Orguss 02
Volume 3


For 200 years they lay deep beneath the earth or silent on the ocean bed. Now two opposing armies race to unearth these massive engines of war, the devastating weapons known as Decimators. As more of these vast robots are reactivated the world moves ever closer to another all-out war, drawing innocent victims into the deadly conflict.

Episode 5: Destroyer. Lean and the mysterious girl he rescued from behind enemy lines fall into the hands of an enigmatic stranger who needs their help. At last, the secret of the Decimators is revealed, and the ancient stranger discloses his plans to return the world to peace. But all their plans could come to nothing in the face of the anger of the insane Prince of Revillia. Not content with seizing the reins of power, he plans to annihilate all opposition and reign with his secret weapon - the largest Decimator yet uncovered!

Episode 6: Those Who Wish For Tomorrow. As the Pronce of Revillia leaves a path of destruction and a trail of death across the country, Lean and his friends battle desperately to stop him! They cannot return the world to peace until the last, greatest Decimator is destroyed forever. How can Lean possibly stand up to the overwhelming fire-power of a giant Decimator?
The conclusion to this tense series features a break-neck battle to decide the fate of the world - a fate which rests in the hands of two young people desperate to return to a world of peace....

Director/Original story: Fumihiko Takayama
General producers: Yoshimasa Ohnishi, Shigeru Watanabe
Original character design: Haruhiko Mikimoto
Screenplay: Mayori Sekijima, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Yuji Kisino
Art director: Shichiro Kobayashi
Music: Torsten Rasch
Animation production: Hero/J.C. Staff
Programme running time: 56 minutes approx.
© 1995 Big West/Orguss 02 Project
English language version © 1995 Hero Co. Ltd.
Package design & summary © 1995 Manga Entertainment Ltd.
All rights reserved.
WARNING: For private domestic use only. Any unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, or public performance of this videocassettes is illegal.
Suitable only for persons of 15 years and over. Not to be supplied to any person below that age.
A division of Manga Entertainment Ltd. an Island International Company