RG Veda


Since time began the Gods have ruled in the Heavens with the almighty Tentei controlling Earth. All was paeceful until Taishakuten the treacherous general rose up, slaughtering Tentei and thrusting the world into darkness.
Only six warriors can stop him, the six points of a shimmering star: Yasha, Ashura, Ryuoh, Karura, Sohma and a mysterious sixth member.
But each have to face their own tests of endurance before they can fulfil the prophecies of Kuyoh. And the warriors super-human powers are pushed to the limit in their relentless rampage against ice skeletons, sea serpents and deadly butterflies...
Can the six points ever be united or will evil triumph?
R G Veda is a historical legacy that teaches us the virtue of honour, the power of love and that we should never trust butterflies...

Dubbed into English by Manga Entertainment Ltd.
Originally released in Japan in two parts.
Created by: Mitsuhisa Hida, Yutaka Takahashi, Megumu Sugiyama
Producers: Yasuhisa Kazama, Kazuhiko Ikeguchi, Yumiko Ma
Directors: Hiroyuki Ebata, Yoshimasa Ikegami
Art director: Youji Nakaza, Kilchi Takaoka, Masuo Nakayama
Music: Nick Wood
Programme running time: 90 mins approx.
© 1991 Clamp/Shinoshokan/Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc./Movic
English language version © 1993 Manga Entertainment Ltd.
All rights reserved
WARNING: For private domestic use only. Any unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, or public performance of this videocassette is illegal.