that the talent does not block the projection. Position an auxilary light on each side of the talent to compensate for the backlighting caused by the slide. Make sure to shield the light to prevent it from spilling over onto the background and washing out your slide image.